
Jquery - Does the ajax/load() method automatically show the content it's loaded?

I'm really stuck here... I've built a small gallery to display images. It consists of an initial front page with 12 thumbnails arranged in a grid. When click on a thumbnail they collapse to the left of the screen and show the appropriate gallery item. When you rollback over the collapse thumbnails they expand and hide the gallery item u...

Animated gifs in QMovie

I'm displaying an animated gif in my application by creating a QLabel, and setting the movie as a QMovie. The problem I'm having is that when the gif is displayed, any part of the image that stays a constant color throughout the animation shows up as the background color. I hope I'm explaining that clearly. Here's the code I'm using t...

Question about JavaScript graphic animation: saving and restoring a "sprite" background

I am writing a train based game in Facebook Javascript. I have an inverted triangle that represents the train and dashed lines that represent track which connects cities in Europe. The train moves along the track to travel from one city to the next. At this time, I redraw the gameboard with every page refresh. This has the effect of alwa...

WPF - ColorAnimation completed event

I want to be notified when the animation is completed. However, when I apply the following code, I get the following error "The event 'Completed' cannot be specified on a Target tag in a Style. Use an EventSetter instead." <Style x:Key="CredentialEntryListViewItemStyle" TargetType="{x:Type ListViewItem}" BasedOn="{StaticResource altern...

Animations on elements that are about to be removed from UI

I have a StackPanel from which I want to remove an element. Prior to removing the element, I want to perform an animation on the element to signal the element is about to be removed. However, performing the animation followed up by removing the element causes the element to remove immediately, with no visible animation. Is there a cor...

Begin Storyboard on more than one target

I have a subclassed ListBox with a "SelectedItemChanging" dependency property that is set to a Storyboard. When the selected item is changed, I want to run this Storyboard on each item in the ListBox. How is this possible with a single instance of Storyboard? ...

WPF - sequential animation simple example

Hi, I'm learning about WPF animation, and am confused about how to apply animations sequentially. As a simple example, I've got four rectangles in a uniform grid, and would like to change the color of each one sequentially. Here's what I have so far: public partial class Window1 : Window { Rectangle blueRect; Rectangle redRect...

UIView iPhone SDK nested animations

Hello, I would like to have a nested animation for my view. I have one animation stop selector which gets called just fine: [UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector:@selector(growAnimationDidStop1:finished:context:)]; However INSIDE of this selector I want to do more animation and when done yet another selector to be called: (void)growAni...

SVG animation that should be simple

I have a simple SVG drawing with an animation. What I have is two objects moving in a circle around a common center, with different rotation rates. I want to draw a line connecting the two objects. The SVG drawing is as follows: <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""&gt; <circle cx="200"...

JavaFX timeline inaccuracies

I have two timelines in JavaFX that moves an image on the screen. One is in the onMouseEntered function to move the image left, and the other in the onMouseExited function to move the image back to the right. The keyframe has translateX starting at 0 and going to 10, and the other starts at 10 and goes to 0. The problem is that the two...

Animation issue with UITableView and UIView

Hello All: I am displaying data in UITableView, when the data is being loaded I show a UIView with wait message and when the is loaded in the table View, I remove the UIView using animation [self.tableView reloadData]; [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0]; [UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewA...

jQuery using append with effects

How can I use .append() with effects like show('slow') Having effects on append doesn't seem to work at all, and it give the same result as normal show(). No transitions, no animations. How can I append one div to another, and have a slideDown or show('slow') effect on it? ...

display an animation gif in WPF

I would like to display an animation gif such as loading... in my XAML as my procedure is progressing. I found out that this cannot be easily done in WPF as I loaded my Gif and it just shows the first frame. What are the best ways to display an animation in WPF. ...

JQuery animation performance in Firefox

I have a simple animation which moves some vertical bars a certain distance and then back. I am using the animate JQuery function and with it modifying the left property of the divs. All is well in Safari and Opera (Mac), but in Firefox (Mac) the vertical bars get distorted -- as if the rendering of the top of the bar is not in sync wi...

Problems with doing a flip animation between a UIView and UIScrollView

I'm new to iPhone development and I'm trying to do a flip animation between a UIView and another UIView containing a regular UIView and a UIScrollView, the scroll view in turn has several UIViews as subviews. Before the animation start, the scroll view needs to be offset to a particular point to show a particular subview (the user is...

JQuery - lags during animation

Hello, I have to get some effects when content is changing. Here is my jquery-code: function contentHide( parentElement, callback ) { parentElement.animate({ "height" : "hide", "opacity" : 0.0 }, "slow", "linear", callback); } function contentShow( parentElement ) { parentElement.animate({ "height" : "sh...

MS Surface animating an SVI along a straight line

So I'm attempting to move a ScatterViewItem from 1 point to the another. I've tried using PointAnimation. However, after the animation completes I can't move the item from the To point. I can spin the item and scale it, but for some reason can not move it. It's a simple movement from 1 point to the next in a straight line. Should I ...

Learning to create animations in C++

does anyone know where I can learn to create and manipulate animations in c++ for the purpose of game development? ...

JQuery Slideshow Choppy in IE

I have created a slideshow using JQuery, and it works greate in all browser except, of course, IE. I'm not worried about IE6 or 7 right now, but even in IE8, the transition animations are very choppy. Does anyone have any idea what the solution could be? This is very smooth in Firefox, Safari and Opera:

How do I combine brushes in WPF?

I have two brushes. I don't know wath type of brushes they are. They can be ImageBrushes, SolidBrushes or VisualBrushes. I have each in a variable of the "Brush" type. I need to combine two brushes. How do I do it? I tried this. But It didn't work. Here are Back and Front the brushes that need to me combined. Border Bd = new B...