
WPF Waving images animations

Hi All, I need to create at runtime a series of images on the screen, these images are all letters of the alphabet (PNG, 32x32), these images must look like they are "waving" up and down and rotating slightly too. (Almost like a Mexican wave) The issue is that the images are NOT all added one after another at start up, but rather when ...

How to set animated DAE object to specific frame in Papervision

I have a object of type DAE and want to do something like animatedDae.setFrame(15); Any ideas how to do that in PaperVision3D ...

Display loading animation while starting up a form in VB .NET

I understand this might be asked before : But anyone can provide me something like : ' Show Loading Screen --> Do anything like initializing or updating UI ' Close Loading Screen In this case I can fire (Show Loading Screen) anywhere in the form I want, Li...

jQuery slide div from bottom going wrong in Google Chrome

I have written my own image slider in jQuery that slides up a caption div from the bottom of the image. Please see the demo on the following link: When viewing this page in Google Chrome, you will notice how the caption div does not appear from the bottom of the image, but from below the image. To best u...

Cocos2D Director Pause/Resume Issue

I am trying to play a .gif animation in cocos2D. For this i am using the library glgif. Now, to display the animation i am pausing the Director, adding a subview to show the animation and after the animation is done i am resuming the Director. However, I am not able to resume the state of the Director and it shows blank. So I tried this ...

Can Ext-GWT animate the window minimize-down event?

Looking at the web desktop sample for Ext-JS I see that when a window is minimized or restored, that there is an animation where a transparent rectangle shrinks down to the task bar or grows up to the window location. When I look at the same demo for Ext-GWT there is no animation: the window just vanishes and reappears. Is there a way...

AS3: strategy for adding sprites that animate sequentially

Hi all, I am developing a component that can list files that users select from their filesystem. I'm using a (extended) FileReferenceList and (my own) FileReferenceDisplayList. The latter listens for events from the former. If the FileReferenceDisplayList receives a FileReferenceListEvent.ADDED event, it should display the new item in t...

Fading in one view for another

Here's my code: - (IBAction)showTaskDetailView:(id)sender { [window setContentView:viewTaskView]; } How would I fade out the current view and fade in the detail view? ...

WPF - Wait Animation on a seperate thread?

(Note: I have seen this question and it uses a cursor not an animation.) I have a wait animation (that I did not make but found on the internet). I want to show it while my app is doing some processing. However, it gets stuck while my app is processing. Is there a way to make it keep going smooth? I usually think of a thread for t...

Trying to get a UIImageView to stop moving when it hits the bounds of the!

I am making a simple game app where you press a left/right button, and a UIImageView moves and animates. Here is the problem - I want the UIImageView to stop moving when it touches self.view.bounds.size.width How do I do this? Here is the existing code : - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { UITouc...

Animated gif or flash (or other) for small animated element on website?

I am redesigning a site, and the client is set on keeping a small looping Flash animation that is on the current version. They have asked if it would be better to replace it with an animated GIF version or to keep the current version, and I don't know the answer (apart from get rid of it!). Is either method preferred? ...

How can I make an Image grow in size (give the illusion of selection) through a WPF animation?

I'm pretty new to WPF and even newer to animations in WPF. I know there are storyboards, etc. But I'm looking for a specific effect so I can work from there and tinker with it. Can anyone just give me a simple example about on Image control MouseDown (because there is no Click event in this control in WPF) makes the image bigger throug...

How do I animate elements with jQuery?

How do I say, slide an element a few pixels to the side from its initial position using jQuery? I know there is an animate() function but I have no idea how to use it. Tips, tutorials would be appreciated. EDIT: I am now trying to change the background color of an element on mouseover (I would also like to swap background images event...

how to synchronize physics model, audio, game rendering, frame display and input

What is a good processing sequence and/or threading model to use to give a user impression of well synchronised physics model, audio, video, sound and input in an application, assuming the application prepares no "predictive" frames or sound? EDIT My question assumes no "networked game" concept, just a standalone machine. ...

Images appear at wrong position during view animation

Hi Guys, I have got a problem. I have made view including a scrollview. In the scrollview I am adding lottery balls with labels. I have setup the animation between views and when this view with the balls animated, the balls are at the same position (left upper corner of the scrollview), until the animation is fully finished. Than the b...

jQuery - How to Prevent Animation Queue Buildup with Double Animations?

Hello, I was taking a look at this tutorial here to prevent animation buildups: My situation: I am doing a double animation like this below, and would like the prevent the animation build up. Since I have 2 animations going, it seems it ignores the .stop...

WPF 3D video memory efficiency

Ill try to explain my situation as best as I can, sorry if it is not too clear... I have a Viewport3D that contains some large 3d rectangles that are like big crystals. When the user click on one of the crystals, I add a new material to the crystal in the spot the use clicked using an ImageBrush. I then iterate over a list of bitmaps (...

How to set a property for a group of objects after animating it.

Hi, I have some controls in a Canvas. I need to animate their Canvas.Top and Canvas.Left properties. I'm using a foreach where I start all the animation: foreach (Control c in controls) { tc.BeginAnimation(Canvas.TopProperty, yAnimation); tc.BeginAnimation(Canvas.LeftProperty, xAnimation); } where xAnimation and yAnimation are t...

WPF How can you create a nice looking wave of letters

I have the need to create a wavey looking text object in my WPF app, and I was actually assuming that there would be a "bend along a path" type of options, but I dont see one at all in Blend. I found a tutorial that suggest you need to convert you text to a path letter by letter then rotate it around, but that is totally horrible in my ...

How can I compute the duration for a UIViewAnimationCurveEaseOut animation with a known starting velocity and distance?

I'm animating a view between two points using UIViewAnimationCurveLinear, so I know the velocity of this animation. In certain circumstances I want to append a UIViewAnimationCurveEaseOut to make the view slow to a stop. To make this effect seamless, the ease-out animation must start at the same velocity as the linear animation that pr...