
Core-Plot iPhone Animation Examples

Hi, I've been looking into core-plot for the iPhone and I'm having trouble finding any examples of animation actually being used. What I need to see is an example of how to use core-plots animation to add an extra plot to a graph when someone clicks a button. If anyone can produce and example, or show me a link to one, that would be g...

linux terminal animation - best way to delay printing of 'frame' (in C)

I'm working on a simple pong clone for the terminal and need a way to delay the printing of a 'frame'. I have a two dimensional array screen[ROWS][COLUMNS] and a function that prints the screen void printScreen() { int i = 0; int j; while(i < ROWS) { j = 0; while(j < COLUMNS) { printf("%c", ...

Make an object react to a sound in Flash

Hello! I have a speaker and I need this speaker moves with a sound. I need to simulate the real world speaker vibration generated by the low and mid frequencies. Does not have to be soo realistic what I whant to know is how I can play a sound and get son mumerical value usefull for apply numerical size transformation to the speaker. C...

wx.Font uses a facename & PIL.ImageFont uses a filename... Is there any way to relate the two??

Hey guys, sorry but this is going to be a big one.. ;) I'm running into an annoying little snag right now. I'm creating an RSS-style app for work which will be placed on some large LCD displays across the office. The basic concept is to have a client/server setup where the user would use a custom editor to create the individual articles...

Update layout with the animation

I have a custom View inherited from LinearLayout. It contains a Button and a EditText. EditTest has initial visibility set to GONE. When Button is pressed I want EditText to appear with animation effect. So I've made an ScaleAnimation and when Button is pressed I set EditText#setVisibility(VISIBLE) and start the animation. The problem is...

Android: Move View after animation?

I'm trying to basically have a button move down to the bottom of the screen with an animation after it is clicked. I have the animation working perfectly, but the button doesn't stay at the bottom of the screen after the animation finishes. I've tried using offsetTopAndBottom(), but it only stays down there for one frame, and is redrawn...

Is there anything faster than UIView Animations?

Is there anything faster than UIView Animations? Mine are not keeping up, I want to play a series of images, very fast. (i.e 10 in 80 milliseconds) Any ideas? As usual, greatly appreciated. Sam ...

Canvas fillText performance, is it my code or a problem with WebKit?

I'm implementing some basic animations in canvas, when I came across an interesting issue. It appears that Firefox is rendering my text much more smoothly when animated, then the Chrome or WebKit nightlies. Is this a problem with my code or is there a performance issue with fillText in Webkit/Chrome? edit I forgot to mention in my actu...

How to show progress animation without knowing percentage of its completeness?

In a WPF application I need to show user that some process is in progress and one should wait. I don't need to show particular percentage of completeness of this process, moreover, I don't exactly know it. What is the way to do it? Some special settings of the progress bar or maybe there are other common ways to show animation of this k...

Silverlight: VisualState Animation Being Overridden Somehow

I've got a rather complicated custom control that would boggle your mind if I showed you all of the code. ;) In general it's a panel displaying multiple controls. You can think of it as a custom list box. (Please don't tell me to use a listbox, I've been there and it doesn't meet my needs completely). So, I set some animations in a...

Is there a solution for PowerPoint map animation

Hello, I want to realize a function in PowerPoint map animation. The animation can be realized by any technologies. But it must accept the data, either from excel or from other sources and the map changes when changing the data. Do you have any ideas? ...

Time-Scaling Movies in Flash

Time scaling movies in After Effects is easy, but how would I do that in Flash? Equations or actionScript would be appreciated. Example My movie's 60 seconds. I want to play the entire movie in 30 seconds. I want to play the entire movie in 120 seconds. How do I rescale my movie using actionScript 3.0. My movies are probably going to a...

How to avoid memory leaks in frame animation?

I've created simple test app with one activity. The activity contains frame animation. The total size of images in frame animation(riffle_forward_anim) is about 1MB. Here is the code I use to load animation: public class MainScreen extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ private ImageView imgForward; priv...

Composing sequential rotations around different centers?

The following code draws a line, rotates it 30 degrees around its left end, restores it to its original position, rotates it 30 degrees around its right end, and then repeats several times. How can I sequence these rotations without restoring the line to its original position in between? The first rotation (around the left endpoint) ca...

How to make them all the sam speed (AS3)

I currently have an animation that rotate infinitely but it's just too fast to begin with... I tried lowering the fps to 12 but it would just be skip.... Is there a possibility to make the animation slower by this code: //Import TweenMax import com.greensock.TweenMax; //Save the horizontal center var centerX:Number = stage.stageWidth /...

Matrix.setTranslate() only translates the visual surface of the View and not the clickable area?

I created a simple Animation-derived class and added an onclick listener to a view (a LinearLayout in this example, just to make a quick proof-of-concept) that called startAnimation on the object (passing it an instance of my class). In my Animation class, I simply get a reference to the Translation's Matrix object and call setTranslate...

I have a wxwidgets that I want to add some cool effects. Using GDI would be impossibly hard. Could I use flash or something else?

I have an application that I want add some cool animations to show state changes. However, wxwidgets would be difficult because I'd have to program these animations in straight gdi. What's the best way to add these effect windows? Should I open a flash window and run a flash sequence or is maybe some other technology? Does .net have some...

Skipping and Tearing in Java Animation

the following code draws a square with two smaller square rotating inside it. whenever you click an arrow on the keyboard, the whole system will move in that direction. however i'm having some problems with the image tearing and at times skipping (its small but still there). i was wondering if anybody knew how i could fix these issues w/...

UIView Animation with Navigation based Project in rootViewController

[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0]; [UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight forView:[self view] cache:YES]; [[self view] addSubview:self.helpView];//## [UIView commitAnimations]; //This is the code i was tryin...

How can I use VisualStates in a ChildWindow?

Is there any way to use the VisualStateManager with my ChildWindow subclass? Calls to VisualStateManager do nothing, and the googling I did implied the only way to achieve this is with manual calls to Storyboards. That's so much sloppier and prone to error. Has anyone found a way to achieve it? Updated with example code. To use it, just...