
Animating Frame of UILabel smoothly

Hello all, I've been trying to figure out a decent way to smoothly animate a frame size change on a UILabel, without a weird starting jump redraw. What happens by default is that when I do something like this: // Assume myLabel frame starts as (0, 0, 100, 200) [UIView beginAnimations:@"myAnim" context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationBegi...

Quitting matplotlib.pyplot animation gracefully

I have a script that plots data of some photometry apertures, and I want to plot them in an xy plot. I am using matplotlib.pyplot with python 2.5. The input data is stored in around 500 files and read. I am aware that this is not the most efficient way of inputting the data but that's another issue... Example code: import matplotlib.p...

How to show animated image from PNG image using javascript? [ like gmail ]

First of all,check out this image Gmail uses this image to display the animated emoticon. How can we show such animation using a png image? ...

WPF 3d rotation animations

Hi Everyone, I have a few 3d rectangles on my screen that I want to pivot around the Y axis. I want to press down with the mouse, and rotate the 3d object to a max rotation, but when the user moves their mouse, I want to slightly rotate it so that it looks like a see-saw (rotating from a range of -13 to 13 degrees on the Y-Axis). At ...

WPF 3.5 Easing Functions for Animations?

I know that there are some easing functions for silverlight and WPF 4.0 coming out. But I really need some for my own project, and I cant seem to find any on the net (not for WPF 4.0) Does anyone know any implementations or perhaps ports from Silverlight that I could use? Thanks Mark ...

Jquery Animate on Hover

I have a text which I want to animate when am having a mouse over it for eg: $(".tabb tr").hover( function(){ $(this).find("td #headie").animate({marginLeft:'9px'},'slow') }, function() { $(this).find("td #headie").animate({marginLeft:'0px'},'slow') }); with this.. when am having mouse over the row.. the table column a...

WPF Grid ellipse overlay position

Sor far I have: <Grid x:Name="MainLibraryGrid"> <TabControl Name="TabControl1" TabStripPlacement="Bottom"> <TabItem Header="300s"> <Grid> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="*" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="*" /> <ColumnDefini...

images sliding continuously with <table> and jQuery

Hi - I'm trying to write a little test page that circulates images through a window (see image). I have colored boxes inside a table (gray border), with each box being a element. <table id="boxes" style="border: 1px solid #666;"> <tr> <td><div class="box red"></div></td> <td><div class="box green"></div></td> <td><div cl...

jquery animation not showing up

$('#main-mission .fade').animate({opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(opacity=100);}, { queue:true, duration:2000 }).animate({opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(opacity=100);}, 1500).animate({opacity:0.0;filter:alpha(opacity=0);}, 800,'linear',function(){ $('#main-mission .fade').html("<font size='3'>... to organize and display the data that people need, to ...

Using CATransition with multiple Xib files on Iphone

I've been following this tutorial( on using Multiple XIB files and I wanted more Transition animations besides flipping and Curling. I've also came across the CATransition class and I wanted to use it but all the tutorial that I've seen with it shows how to use it only if there are views in the same XIB file. so f...

continuous loop with divs and jquery

Hi - I'm continuing a previous post, but I thought I'd open a new thread since it takes a different approach and has more actual code. Anyway, I'm trying to get an infinite loop going with divs scrolling through a window (the other post has an image, and the code below works). <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" co...

Blackberry - how to animate Custom Field?

I have created a custom field class "Seek" to draw a fillrectangle. class Seek extends Field { int fill; protected void layout(int width, int height) { setExtent(320, 5); } protected void paint(Graphics graphics) { graphics.setColor(Color.RED); graphics.fillRect(0, 0, fill, 5); } protected void set...

axapta thread / animation

Hi folks, i have a function which costs plenty of time. this function is an sql-query called via odbc - not written in x++, since the functional range is insufficient. while this operation is running, I want to show an animation on a form - defined in the aviFiles-macro. trying to realize, several problems occur: the animation doesn'...

"Masking" an animation? iPhone SDK

I have been looking into ways of masking images on the iPhone. I came across this solution which works great for still images. What I want to do is mask an animation in a UIImageView. From what I have read I don't think this is possible whilst also achieving a decent frame...

Bezier timed animation path

Hi, I'm trying to define a path of points. Each point has an x, y, and time. I then want to query this path and get the current position at that point in time. Let me share some pseudo code. point {x, y, time} function initialisePath(point[] path) { ... // Create Bezier Path } function getXYAtTime(time) { return ... // Ge...

How to create the effect like this page?

Click "Reply by Email" of that page, ...

jQuery smooth image change

Hi there... I wonder how to make image change in my jQuery script smoother. I also have an animate() chain, can I attach the "src" change into it or not? Sadly I can't use images as CSS backgrounds... Here's a little sample... function growBigger(element) { $(element) .find(".inside") .animate({ width: curWidth, height: curHe...

UISlider in UIBarButtonItem impacts animation behavior

Hi all In IB, I set a view MyView with an UIToolBar and I drop an UISlider on it. IB automatically embeds it in an UIBarButtonItem and sets its view with the UISlider. I display this MyView in a navigation controller with animation. UIViewController *myVC = [[UIViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MyView" bundle:nil]; [self.navigat...

Are multiple UIView animation callbacks a bad idea (i.e. cause mem issues)?

I have multiple UIView animations running in my app. They are very short, and then make callbacks to a method that then usually fires off another animation. This leads to a lot of little animations running at the same time, each firing back callbacks. This actually performs pretty well, and for the first few levels (the app is a game)...

CSS background-position: animating and performance

I've seen many examples for animating the background-position of elements to produce nice looking scrolling backgrounds. These examples tend to also script in reset counters to put the background-position in its original location after a certain amount of pixels. My question is: Is it feasible to never reset the background-position for...