
WPF - Animating gridlength in XAML

Hi, I was just wondering if it's possible to animate the height of a grid using purely XAML? I looked at this tutorial: But it seems as though one need to write custom functions for this to work. Can it be done just by XAML purely? ...

Zomm effect for a modal boxes

Hey guys, please are there any code to make a zoom effect in div pop-up but without js frameworks (pure javascript) like : bumpbox Cheers, ...

Why does my iPhone toolbar only animate the first time?

When I added a toolbar below a UITableView I want to show an activity indicator and label for few minutes to get values from a URL. I added this code in my project: NSArray *toolbarItems = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:actview], [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:label], nil]; [toolbar ...

Ajax animation extender

I want a popup onclick that flies in animated. I'm using ajax and currently this is what I have: <asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton2" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/bttnViewMini.gif" /> <asp:Panel ID="Panel3" runat="server"> //stuff </...

Grouped UITableView row animation quirks

Hi there, I've got a grouped UITableView with a couple of rows, and I'm animating a few more rows in and out on the toggle of a button. The problem is that with any of the row animation types I'm using (top & bottom) the animation looks horrible! Here's a screenshot mid-animation: Is there a reason why it's looking so bad? Or do all ...

CoreAnimation jerky with large window

I have a very simple CA demo. It creates a layer with content from an image file, and displays that image. When you click in the window, it uses implicit animation to smoothly move the image to the mouse point. This works fine, runs with perfect smoothness. But, as the window gets larger, the smoothness gets less. It's acceptable below a...

WPF Loading animation

Hi ! I Have a ListView with many Items that is to be loaded in search. And I'd like to provide user the richer user interface so that when loading, I'd display a rotating circle (known from AJAX waiting). I realize that I'll have to go into Threads or something, but as I've never done this before in WPF, I'm sure there is something be...

UIView animation didEndSelector: method not getting called?

I have a UIView that is moved into view. After 2 seconds, I'd like to move the UIView out of view again. How do I do this? I have tried the below, but it doesn't work :( I have setup the NSLog, but it doesn't look like it's finishing and then calling the loadingViewDisappear: method :( Thank you. ... [UIView beginAnimations:@"Anim...

Creating the Iphone MapKit showUserLocation Ring Annimation

Anyone know how of an approach to re-create the animation that mapkit uses on the showUserLocation ? Would you do it with a series of images or a single image that is then expanded and faded out? ...

WPF animation of multiple 3D objects doing multiple transforms each

I'm working on a WPF 3D project where I can have multiple (1 - 20'ish) ModelVisual3D objects being moved around the scene via animation. Each ModelVisual3D has both a RotateTransform3D and a TranslateTransform3D applied to it each move. And each ModelVisual3D object moves independently of each other. So right now in order to do this, ...

How do i run the .animate function in jQuery forever?

$(this).css("left","100px"); function endless(){ $(this).animate({ left:'-=100px', },{ easing: "linear", duration: 5000, complete: function() { $(this).css('left','100px'); endless(); } }); }; endless(); This is what I tried, but using this approach i can't get stuff moving. Im' ...

WPF ListView animation by reorder of itens ?

I want to do something I saw during a WPF demo some years ago. I don't know how it was done but I know it can be done so that is my problem. In the demo there was an WPF application with a ListView or ListBox with a lot of items. Every the ListView was reordered the items changed places in the list. But the ListView was not just refresh...

Rendering the genie effect to the custom components rendered in the UIView

How to render the genie effect that we see in the MacOS or in iPhone native transitions, in the custom components that are rendered in the UIView? Any links that describe about the screen transition effects? ...

wpf usercontrol - click animation

I have created a wpf usercontrol with some complex XAML (converted from SVG). It's basically a fancy button. I would like to create an animation in the usercontrol's XAML to "shift" it's location by 4 pixels to the right and down, to simulate a click, and then have it pop back to its original location. To me, this sounds like the fir...

Jerky Animations in WPF

I have an animation in WPF that is jerky, my WPF form is layed out as follows: a 1280x800 Window contains a 2400x7** grid, seperated into 3 columns. Column 1 is * width Column 2 is 148 width Column 3 is * width This allows me to, using an animation, chage the grid's margin to ~-1000 on the left side to bring the left column off scr...

How can I animate multiple elements sequentially using jQuery?

I thought it would be simple but I still can't get it to work. By clicking one button, I want several animations to happen - one after the other - but now all the animations are happening at once. Here's my code - can someone please tell me where I'm going wrong?: $(".button").click(function(){ $("#header").animate({top: "-50"}, "slow...

jQuery - Fading animation on hover

Hi! I have a little jQuery animation which fades in a link when hovering an : $(function() { $('.delete').hide(); $('#photos img').hover(function() { $(this).parents('li').children('.delete').fadeIn('fast'); }, function() { $(this).parents('li').children('.delete').fadeOut('fast'); }); }); But if I quickly mouse my mo...

Select tags within a string using jQuery

Hi all, I have my website getting a value as a result of an ajax call. After that, I would like to insert that result (a string) into a tag. However, I would like to insert that result in a way that (1) it must have opacity = 0, then (2) it will slideDown() so the whole content list being pushed down using animation, and finally (3) cha...

Synchronizing in WPF animation

Hi all, I have created 3 storyboards in a usercontrol resources which animates controls inside the usercontrol. But the problem is that i have to start each animation on textbox's gotfocus events. I cant able to synchronize these 3 storyboards on each textbox's events. All works fine if i waited for 1 animation to complete and then focu...

WPF - Storyboard completed event

I'm designing a game like this class Anima { Storyboard story; Random rand; Canvas canvas; Ellipse target; public Anima() { rand = new Random(); canvas = new Canvas(); target = new Ellipse(); target.Fill = Brushes.Red; target.Width = 50; target.Height = 50; Canvas.SetLeft(target, rand.NextDouble() * 300); Canvas.S...