
iPhone - Have the keyboard slide into view from the right like when editing a note in Contacts

Hello, I'm looking for a way to slide the keyboard into view from the right, like what happens in the Contacts application when you edit a note. My problem is that when I call [someTextView becomeFirstResponder] in viewWillAppear, the keyboard immediatly pops up with no animation. And when I call it in viewDidAppear, the view first sli...

How to extract frame timing information from animated GIF?

This is brought on by a previous question. Apparently ImageList doesn't support animated GIFs, so I'm stuck animating it myself. I know how to extract the frames, but does anyone know how to extract the frame timing information from an animated GIF? ...

How to implement a loading animation when navigating in a iPhone app?

It seems like a pretty simple problem, but I have been unable to find any good answers. What I'm trying to do is to make some sort of animation while some function is loading. I have already included an animated .gif file in the webapp when waiting for content, but I need the same functionality when navigating in native. For instance, w...

How can I move around and slide away a UIView with touches and swipes?

Hello, I´m trying to animate a sort of draggable UIView where the behaviour should be something like this: Drag along the screen following the touch of the user. Detect a swipe touch and drag automatically with an initial speed and a negative acceleration that makes is stop after some time. Something like moving around a photo and th...

Jquery fadeIn And fadeOut problem using hover over a div

I have this code: var x; x=jQuery(document); x.ready(inicializarEventos); function inicializarEventos() { var x; x=jQuery(".Caja2"); x.hover(entraMouse,saleMouse); } function entraMouse() { jQuery(this).fadeOut(); } function saleMouse() { jQuery(this).fadeIn(); } The problem is that when I move the mouse over t...

Reveal Hidden Elements in jQuery

I've got a div needs to show the first three items in a list, if that list is bigger than three items, I'd like a button to trigger to expand to reveal all the items. It's possible for me to find out how many items will be in the list via PHP, but this number could be from 0 to 30. <style type="text/css"> .box { height: 80px; overf...

Silverlight animation tweening

I am focusing on silverlight animation (as my previous posts probably indicate), and one of the things I can't find out is how can I do a scaletransform to zoom into an object (so it appears it is coming towards you), but rather than on event initiation it goes from one size to another, I want it to gradually increase in size? For examp...

animationDidStop set but not being called (iPhone app coding)

#import "MyViewController.h" @implementation MyViewController @synthesize menuView, gameView, helpView, optionsView, gameButton, helpButton, optionsButton; - (void) viewDidLoad { [self setView:menuView]; } - (IBAction)gotoGame { [UIView beginAnimations:@"buttonSlide" context: nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.5]; [UIView setAnimat...

how to find that flip animation has finished iphone?

how do i find that flip animation has finished animation? i want to update a label's text just after animation has finished.. or how do i update a view during flip animation.? ...

[SWT]Make Animations.

Hello everyone. My question is quite simple but I can't find any clear answer anywhere... I have to make some animated design with lots of pretty effects and color gradients in a SWT compliant way ... I assume what I try to mean is not clear as water so I'll try to explain more... I have an RCP application in which I need to have a spe...

Arc / Circle animation in iphone

Hi, How would I animate a circle on the iPhone so that the arc starts at "0 degrees" and ends at "360 degrees"? Advance Thanks, Sat ...

How do you pause an R script / animation?

How do you pause an R script for a specified number of seconds or miliseconds? The intended purpose is for self-timed animations. The desired solution works without asking for user input. ...

Refactoring animations in jQuery login script

I'm using jQuery to build simple animations for a login form in my CMS. The jQuery toggles the visibility of two forms, a login form, and a reset password form. The script works perfectly fine, but I seem to figure out how to shorten it up, since most of the code is redundant. Note: The .click function is called twice in each case to ...

How to rewrite simple effects fadeIn(), fadeOut(), slideUp(), slideDown() using animate({ })?

I cannot understand why it doesn't work now, I write: $(function() { $('a').click(function(){ $('div#box').animate({ opacity: 1 }); }); }); div { width: 250px; height: 250px; background-color: #000040; display: none; } and it doesn't fadeIn(). How to do these simple things? Thank you very much) ...

Animating dynamic buttons in iPhone SDK

I'm dynamically creating UIButton's in my app. When I show the buttons I want to animate them. I can't seem to get the buttons to animate with this code: UIImage *buttonBackground = [UIImage imageNamed:@"ButtonRed.png"]; for (NSInteger x = 0; x < 4; x++) { CGRect btnFrame = CGRectMake(x * (buttonBackground.size.width+2), ...

How to modify tabbed interface?

Hello, everyone) I've read a tutorial describing creating simple tabs: But I want to modify it, and cannot achieve the desired result, and that result can be seen at one template: (Just click on 'Live P...

UITableView display distorted before setAnimationTransition during view swap

Greetings! I'm trying to borrow the view flip concept from Apple's TheElements sample app. This sample employs a container UIView in which you can swap between two subviews. The flip is achieved using setAnimationTransition:forView:cache: and removing/adding each subview. In general, the flip works and I can swap between my two views (a...

Making a generic loading animation in mvvm

i have a mvvm app that retrieve a lot of data from remote server. i wanna add an animation while data is being loaded what best way of doing that. ...

How to programatically set height of row in XAML?

Hi, I just need some quick help on syntax. I'm doing a WPF project and decided to try it out with Visual Basic. So, basically I'm trying to set the height of a row in a Grid. I'm not great at programming but with C# I managed somehow to figure it out, without remembering how. It actually looks like an animation because when clicking the...

WPF- Animate from one style to another

Hi guys Just wondering if anyone know how to animate from one style to another i.e. going from NormalStyle to ActiveStyle when the user focuses on the textbox <Style x:key="NormalStyle" TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}"> <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Gray" /> <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="2" /> </Style> <Style...