
Multiple Storyboards or Animations that share the same timeline?

I have a a bunch of WPF UserControls that internally trigger some animations upon user interactions. All animations have repeatbehavior = "true" and all animations have the same duration. Now I would like synchronize all those animations on one timeline so they are fading in and out in sync. No matter when the user triggerd the animation...

WPF -- Animation Question

New to WPF. Simple scenario. Can't figure out the right way to do this. Say I have a single Button. I also have four TextBlocks. I want that one button to trigger an animation (Opacity from 0 to 1) on all of the TextBlocks at the same time. Thanks in advance! ...

Bind Controls TO standalone animations

Hi, i'm new to wpf and i'm try to learn something. My problem is : i need to bind all that i want to a looping animation... Example: <Window x:Class="Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300"> <StackPanel> ...

How to make a UIView animation similar to when App launches from Springboard

I have a UIVew that I want to "pop" or "reveal" or whatever effect you see for Default.png when Springboard loads your App. Sorry if I'm not calling it the right name. Here is the code I'm trying to get to work: myView.alpha = 0.0f; [myViewController.view addSubview:myView]; [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimatio...

Jquery Animate Background Image Transition

I have a navigation bar that when hovering over an item, the background image is changed, that works fine. However, I would like this image to slide in from the top, and slide back up when you stop hovering. I've been trying to do this with JQuery, using css bacgroundImage and sliding or toggling, but none of that seems to work. How can...

How to end an animation early in Cocoa Touch?

I have a UINavigationController onto which I push a 'loading screen' UIViewController whilst I asynchronously connect to a server. The push is implicitly animated with that sliding effect. If an error occurs whilst connecting, I pop the loading screen controller (again animated) and display an alert to the user. All is good if I pop ...

How to run two jQuery animations simultaneously?

Is it possible to run two animations on two different elements simultaneously? I kinda need the oposite of this question I need to do something like this $('#first').animate({ width: 200 }, 200); $('#second').animate({ width: 600 }, 200); but to run those two at the...

CGAffineTransform on NSObjects?

Does CGAffineTransform only work on UIViews? This is troublesome for my design. The objects that im drawing are essentially images, which i draw using drawAtPoint. These objects are NSObjects, and thus do not have transformation matrices. What would be the best way to give my rendered images the ability to be scaled and translated (and...

dz's Open Flash Chart 2 disabling animation problem (Rails)

How to disable the startup animation in OFC2? Since I started using the dz build, the on-show animation is on by default, which sucks quite a lot. Neither of these work: graph.animate=false graph.on_show=false Also, dz's build implements the tooltip hover support poorly - the tooltip continues to hover even when the cursor is on ano...

WPF Text Fade out-then-in effect

Hi Folks, I'm trying to use WPF animation to creat an effect where, when the data in a text property changes, the text fades out, then in again.. or preferably a proper crossfade. I have successfully got half of this working, the code below responds to the text changed event, immediately makes the text invisible then fades it in over 3...

Are there animated tutorials to teach topics like Databases?

Do you know of any websites, that have animations to explain topics and concepts like Databases, in a simple manner, especially for non-programmers? Something like this animated intro to Adobe Flex. Notice the clarity with which animations can explain new topics. ...

UIImageView animation

Hi, I need to animate and imageview, first rotate it in one direction, shift the center and rotate it in the opposite direction in a single animation loop. What i did was :: [UIImageView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIImageView setAnimationDuration:2.0]; [UIImageView setAnimationDelegate:self]; [UIImageView setAnimationWillStar...

Android - how to get android.R.anim.slide_in_right

Hey, I'm playing about with animations with android. The animations android.R.anim.slide_in_left and android.R.anim.slide_out_right are provided. I'm looking for a way to get the opposite animations i.e: android.R.anim.slide_in_right and android.R.anim.slide_out_left or how I can specify these myself. Cheers, Pete ...

WPF animation to expand-contract height

Hey I would like to have a trigger on an image which expands AND contracts an ItemsSource by animating its height property. I have a generic ItemsSource bound to a ObservableCollection, so I do not know the total height of this control. Once the image is clicked, it should change its image source glyph to show that the itemssource is ...

WIN32, C++: Is it possible to animate a window without hiding it?

I Have an edit control (a text field) which I want to animate. The animation I want is that it slides out, creating an extra line for this text field. I am able to animate my text field and able to make it larger, however to show the sliding animation I first have to hide it. This means the entire text fields slides out as if being creat...

iPhone Development - Basic drawing and animation question

Hi all, I have a case where i'm drawing shapes, e.g. a Triangle (Points A, B, C). Now i want to animate it so that Points A, B, C move towards Point X, Y, Z. (Lets just say on button click) I'm using a drawRect: method in my custom view for drawing. I don't want my view to move, i rather want my drawing to move (because i have multiple...

How to animate a polygon? (Read: Animate the contour to change shape)

Greetings! I am currently working on a Silverlight project and I would like to animate a simple polygon shape (a trapezoid actually). Specifically, I woudld like to move two of the four points dynamically after some event happened. I need / want to resize and move one of the parallel sides to another position. I admit I am rather new...

WPF - Making an animation's execution conditional on a property of the bound data item

I have a data object -- a custom class called Notification -- that exposes a IsCritical property. The idea being that if a notification will expire, it has a period of validity and the user's attention should be drawn towards it. Imagine a scenario with this test data: _source = new[] { new Notification { Text = "Just thought you ...

XML file format for describing animation movements?

Hi, Is there an XML file format for describing animation movements? Is SVG what is currently used? I want to describe 3d information for movements in a format that I can then use in Papervision. ...

view flip and tabar selection

Hi iProgrammers, In my app , i have 5 tabs at the bottom,namely home,ask,tip,inbox,disclaimer...In my home view...there is an botton,clicking on which flips the view to in the same home view the new view i have a picker in which on selecting the values takes me to another view through flippin in the same tab the 2nd new vi...