
[Java] How to make an animation with Swing ?

Hi, I am making a JApplet and got stuck with a animation problem. Here is my code : this.sprite.setBounds(0,0,20,17); this.sprite.setIcon(this.rangerDown); for(int i = 0; i< 16;i++) { this.sprite.repaint(); this.sprite.setLocation(this.sprite.getX(), this.sprite.getY()+10); try{ Thread.currentThread().sleep(100); ...

Remove storyboard but keep animated value?

How can I remove a storyboard in XAML (i.e. RemoveStoryboard action in a DataTrigger) but keep the value that was animated. Similar to the Animatable.BeginAnimation: If the animation's BeginTime is null, any current animations will be removed and the current value of the property will be held. ...

WPF Animation Completed Event in ControlTemplate

In my WPF application, I have the standard Generic.xaml file, which contains a style for my custom class, Frost. I need to find a way to hook up the Completed event of one of the animations to my custom Frost class, I cannot do it at runtime because it complains at me that i need to set IsFrozen to false which I do not want to do (becau...

Wpf Animation performance drops suddenly

I have a simple fade in animation on a large Rectangle inside a ScrollViewer and I notice a significant drop in performance when I increase my windows size past a certain size. resolution: 1650x1256 - still feels snappy and fluent (framerate between 50 and 60) resolution: 1820x1256 - stutters and is pretty much unusable (framerate betw...

animated swap position of two buttons

I am trying to swap the position of two buttons. my swapping code looks as below. private void exchangeButtons(Button btn1, Button btn2) { // Create the animation set AnimationSet exchangeAnimation = new AnimationSet(true); TranslateAnimation translate = new TranslateAnimation( Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, btn2.getLeft()...

how to drag in the animation in iphone application?

Hi, Iphone application is using the static co-ordinates to reach at some points in the application,which is based on the button event. But what i want is when i drag the item than it should reach at some point where i drop it and again from the drop point it should move to the other point. can anybody guide me what is the method availa...

How do I disable the opening and closing animation of the DropDown of a ComboBox in WPF?

When I put a combobox in my WPF app, at runtime, when I click it, it rolls down the included items. After selection, it rolls the DropDown up again. Is it possible to prevent the rolling animation from happening? Instead I'ld like to just have it open and closed immediately. - Marc ...

Silverlight control layout update in runtime

Hi, I have a silverlight control that has a few element such as: Image, TextBox and a TextBlock. The application shows a list of the same control and the controls are placed in a specific layout, in grid with rows and cols. Now, I would like to be able to modify all the controls layout and arrange the element differently (preferred ...

How to add animation effect to open the view?

Hi, I want some animation stuff when the button is touched, before displaying the view. Infact How to make the view come from left to Right, & Top to Bottom, flip left, flip right, curl up, curl down when opened? any sample? Thanks in advance. ...

Pressing the back button does not trigger <body>'s OnLoad

Hey all, My checkout cart displays (1) an animation for "Processing Order..." after the 's been (2) submitted and the card is being processed in a php script. However, there's a bug triggered when the user has reached the "order accepted" page, and pressed the back button. The "Processing Order..." animation is still displayed. (1) The...

Jquery prevent repeating animations without breaking my dropdown? In an attempt to solve the animation queing in the old version (menu7.html) I tried using .stop() in the dropdown menu. Problem is when you "stop" the dropdown halfway through and then start it again, it breaks the menu and only extends back to where it stopped :/ I'm pretty sure this is really ...

Can I animate(scale) just one component of an android layout and have the layout update during animation

Imagine I have a toolbar implemented as a horizontal LinearLayout as follows: [___Button1____] [___Button2___] [___Button3___] [___Button4___] When someone clicks on Button2, I want the toolbar to change to: [___Button1____] [___________Button2___________] [___Button3___] The toolbar should transition from the first state to th...

Create a ImageIcon that is the mirror of another one.

Hi, I'll like to know if there is a way to create a ImageIcon that is the mirror of another ImageIcon. Searching on Google, I found how to do it by using many AWT libraries. Is there a way to do it with Swing ? If not, I'm still having troubles with the AWT method : The ImageIcon I want to mirror is a animated gif (with contain a tr...

jQuery - How to sequentially run an animation * only once * after animation on a group (e.g. siblings)

Here's my dilema. I have 2 animations that need to run sequentially. The first animation runs on a group of elements acquired through jQuery's siblings() function. The second animation runs on a single element. (The one upon which siblings() was called.) This needs to take place after the first animation has finished. If I don't use q...

Visual State Manager VS Animations in WPF

Hi All, There is a lot of talk about the simplicity of Visual States and the transitions between them in WPF/Silverlight. I have the need to generate animations dynamically at runtime, to animate the rotation of a 3D model (depending on the users mouse interaction, I want to rotate the 3D model around its axis). I have been generating...

Replay a non-looping gif image

I've got a non-looping gif that I use as ImageIcon for two JLabels, but not at the same time. My problem is that when I set the second JLabel's icon to be the gif, the animation has already been played, so it only show the last frame of it. Do you know a way to get the animation when the gif is set to the second JLabel? ...

WPF and 3D question about animations

I have a few 3D meshes in my WPF application, and I need to add some animations to them, not the typical animations, but rather a sequence of PNG images for creating a graphical animation. Think of it like I need to add a cartoon animation to the side of a Cube. I know very well about the Viewport2DVisual3D, but when I replace my norma...

jQuery block moving

I wanna move a div block to the top, so I coded like this: CSS part: .movingPart{ margin-top:80px; } jQuery part: $(document).ready(function() { $('#btn').click(function() { $('.movingPart').animate({ "margin-top":'0px' }); }); }); it works perfectly in chrome, but doesn't move a little in firefox, why??? t...

Can I be an expert on jQuery without knowing a lot about Javascript?

I'm a backend programmer and I wonder about one thing. I know just a little about Javascript. I know the basics when I look at some Javascript code, I understand what code is trying to do. But I have never used it to create animations. Then I heard about jQuery. Can I be an expert on jQuery without knowing a lot about Javascript? And h...

silverlight textblock animation style

I want to make a Style that can be applied to a TextBlock to create a loading text control. All I want is for the text's opacity to pulse from 0 to 1 and back until I hide the control. I know how to set up the double animation on the opacity, but I don't know how to attach the storyboard to the textblock in a style. Can this be done? ...