
Ajax Animation on gridview row

I want to implement ajax animation (row color fades/changes from red back to white when a linkbutton is clicked) on a gridview row, and I want to do it in the code behind in c# (in the linkbutton_click event). Is this possible? ...

iPhone SDK: Setting up an animation to create a blinking effect.

In an iPhone application I'm developing I have a Image View that displays eyes and I want to make them blink, an obviously blinking is a random thing, it can't be routine and keep repeating like a UIImageView Animation would do on repeat. How would I set up an animation that displays one frame (blinked eyes) then sets back to the origi...

iPhone Dev: Playing back a flash animation

Hi, I am building a simple application that has a few buttons that when clicked play a video. Right now I have those videos as flash files. For my first attempt I tried converting them to .mov and used the MediaPlayer framework. The video/are very poor and when you double click the video controls pop up. Im not sure what the best way ...

How to animate a resource in XAML?

In an XAML document, I have a gradient brush as a resource and a bunch of shapes that use this resource. I would like to animate the brush using a storyboard, but I don't know how to set the brush in resources as the target of storyboard. Simply using its name does not work, {StaticResource name} does not work either. Is it even possible...

UITableView animation issue

Hi I have a table on a page, but it doesn't take up the entire screen (about 1/3). At some point I would like to show something above the table, but keep the view below the table as it is. This isn't really the problem though. I use a UIView animation to change the size of the table's frame and move it down. The issue is that when the ...

Android animation

hello, I'm a new programmer , and several months ago I began studying in android. Now I have a question for your help. I use my animation to replace the translateAnimation used when activity enters or exits. The animation is a rotating animation but different from rotateAnimation which is already defined in freamworks. It rotates...

help me improve my basic point to point move animation algorithm

Greetings, With javascript, I am trying to make a very easy animation, an image moves from one X and Y coordination to another X Y coordination. I have 4 constant such as: var startX = 0; //starting X of an image var startY = 0; //starting Y of an image var endX = 100; //ending X of an image var endY = 200; //ending Y of an image //the...

iPhone SDK: I have memory issues, can anyone help a newbie fix them?

Hello, I have been developing on the iPhone platform for a very short time, and already I've had my fare share of syntax errors, and now memory issues. In my iPhone app an image view is animated multiple times by different buttons(6), and this works well on the iPhone without problems, but when I tested my app with instruments for the f...

uiview animation used to work on iphone sdk 2.2 and now it doesn't on sdk 3.0

hello! I have an animation block that worked fine when runnung the app on iphone OS 2.2. Now I compile the same code for iphone OS 3.0 and it doesn't work. UIViewAnimationTransition trans = UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft; [UIView beginAnimations: nil context: NULL]; UIView *forview = [[self view] superview]; [UIView setAnimati...

Silverlight animation not smooth

Hi, When trying to animate objects time/frame based in Silverlight (in contrast to using something like DoubleAnimation or Storyboard, which is not suitable e.g. for fast paced games), for example moving a spaceship in a particular direction every frame, the movement is jumpy and not really smooth. The screen even seems to tear. There ...

Animate cell height change in UITableView

I'd like to change the height of a UITableViewCell when it gets selected. I'm able to do this by defining - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath and calling the tableview's reloadData when the cell gets selected, but I'd like to have the change be animated. Any suggestions on how...

How to Customize Animation in Blend?

I'm developing a small application using Blend, basically what I have in my application are two list views, lets call them List View A and List View B. List View A represent the files in my computer that I want to sent to the server and List View B represent the files that are in the server. What I want to do is to create a transition ...

iPhone SDK2.0 vs SDK3.0 discrepancies

the following code yield a standard animation when user selects between tabs on sdk2.0 through 2.2, on sdk3.0 devices it does not. I'm still compiling against 2.0 or 2.2 sdk but running on a device that runs 3.0 version of the OS. descrepcincies code: - (void)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)controller didSelectViewController:(...

[jQuery] Modify the show/hide function to only scale width, not height?

As the title implies, I'm using jQuery's show and hide functions to hide and show elements. However, I don't want to scale in the height of the element, just the width. I was thinking about using the animate function but I wasn't sure if this was the best way to go about it. Also, I'd prefer not to have to set the height in the javascr...

Quadratic Bezier Interpolation

Hi, I would like to get some code in AS2 to interpolate a quadratic bezier curve. the nodes are meant to be at constant distance away from each other. Basically it is to animate a ball at constant speed along a non-hyperbolic quadratic bezier curve defined by 3 pts. Thanks! ...

Replace ResourceDictionary while Storyboard is running in WPF?

I'm using multiple ResourceDictionarys to enable skinning in my WPF application. I have a button that's using WPF Toolkit's VisualStateManager to animate state changes. Great! Now, when the button is pressed, the style changes by loading a different ResourceDictionary. Now the problem comes when the button's Storyboard for transitioning...

UITableViewCell - different behaviour depending on touch duration?

I'm trying to animate an image in a UITableViewCell subclass. It works when the tap on the cell is about 1/2 second or more in duration. For shorter taps, the cell gets selected, but my animation doesn't run. In my view controller, I have: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { ...

How to deal with animating in-between states when the model is discrete

The data model in my program has a number of discrete states, but I want to animate the transition between these states. While the animation is going on, what the user sees on the screen is disconnected from what the underlying data is like. Once the animation is complete, they match up again. For example, let's say we have a simple gam...

How can I make a function wait until an animation completes?

I have used JQuery for a small animation work: a table #photos contains 9 photos and I would like to increase the width and height using the animate function on mouseover. But while the animation is running if the user moves to mouse to another photo it automatically triggers the next animation, so it's totally confused. What should I do...

Animation one image to the next

I am new to iphone app and pre-beginner of SDK programming. I have a flash file and need to reprogram for iphone. The design of the app is a navbar with start buttom and an image view below them. I have 46 PNL images that I want to show in succession after the start button is clicked. Each picture will stay on the screen for 5 seco...