
Is It Possible to Use TemplateBinding in a Storyboard in Silverlight?

I'm building a custom control in Silverlight and I want one of the fields to animate to the value of a DependencyProperty when that property is changed. More specifically, I have particular item in my Control Template that I want to animate to the color of the Background whenever the background changes color. So, what I have is: <Contro...

C# - Winforms - Animated Slideshow

Well i am developing an application whose interface requires an animated slide show and by animated slide show i means UI components placed together change their positions after regular intervals in a sliding (animated) fashion. Let me illustrate my idea with the following image, in the image above there are three columns of UI compo...

jQuery - Event/animation timeline

How would I go about telling certain events/animations to fire at a certain time? I'm trying to make an animated fight scene between a few characters, so what would be the best way to script out their actions like who attacks next and so on? Here is my sandbox where you can see the 2 left dummies move towards the dummy on the right: ht...

How does [UIView beginAnimations] work?

I was wondering how animations work in Cocoa Touch. For example: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0]; view1.alpha = 1.0; view2.frame.origin.x += 100; [UIView commitAnimations]; How does UIView tracks the changes to the properties of the two views? I suspect that KVO is used, but does it real...

Any free animation available for WPF?

Being developer its very hard to designing and Animate the thing... Are there any animation libraries (like WPF themes) available out there for WPF ?? ...

Anyone know how to slide in a UIDatePicker like keyboard?

Does anyone know how to slide in a UIDatePicker with a Done button like the keyboard control? If so, can you share some sample code on how. Thanks ...

dojo.fx.wipeIn problem with object with style="display: none;"

I want to wipe in with object that define style with display: none;: dojo.fx.wipeIn({ node: dojo.byId("target"), duration: 500 }).play(); but the animation could not play. what is problem? i use this for showing the display properties but still showing nothing. The alert message is empty. dojo.fx.wipeIn({ node: dojo.byId("targ...

How do you "ping pong" a UIView image sequence animation

Hi, I have a UIImageView which has a png image sequence loaded into it. My question is - Do you know of any way I can "ping pong" the animation sequence? So that it plays forward from 1-24 then plays backwards from 24-1 and loops. (technically it should be : 1-24 then 23-1 then 2-24 then 23-1...etc) - (void) loadAnim01 { mon01 = [[U...

IPhone - Animate from Loading Screen to Main Application View

I have an IPhone application that I want to attempt login and do some initial setup before showing the UI. I currently have my Default.png set to an image and I have a view that has that same image. When my app loads the Default.png loads and then my loading screen loads. The loading screen is the view for my root view controller in t...

jQuery animation scrolling off the edge of a page

I have a sidebar that I want to behave like it's frozen on the right side of the pane even when the scroll bar moves the down to see more content. I gave up on it being perfectly fixed and handled it by the sidebar scrolling down with the page using jQuery. Currently this is how I'm handling this. <script type="text/javascript"> $(windo...

Can I implement a callback with each animation step in jQuery?

I'd like to implement an animation in my site which: needs to update multiple DOM elements. each DOM element has it's own animation path (depends on their position) and still have an easing effect. If I call jQuery's animate() function for each element (with queue: false), it will make each element move slightly out of sync with the ...

Any way to detect browser running through Terminal Services?

I am working on a site that has some jquery based animation, and I was wondering if there is any way to detect if the site is running in browser that is being run in a terminal services (remote desktop) session so I can disable the animation? I run through remote desktop quite often from remote locations and animations always annoy me, ...

Blackberry - background image/animation RIM OS 4.5.0

Please help me, how to set a background image for screen and How to do animations on any-field or on text? Thank You.... ...

How to repeat the animation using CATransition?

Hello all, I am using CATranition to animate a UIView. It animates properly, but I want this animation to continue until the view get unload. I know I can use timer but want to know if there is some suitable way to do that. ...

Switch animation based on property value

I have a ViewModel with a State property and a Datatemplate wich contains a simple rectangle with a background brush. Whenever the State of the ViewModel changes I want to trigger an animation that starts with the color the brush currently has and animates it to the new color representing the new state. I have done this with datatriggers...

jQuery animate opacity doesn't work properly on IE

I'm trying to use animate function to change the height and opacity for a DIV. The div has a image background in CSS, it works fine on Firefox and Safari, but when i test it on IE the background is being removed. This is my code: if ( { jQuery('#list_box').animate({opacity: '1',height: '300px',top: newTop},{dura...

Actionscript 3 animation using png's, reload or hide?

Hi, using flash and actionscript 3 I want to use a lot of png's as animation. I currently use a Loader object to load these images. But now I am wondering what the best way would be to show these animations: 1. Every time a have to show a new png, I could use the loader to load it, just having one loader: var image:Loader = new Loade...

Am trying to add an animation to a class that has extended UIView, but it is not adding it at all!!

This is the strangest error i have come across. Am trying to add a countdown animation onto a Class that extends UIView. The code is shown below: NSArray *myImages = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: [UIImage imageNamed:@"3.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"2.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"1.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"Go.png"], nil]; UIIma...

Animating rows in an NSTableView

Is there a simple way of animating rows in an NSTableView? I'd like to be able to do something like flash a row, or fade out a row. Essentially - to provide a bit of visual feedback when rows are added or removed. Edited to add: I'd had a quick look over Google before posting this; but I wanted to know if there was some way to do thi...

Interesting jQuery Animations

I have been playing around with jQuery for a bit now, and am really curious how far someone would be able to take this. Has anyone seen (or written) some jQuery code that did some memorable animation? Something that stood out. I am quite interested in seeing some ideas. Please post your experiences. Thanks. ...