
jQuery - Animate element that has children absolutely positioned outside it - blinking

Hi there, Forgive me if this has been addressed before, couldn't find anything. I am animating a content bar that that has children absolutely positioned outside it (via negative margins). The idea is that the children will animate with the bar as it expands. What happens is as soon as the animation starts the children disappear, and...

WPF Animation - Animating Bezier curve points

I'm working on a project that involves drawing curved paths between two objects. Currently, I've been writing some test code to play around with bezier curves and animation. The first test is simply to move the endpoint (Point3) from the origin object (a rectangle) to the destination object (another rectangle), in a straight line. her...

How to make add a fade-in/fade-out animation based on ViewModel property value?

I have a ViewModel which exposes the string property PageToolBarVisible which can be true or false: private string _pageToolBarVisible; public string PageToolBarVisible { get { return _pageToolBarVisible; } set { _pageToolBarVisible = value; OnPropertyChanged("PageToolBarVisible"); } } ...

How to make a XAML animation make the element disappear AFTER it has faded out

Thanks to the answer on this stackoverflow question I was able to get the following animation to work, so that when the value of my ViewModel property PageToolBarVisible causes the toolbar to fade in and out. The problem is: the toolbar opacity fades out, but it the space it took up is still present after it fades out the initial tool...

Basic jQuery slideUp and slideDown driving me mad!

Hi, my jQuery skills are pretty good normally but this is driving me mad! It's a fairly simple accordian I've coded up from scratch. Using jQuery 1.3.2 so there shouldn't be any jumping bugs but basically if you take a look at the example: I'm displaying the height for the target d...

How can I make a XAML Trigger call a XAML Style?

This style correctly fades my toolbar in or out based on the changing of a ViewModel Property: <Style x:Key="PageToolBarStyle" TargetType="Border"> <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding PageToolBarVisible}" Value="true"> <DataTrigger.EnterActions> <BeginStoryboard> <...

How to get View element to fade in/out based on value of ViewModel property?

The View and ViewModel listed below show two buttons: when you click Show ToolBar, the toolbar fades in when you click Hide ToolBar, the toolbar fades out However, the following things don't work: when the application is loaded and OnPropertyChanged("PageToolBarVisible") is fired, if the value is false then the Toolbar shows in spi...

onmousedown and onmouseup with YUI Animation Utility

My goal is to create an animation with the YUI Animation Utility that does the following: The user clicks a button. An element begins moving from point A to point B The user releases or moves the the cursor off the button. The element stops and stays in its current position. The user clicks the button again. The element animates from i...

Java Timing Framework - triggering event at the end of an Animator animation

I'm using the Animator class from the Timing Framework to perform a simple animation (moving a JPanel), roughly based on examples in Filthy Rich Clients I've overridden timingEvent() as follows public void timingEvent(float arg0) { float fraction = this.animator.getTimingFraction(); fraction = Math.min(1.0f, fraction); if...

How do I chain or queue custom functions using JQuery?

I have multiple functions the do different animations to different parts of the HTML. I would like to chain or queue these functions so they will run the animations sequentially and not at the same time. I am trying to automate multiple events in sequence to look like a user has been clicking on different buttons or links. I could pro...

Create and Display 'File Copy' like Animation

Hi, I've searched around quite a bit on the Internet and I'm now pulling my hair out. I reckon this should be relatively simple. I'm sure I'm not the first person to want to do this. Here's what I want to do: I want to 'compile' a custom animation, from still images, and save it as an avi, or some other [animation] file format. As...

Keep iPhone keyboard-aligned toolbar visible through first responder change?

I'm using the method described by Josh in this question to add a toolbar to the top of the iPhone's keyboard. Basically, the idea is: Add the view controller as an observer for the notifications UIKeyboardWillShowNotification and UIKeyboardWillHideNotification in its initialization method Whenever those notifications are posted, animat...

Have a HTML page play Flash movie only once (not when revisited...)

Hi guys, How would it be possible to have a HTML page play a flash animation only once, i.e. when a person goes back to that page, the Flash won't play again from the start but will just show the last frame of the animation (or even a simple .jpg image of that last frame)? Is it even possible? Thanks, L. ...

recommend a good tutorial about Silverlight animation

Hello everyone, Could anyone recommend me a good tutorial about Silverlight animation for a beginner, and I am especially interested in how to read the animation code in XAML (I always feel magic code) and develop my own animation. If the tutorial covers any tools which could facilitate animation code rede and animation development, it ...

A framework for creating educational animations

Many times I found out that I need a software to create simple educational animations. In those animations I want to draw a sequence of simple animations one by one. For example, I would like to show how a backtracking algorithm for the n-queens problem works. In that case I want to draw a chessboard, draw a queen on the top-left square...

What is the best way to start an animation when a bound value changes?

This is a situation that comes up often: In the View, you have a control bound to a ViewModel property (backed by a INotifyPropertyChanged). For example: <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Subtotal}"/> When the property changes, you need to bring the user attention to the fact with some creative animation. How I can utilize the fact that...

Using Xaml and WPF, How do you animate a property on click, and then reverse on successive clicks.

I would like to know if there is a way to use only XAML to perform an animation on a property, and then on the next click perform the reverse animation? Here is a sample of the Trigger I have on a Border object to give the appearance of sliding out: <!-- Animates the Width to Slide It Out. --> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Border.MouseLef...

Complex movement within animation

I've this application, where two children are playing catch. One throws and the other catches. While I can show a ball object moving between two stationary objects, how do I show the objects "releasing" and "catching" the ball, in a way that is close to lifelike? EDIT: The movement of the hands in this game: http://www.acreativedeskto...

Fitting Cocoa Animation into MVC/OOP patterns

MVC/OOP design patterns say you don't set a property, per se, you ask an object to set its property. Similarly, in Cocoa you don't tell an object when to draw itself. Your object's code has detailed HOW it will draw itself so we trust the frameworks to decide when (for the most part) it should draw. But, when it comes to animation in C...

how to know when a coreanimation animation ends

Hi, I'm doing some animations with core animation, but I can't found a way to know with a notification or event when the animation block has finish, like in UIVIew animation block you have setAnimationDidStopSelector: how can I know this in core animation, thanks for any help ...