
Get frame co-ordinate of image while animation in iPhone

Hi , I am using SnowFall app, in which a image is falling from top of screen to bottom. This app uses animation to achieve this task. // put the flake in our main view [self.view addSubview:flakeView]; [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:flakeView]; // set up how fast the flake will fall [UIView setAnimationDuration:4 * speed]; ...

Custom animation for pushing a UIViewController

Hi, I want to show a custom animation when pushing a view controller: I would like to achieve something like an "expand" animation, that means the new view expands from a given rectangle, lets say [100,100 220,380] during the animation to full screen. Any suggestions where to start, respectively any documents, tutorials, links? :) hei...

best way to animate canvas shadowBlur with jQuery?

I'm very much a noob so please forgive me if there's a "duh" solution here. Is there a good, or at least a simple, way to animate things like shadowColor or shadowBlur with jQuery? E.g. If I have something like: function draw(){ var canvas = document.getElementById(elem); if (canvas.getContext){ var draw = canvas.getContext('2d'); ...

Looking for new jQuery animation snippets

I'm looking for alternative ways to show/hide objects in jQuery. I.e. such as slideIn/Out, fadeIn/Out, etc. In particular, I'm after a plugin that shows/hides an object from the center and grows outwards, or reversed. Would also be great if it supports the various easing options. ...

Flip Animation not working

I have a Custom view. This custom view has two UIImageViews - imageview1 and imageview2. [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:2.00]; [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; [UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector:@selector(transitionDidStop:finished:context:)]; [UIView setAnimationTransition:UIV...

Android. Animation Performance

Hi, I am using an animation that makes a flip (on ImageView), but animation works not smooth (looks like performance issue). The image is a PNG file of size 128x128. Here I will post code of my animation: <set xmlns:android="" android:shareInterpolator="false"> <scale android:fromXSca...

Canvas Animation Kit Experiment... to clear the canvas?

I can make a obj to use the canvas to draw like this: MyObj.myDiv = new Canvas($("effectDiv"), Setting.width, Setting.height); Then, I use this to draw a rectangle on the canvas: var c = new Rectangle(80, 80, { fill: [220, 40, 90] } ); var move = new Timeline; move.addKeyframe(0, { x: 0, y: 0 } ); c.addTimeli...

jQuery: child-element disappears with $('.parent_class') opacity effects in IE

I have this html: <div class="foo parent"> <div class="child"></div> </div> with some css: .foo{ position:absolute; left: -117px; background:#000000 none repeat scroll 0 0; color:#FFFFFF; z-index:8; } .parent{ top:23px; width:100px; height:30px; ...

What is the iPhone's default keyboard animation rate?

A while ago I remember seeing a constant of some kind that defined the animation rate of the Keyboard on the iPhone and I can not for the life of me remember where I saw it....any insight? ...

Android multiple frame animations

Hi all. I'm trying to concatenate two frame based animations. I've tried some approaches without success: 1.- I've tried to use an ImageView and change the backgroundResource when required but the resource isn't changed. 2.- I've tried also using two ImageViews, set one animation to each and set visibility to Invisible for the second....

How to animate Opacity of a DropShadowEffect?

I have a WPF project with a border using the following style. The plan is to get the glow effect to fade in when the mouse moves over the border, and fade out when it leaves. <Style.Resources> <Storyboard x:Key="GlowOn"> <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames BeginTime="00:00:00" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(DropShadowEffect.Opaci...

For my game's main loop what should i consider : DispatcherTimer Vs StoryBoard

I am writing a game in which I want to kick off an event for my game main loop, the event has to be fired after a very small interval of time. DispatcherTimer helped me in implementing that, I came across this article

jQuery - Interrupt animation?

Hi, I'm using jQuery for some simple animation effects once user clicks something. However, if they click again before the first animation has completed, nothing happens. They must wait until the first animation has finished. Is there a way to interrupt the animation process and begin from scratch when a second click occurs? Thanks. ...

Change the jquery show()/hide() animation?

By default if you specify a speed jquery adds a weird looking animation where it expands from the left end corner. I want it to just slide down. Is there a way to do that without importing something else like jquery UI ? I'm looking something in the lines of : $("test").show('slow', {animation:'slide'}) If there's no way, then what w...

UITableView with TextField and moving the view when keypad comes up

I have a UITableView that contains text field in each row. The text field is allowed to take only numbers and decimals. I have a transparent background button to help users click on the view to dispose the keypad when it is up. The text fields at the bottom of the view are getting covered by the keypad, so I wanted to move the view by ca...

Is it possible to expand the table view's cell at run time ?

Hello all , I am developing an iphone application . In which i want to show some detailing by the means of expansion of that cell (i.e. by the means of touching the cell it should animate and exapnd and show the details) and in that show the details related to selected row. ...

JQuery: How to make Show/Hide only works same link name?

I have several comments on a site depending the post and I only want to show/hide the selected comments. I'm having this issue and trying to figure out. When I click on one option, the show/hide works fine but it's also hide or show on ANY others contents BELOW of it. I want the trigger to be able to show/hide ONLY one comment that have ...

How to generate smooth flow pager with jQuery?

For these page numbers below: 1 2 3 4 5 6 When 6 is clicked,7 should come out from right side,and 1 should hide into left,so on. How to create such kind of effect with jQuery? ...

Animation: jQuery or Raphael?

I am building a page that will animate objects (image/shape/div) and float them around the screen. At times there may be a large number of objects floating and interacting. A requirement is to have data associated with each object, as they will each have an id. So, if I click one object, it can grab that ID, then reference an array th...

How to make vertical scroll bar align with a specific <div id="target"> smoothly with jQuery?

<body> ... <div id="target"></div> ... <a>click me</a> </body> When user clicks,make the vertical srollbar align with <div id="targe"> smoothly EDIT Is it doable without other plugins? ...