
Busy graphic on a tab of a JTabbedPane

Hi, does anybody know of any open source implementation of a JTabbedPane in which I can set a busy graphic (say spinning ball) on the tab, while I load something into the tab - much like the spinner on Firefox tabs. I realize I could do this by hand by creating an animated GIF and setting it as an icon on the tab - but i was hoping that...

WPF - Can't get storyboard to affect another local resource

Hi, I've set up a Transformation and a Storyboard as local resources, but when I trigger the storyboard from a button I get the following error: {"'WorldTranslation' name cannot be found in the name scope of 'System.Windows.Controls.Button'."} Can someone point me in the right direction please? <Window.Resources> <Transform3DGro...

CAAnimation duration not being applied

I am applying a CAAnimation to move a toolbar on- and off-screen. When I touch the superview, that fires the following method: - (void) touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { [UIView beginAnimations:kViewerToggleToolbarAnimation context:nil]; if (self.viewerToolbarView.isVisible) { self.viewerToolbarVi...

Vertical Slide Insertion for a UIView

hello, i have a ScrollView with Buttons. how to insert a view (which contains some informations) with a vertical slide down animation UNDER the selected button ? (and then disappear if clic "Done") I really don't know how to proceed. can you hellp me please ? thanks a lot ...

Sprites and C# animation

I found a class to make a gif file containing multiple frame animations run in front of a background image. This is my class: using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace AnimSprites { public class AnimSprite { private int frame, interval, width, height; private...

ListView Long Click Animation

I would like to capture long click events in a ListView, which was easily done using a OnItemLongClickListener. However, that lacks the fading animation of the selector transitioning to a long press that is seen when the long click is handled by onCreateContextMenu. How can I get that animation using OnItemLongClickListener? ...

Android: LinearLayout addView Animation

I currently have a working Android program that programatically adds views to a LinearLayout. I would like those views to be animated in and cannot find any good resources on figuring out how to do this. Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks, John ...

How can we improve the performance of our WPF Animations (100 of them)?

We have an application that generates around 100 animations at runtime and they are all added to a single storyboard and then played. The problem is that the animation is extremely slow. The objects that are being animated are shapes and splines and a good amount of computation is done in the backend for generating the custom splines. Th...

animated "crawling text" on iPhone

Does anyone know how to create a "text crawl" like that shown at the bottom of the ESPN ScoreCenter app for the iphone? Basically, there is a small bar of text at the bottom of the screen and the text is animated so that it moves slowly from right to left across the screen. Can anyone point me to some source code that does something...

Loading circle animation in iphone

Hi, How can I display the loading screen animation in iphone? I mean the bars arranged in circles. So that I can use it while some of the part of my app is loading, like initializing. Or should I create may own animation loading? Thanks. ...

WPF: Can I put a colour animation in a style?

This is a simple WPF window in XAML: <Window x:Class="AnimateTest.Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300" x:Name="MainWindow" Style="{StaticResource TestStyle}"> <Grid> </...

How can I create a custom "pin-drop" animation using MKAnnotationView?

I have an instance of MKMapView and would like to use custom annotation icons instead of the standard pin icons supplied by MKPinAnnotationView. So, I've setup a subclass of MKAnnotationView called CustomMapAnnotation and am overriding -(void)drawRect: to draw a CGImage. This works. The trouble comes when I try to replicate the .animate...

Pygame sprite transformation with interpolation

Im currently working on a Python/Pygame module to wrap some basic sprite animation. Animation in the sense that the image itself is static but I apply rotation and scale with start and end values with a sine wave interpolation. That is, sprite transformation like the ones that could be made in Flash. I hope you understand, otherwise feel...

jQuery Animation + background image swap

Hi everyone, I am trying to punch above my weight with jQuery, and have run into a problem which has me stumped. Basically, I am trying to get a truck to animate from the left hand side of the screen to the right, then when it gets to the right of the screen, the background image of the truck swaps to an image of the truck facing the o...

How do you study about software animation ?

This is with reference to the same question as in Also out of curiosity: How do they make the cartoon movies in Pixar. I am sure they use some kind of software animation tools. Mostly what are they (is it 'Maya' or something ...

How to unanimate WPF DependencyProperty?

After running WPF animations on dependency properties in code behind, the dependency properties can no longer be set using SetValue. They can only be changed through animations. I want to change a dependency property, some times through short animations, sometimes immediately in code. So how can I remove the animation from a dependency...

flex: can i do nice button animation using only flex or do i need adobe flash too ?

i would like to add nice animations and other graphics to my application. do i need to use flash to create partial swf files and to load them or is there another way? ...

Randomly animate a objects with flash cs3 then return to their position on stage after a set time

Hi all, I have a logo made of 28 circles which I need to animate using flash cs3... so far I have made the logo randomly animate using this There are two things I need to achieve... the circles on the stage start from the position they lay on the stage return back to those posit...

Animate a path?

I have a set of coordinates. I would like to take, for instance, the first 5 and draw a line connecting 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5. Then after a pre-determined duration, I'd like to remove the first point and add the 6th point. In doing that, I'd like the line to animate in such a way as the "beginning" of the line moves from point 1 to point...

Bone Tool plug-in for painless pure Actionscript animation

Some issues with the Flash Bone Tool are described very well in this YouTube tutorial video (as well as his claim that there is an Actionscript solution). If you don't want to watch the entire 10 minute video, then at least watch the important part from 1:39 to 3:05. In essence, one of the main issues with the current Flash Bone Tool i...