
What is equivalent to FuseKit or Tweenlite (for Flash) in Java?

I've seen another post on stackoverflow but was not really satisfied with the responses. I'm use to tweening using code in Flash. See FuseKit and Tweenlite. Are there java equivalents? This processing library is the closest that I've found. ...

How do I wait for a TTimer to finish?

I have a TFrame (fraDisplay) with a TTimer (timAnimateDataChange). The timer is used to control a small animation. In the form containing the frame I want to have a method that does something like this: procedure TForm.DoStuff; begin DoSomeLogicStuff; fraDisplay.AnimateResult; WaitForAnimationToFinish; DoSomeOtherLogicStuff;...

Wpf Animation Best Practices

I am looking for any best practices or guidelines regarding animation in WPF. Especially information regarding performance considerations. ...

iphone sdk camera overlay animation, how can stop in preview ?

Hi, I've made an animation over the camera and all works fine. I can start the camera, move the image in overlay, and save it as a picture. My problem is that in the "preview" the animation keeps on moving, and I don't know when camera enters in this mode. I don't know how to check a bool or do something that can stop overlay. Is there...

jQuery Show Dialog Modal Animation Happens while Background Dimmed

Hello all, This is an annoyance that I've tolerated for too long, and finally decided to pursue an answer. I am showing a modal jQuery dialog box in my web app, but the animation to show it doesn't occur in the right order. I'm setting a click event (using jQuery) to a link on a page, and when the user clicks it, it creates a new Dialog...

what is the recommended approach for taking multiple pictures with UIImagePickerController -takePicture

The docs hint at the ability of takePicture to run multiple times in a single modal view. Particularly "This supports taking more than one picture without leaving the interface, but requires that you hide the default image picker controls." I'd like to take 25 pictures in roughly 4 seconds, however from what I've read, there are issues ...

DoubleAnimation / Storyboard completes twice and resets animation value

While scaling a panel using a scale transform the application needs to reset the panel back to its original size. For this purpose a reset button starts a double animation that animates the scale transform from it's start value to 1 which means the panel will have it original value. Visually the panel is scaled back to orignal size, but...

Motion Path / Motion Guide in iPhone ?

I want an image to move according to the path drawn by programming codes. I have asked a similar question ( before, but I found that I asked in a wrong way. The image needs not to be a UIImageView. Also, the answer given above was later foun...

Storyboard animation based on control template's control property

This is what I have A ControlTemplate for a button in my window.resource, having an ellipse with an outerglow (named -- TasksToggleButtonOuterGlowBitmapEffect) and a text A button that is using this template This is what I need 1. A storyboard that operates on the outerglow of the above mentioned ellipse 2. I shall trigger this sto...

Jquery Cycle and Effects inside each Slide

I want to create a carousel using Cycle with the following effects: The slides fade in or slides when user clicks a prev/next button When the slide finishes loading, there are text and images in each slide that I want to animate as well with a slide in or fade in effect. Questions: 1. How could one do it so that the transitions are s...

Learning dojo: Chaining animations on a collection of objects

I'm doing some basic exercises with dojo to learn its syntax and methods. I've created a simplified example below for the purpose of learning chaining animations on a group of items. Could anyone offer some feedback on the dojo code I have created? Am I utilising the correct library features in this circumstance? Which of the dojo opt...

Android Frame by Frame Animation problem on elements in a CursorAdapter

Hi, I am having trouble applying an animation to a View. I am trying to load the animation from inside the constructor of a CursorAdapter, so I can set it later assign it to certain children in the list. In the constructor I have : shineAnimation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(ctx, R.anim.news_list_item_shine); the animation is in m...

How to omit opacity changes from jQuery show()

I want to use the jQuery show(700) function, but I do not want any opacity changes. The element in question has a background PNG image with alpha transparency, and the opacity change causes strange black borders around the background image during the animation. How can I omit opactiy animation from the show() function? ...

WPF Storyboard stops by itself

I have a storyboard that seems to stop randomly by itself, I cannot for the life of me figure out why. It seems to stop and random intervals. private void CreateStoryboard(int from) { int? targetTo; Duration dur; targetTo = 150; dur = 150; Int32Animation element = new Int32Animation(); ...

Using setTimeout To Delay A jQuery Animation

I'm working on some out transitions on image when a user presses the button to move to the next image. When there are multiple images next to each other that are very narrow, those images will all transition at the same time. So I check the width on the images and add the thin ones to an array and then run the transition on each object i...

WPF - Is RenderTargetBitmap better than changing an Image Source?

Im trying to create a PNG sequencer class that will allow me to change an ImageBrush's ImageSource property via an animation. The issue is that I have around 150 PNG files to load, and it really really affects performance when I have a few animations on the screen. I have read a little about RenderTargetBitmap and also WriteableBitmap ...

Can you animate gradients using Quartz in an iPhone?

Hi, I am new to iPhone development and am currently toying with recreating a charting tool I developed for Silverlight. Currently I'm using a gradient to 'fill' a rectangle representing a bar within a chart. Is it possible to animate this gradient so it changes colour when a user touches the bar within the chart. I have looked through...

Preventing further animation after reaching last item in scroll when click event is pressed multiple times

I have a horizontal scrollbox (PARENT DIV) that contains nested divs. These nested divs are results that are appended to the parent div dynamically (user doing a search). These dynamically appended divs can be scrolled horizontally by clicking on "previous" or "next" which scrolls every 3 items (411px left or right). I'm using the anima...

constraining drag move along a path in iphone

I am making an app in which balls roll on tracks. So when we touch and drag the balls around the screen, they should move along the tracks. If the drag goes out too distant from the track, it should stop. The tracks can be any shape. What is the best appraoch..? ...

JQuery Navigation Menu Animation with Wordpress Page List

So I am using Jquery to display a pop up menu on my current site. The html is a wordpress wp_list_pages output for all you wordpress types out there. For all you non-wordpress types, this means that wordpress will output nested ul & li elements in accordance with page architecture on wordpress. Bottom line, I want the jquery code to be w...