
Javascript: Fade in and out

Hello, i have this PHP based doc (chatbox) where you can type your message and send it. Now, i have this fade animation where a message comes in when a message is send. Looks like this: Javascript: function stateChanged1() { if (xmlHttp1.readyState==4) { document.getElementById("sent").innerHTML="Sent!"; document.writeform.message...

Flicker free AWT application

I'm trying to write a silly little app using Java and AWT. It simply runs and animates some shapes, so as a first step, I created a simple app that clears a canvas with fillRect every 50ms. The problem is, my app flickers every now and then with the underlying window colour. Google is failing me when it comes to finding simple hello-wo...

Animate grass with CoreAnimation (on the iPhone)

Hello, how could I animate blades of grass, which are waving in the wind? I haven't found any suitable CoreAnimation combinations. Regards, Stefan ...

IE border on opacity change

Hi, when I want to animate a semi transperant image with jquery (e.g. a div with a background who has a shadow) every element who is semi transperant seems to have a black border arround it in IE (6 - 8) an example of the code is: $(".prevPage").animate({ opacity: "1" }, 250); $(".nextPage").animate({ opacit...

WPF Remove Margin Animation Programmatically

How do I remove the margins of two sides of a stackpanel in an animation storyboard so it looks like the stackpanel has moved from the code behind? I need to do it in the code-behind because the number of stackpanels i use this animation on differs at runtime. Thanks :o) ...

How to save flash-animation in .flv format in Adobe Flash CS3?

Actually I can save it in swf and in avi formats. Is there any correct way to save animation in flv format without using 3rd-party products (like different swf2flv converters)? ...

Troubleshooting Raphael translation animation

Hi, I'm attempting to use Raphael to make a small game, and just want a bit of advice on some code I'm working on. Here's what I have so far, its just a simple example of moving a circle around the screen: <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> window.onload = function () { var paper = Raphael(10, 50, 320, 200); var paper ...

WPF animation on a ListBox

Hi, Do you know any example of how to animate the insertion of an item on a ListBox? The effect I was thinking of is something like: At first we have items A and B on the ListBox. Than a C item is inserted between A and B. In the effect I imagined, before C is inserted, A and B become gradually more distant until a C element fits in ...

Why wouldn't UIView respond to beginAnimations?

I'm trying to animate adding a new subview to a table view. (When the user clicks on the Plus sign button on the nav bar above the table view, I want a subview with a text field and a button to slide down from under the nav bar). However, when I try to call [UIView beginAnimations:@"textFieldSlide", nil] the compiler warns me that: ...

How can I animate a view sliding from under the nav bar on iPhone?

This is related to my last question. I have an application that I created from the "Navigation-based application" template in Xcode. (I have a UINavigationController with a UITableViewController subclass named RootViewController.) The table shows a list of strings the user can interact with. The nav bar has the standard Edit/Done butto...

OpenGL ES on Iphone: simple 2D animation (interpolation/tween)

Hi everyone, I'm working on an app that basically revolves around 2D shapes (mostly simple polygons) being dynamically drawn and animated. I'm looking for a way to easily time my animations. It's basically just moving a vertex to a specified point in a specified time, so just interpolating floats, with all the usual easing parameters. ...

Is there a way to force Core Animation to run it's thread?

Core Animation uses a background thread to do it's job. Now the problem is this: I have a heavy calculation going on in the main thread. Core Animation immediately freezes until that calculation is done. And then it continues to finish it's animations. I remember reading in a document that CA has a low priority in processing time, meanin...

need your advice regarding this desktop animation application

i want to create an application that when running would make appear a circle ( radius and color configurable ) move from centre-down of my laptop screen to centre-up ( speed of motion configurable ). this animation should run in a loop as long as the program is running and i want to know is it also possible that when this circle is runni...

Android ScaleAnimation

I'd like to grow a view with each click using a ScaleAnimation. I've managed the effects of the animation persist after it has finished with the fillAfter, but the problem now is, the animation always starts from state 0 (as the View is defined in the XML) - on click the view resets and animates back to the state it was just after the fi...

Animation for adding DOM elements with jQuery

At the moment I'm adding elements to a page on a click event using after. I'd like to animate this in some way so the new elements don't suddenly appear out of nowhere. I'm not bothered what animation method is used as long as it shows to the user what is happening when they click. I've never used animation in jQuery before and have on...

jQuery GIF Animations

I'm looking to use jQuery to remove the need of using a GIF's to create a fairly simple animation. What I want is an image to have four stages. 1) Nothing showing 2) The first part of the image 3) Second part of the image 4) Third part of the image - Start over I was thinking I'd need to create the image stages then use a 'replace...

Disabling screen minimization animation effect in iPhone:

Hi All, Is it possible to disable the home screen minimize animation effect when user presses the home button on iPhone?. Or can we set our own custom image for minimize animation? Regards ypk ...

How to implement animation of icon?

Like this site Pay attention to your address bar. ...

ncurses novice - starting out with GNU C

A simpler life I am returning to C to help reinvigorate my programming lobe. The last time I learned to program I was at college working with Turbo C on MSDOS. Simple ASCII animations became an obsession once I found Borland's friendly <conio.h> one include away. A lot of fun was had with the gotoxy and textcolor functions and it wasn...

How to make a smooth image rotation in Android?

I'm using a RotateAnimation to rotate an image that I'm using as a custom cyclical spinner in Android. Here's my rotate_indefinitely.xml file, which I placed in res/anim/: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rotate xmlns:android="" android:fromDegrees="0" android:toDegrees="360"...