
Underside color of curling view using UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp

Can one customize the underside color of curling view in a UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp animation. The default seems to be gray/white but i needed a different one. ...

How can I create a frame which includes animation?

I have a frame and I want to show some white sphere in the different location in my frame,I have researched a lot but I found some codes for using applets but i don't want to use applets. please help me with some code or references. Thanks. ...

How powerful is x3d for making animations?

I want to make a rotating drillbit animation that shows the complete process of drilling. I am not really sure that it can be done using x3d. How good is x3d (along with python scripting, maybe) to make such animations? ...

Core animation presentation layer

I am using the two image view animated using UIView animation. And checking the collision between them by performselector method. Once collision detected we stop the animation and set the images to collide location. But some time one image goes some distance ahead and then detect the collision and set back to the exact collision location...

making a rotating or swing effect with scriptaculous shake?

I am trying to have an effect when moused over, the item does not shake from side to side, but slides sort of like a clock pendulum rotating from 180-90 degreeds (or whatever, I can't remember the exact numbers right now). Is this possible with scriptaculous or another js library? ...

horizontally scrolling calendar

I've used the following script to build a horizontally scrolling calender. Here is how I've implemented it. 90% of the calendar activity I am expecting is within a month or two of the current date. However, I think I need to provide the ability...

Animating "sliding" in NSOutlineView

I've done a fair amount of Googling, but still haven't find any proper solution for animating the expansion of NSOutlineView. I'm trying to mimic a "sliding" animation when expanding/collapsing rows. Anyone know a good strategy for attempting this? Animating this: }} Folder 1 To expand and look like this: }} Folder 1 }}}}} Item 1 ...

jquery continuous animation on mouseover

Hi, I am trying to have an animation run only when the mouse is over an object. I can get one iteration of the animation and then have it set back to normal on mouse out. But I'd like the animation to loop on mouseover. How would I do it, using setInterval? I'm a little stuck. ...

Problem animating a Parallax Layer in Cocos2d-iPhone

UPDATE: I'm a doofus. What's happening is obvious. The Animation first sets the layers position to it's current position. But I've told the layer to divide any setPosition coordinates by pRatio. So it's not going to CGPoint(0,0) but something like CGPoint(0.032, 0). I've fixed it like this: - (void) setPosition:(CGPoint)point { if(!...

jQuery code working in Safari but not Firefox

Hi, I'm attempting to use a mixture of jQuery and CSS to make the sand in an hourglass appear to flow as you scroll down the page. I basically have two 'sand' images, and use jQuery to change the height of their containers as the user scrolls. <!-- Load jQuery --> <script src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8...

bounce an image in to view

I have some code which works nicely and acts like a menu appearing when you click a button. I just want to animate slightly. So when it appears, it appears to bounce in. Here's the code which shows it [UIView beginAnimations:@"theAnimation" context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; [UIView setAnimationDidStopSelecto...

Single-Stage vs Two-Stage Animation for iPhone Apps?

What are single-state and two-stage animation for rotating an iPhone window? This is the "error" message I get in the Debugger Console (nothing crashes): Using two-stage rotation animation. To use the smoother single-stage animation, this application must remove two-stage method implementations. I was working through the book "Beginn...

Flash AS3 animation in Mac vs Windows

I am working on a short animated story, which has a scrubbable timeline and chapter headings. I used TimelineMax for sequencing it. For the most part, it is working fine. I am seeing some strange behavior that pop up, though: sprites disappear, functions stop responding to user input, seams of the sprites become transparent -- all small ...

3D Animation Rotating and Translating simultaneously in WPF

Hi, I have ModelVisual3D of a cube. I want to translate and rotate it at the same time. I wish the center of rotation to be in the middle of the cube(the cube rotates around its own axis). But when I try to do this applying both transformations the effect is not what you would expect. Since the object is translating the center of rotati...

Animated PNG Status

Is animated PNG, whether APNG or MNG about to get cross browser soon? Does anyone know their status? Is Webkit or IE considering supporting them? Thanks. ...

synchronized animations in YUI3?

Is it possible in yui3 to synchronize multiple animations so they progress together? Something similar to what is mentioned in the jquery 1.4 roadmap and demonstrated in this example ...

Rotating a full 360 degrees in WPF 3D

Hi, I have a ModelVisual3D of a cube and I want to animate it to rotate around its axis for 360 degrees. I make a RoationTransform3D which I tell to rotate 360 but it doesn't rotate at all, also if you say 270 degrees it rotates only 90 degrees but in the opposite direction. I guess he computer calculates the "shortest path" of the rota...

Visual Trick in XAML for Sivlerlight

I am trying to create a control which is basically showing a list of pictures in Silverlight, but I want the list to rotate in a sort of 2.5D way. You can think of it as the picture in the middle is YOU, and the others are your friends on social networking site. Here is a sketch of what I mean: As you click the green arrows, the pic...

Animating Height of Parent Hides Select Options

When I focus on a select box I want the hidden tooltip to appear. When I click on the select box the animation starts but the option list is hidden. How I get round this? <style> .showme {display:none;} li {height:25px;background:red; } select{z-index:100;} p{margin:0px;padding:0px;} </style> <script type="application/javascript"> $(do...

So I learned how to make images expand and contract (x,y). Is there a way for me to rotate them?

I have this code for expanding and contracting images in a sexy manner. I'd like to add a little rotation in there, just to make the image pop up, you know? Where/how do I add rotation animations to control? <Style.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Image.MouseEnter"> <BeginStoryboard> ...