
iPhone SDK: Long animations with "animationImages" problem.

Hello, I have been trying to set up an animation in xcode for a long time now, At first I started trying to animate 100 1000x1000 pngs, but those images were too big for the iphone, now I am trying to animate 100 320x480 pngs and it seems to animate fine up until about 40 frames in, then the app crashes, so, is there any other method of...

jquery animation not working on dynamic elements

this may be useful to see where I am coming from. h[link text][1]ttp:// Note: jQuery is used instead of the $ idiom because this is what wordpress requires. I am adding divs with elements with this code: jQuery("#list").append(jQuery("<div>").attr("id", "Entry").html(html));...

Jquery cycling through multiple images and showing 3 at a time

Hi folks! Can you please point me to a jquery plugin, or a snippet I can use to make this? Here's the question: Say I have 12 images and I want to show 3 at a time and cycle through the 12 in this fashion: (img1-img2-img3) then (img2-img3-img4) then (img3-img4-img5)... See what I mean? In fact, I want a kind of marquee for images. ...

WPF Fade Animation

How would I make a control fade in/out when it becomes Visible. Below is my failed attempt: <Window x:Class="WadFileTester.Form1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Name="MyWindow" Title="WAD File SI Checker" Height="386" Width="563" Wind...

Why is my animation leaving a trail?

I'm animating a an ImageView from the left to the right of the screen using a translate animation. The ImageView is place inside a RelativeLayout over the top of my main layout using FrameLayout. When I run the animation on the emulator everything works pretty well but when I use run it on my G1 it leaves visual artifacts behind and ef...

How to do a radar animation in the iPhone SDK?

Does anyone know how to animate a radar animation like the image below? With it growing outwards? I have to draw the circle using Quartz or some other way? ...

javascript fade animations

i want a certain DOM element to fade into view in my script. i tried using the timeout feature but couldnt get it to work. hover.addEventListener('mouseover',function () {Core.addClass(cpanel,"on");},false); please tell me how to implement a fade-in effect for this. please dont recommend jquery or any other framework. ...

WPF: animate a custom dependency property?

Hi everyone, Let's say that I've defined a dependency like this: public class MySampleClass {public static DependencyProperty MyDoubleProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("MyDouble", typeof(double), typeof(MySampleClass)); public double MyDouble { get { return (double)GetValue(MyDoubleProp...

Controlling iPhone App Flow During Table View Animations

In my application I would like to be able to wait until table view animations (deleting table view rows) were complete before executing part of my application. I was wondering if there would be any way to wait or pause my application until the these animations were complete. Thanks. ...

How do I tween in java?

I'm looking into making a 2d game in java and I've run into a problem with animation: How do I do tweening in java? Are there any libraries or maybe something I can find bindings for? Understand that I do not want to simply move an image, I want to do morphing in a way that when making drawings for animation I can use a few keyframes to...

Sliding Panels activated by Links

I have three links. I want each link to control a separate DIV (I guess within a container DIV). So when you open the page you have DIV-1, then you can click on the link for DIV-2 or 3 and the view will slide or scroll to that DIV. How is this possible in jQuery? I've tried scrollleft to no avail. Thanks in advance, Stu ...

iPhone - How to animate a button when pressed?

Is there a way to make a custom animation when clicking on an iPhone button? I would like something like the App Store button - it shows the price, and then when you click on it, it changes color and the text changes to buy now, then when you click it again, it completes the purchase. The UIViewAnimationTransition only contains a few v...

Is there an algorithm for converting quaternion rotations to Euler angle rotations?

Is there an existing algorithm for converting a quaternion representation of a rotation to an Euler angle representation? The rotation order for the Euler representation is known and can be any of the six permutations (i.e. xyz, xzy, yxz, yzx, zxy, zyx). I've seen algorithms for a fixed rotation order (usually the NASA heading, bank, rol...

PVR compression in animation - iphone sdk

im animating an 89 frame png sequence, that has been cut down to half by putting two frames per 512 x 512 frame. but im having major image qaulity issues (lossy) does anyone know of a good way to animate an 89 frame animation, without losing quality or chugging the processor? all the best. ...

Animate message using jquery form plugin

I am having a problem using the jquery Form Plugin. I have a form that is setup that I would like to animate the errors/success when a user submits incorrect information or gives the user a succes message when then enter correct information. However my problem is twofold. The message that displays on the same page only works in firefox w...

image markers on MKMapView

Need to use own imaged markers instead built-in pins. I have several questions. 1. Is it legally? I have a doubt because there is no standard support for markers(pins) with own icon. How to make a marker with own icon right way? I found the post which actually describe how-to: I am a newbie, ...

Can UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlDown work on a view containing an image with transparency?

I am trying to animate a piece of text being pasted on to a view as a post-it note. I have a view with a yellow background, which contains a text view and a close button, initially set to be hidden. I animate it onto the main view like this: [UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlDown forView:postitView cache:NO]; p...

JavaScript animate resizing div

I'm trying to put a small animation on a page. I've got 2 divs side by side, the second of which has its content called via Ajax, so the div height varies without page refresh. <div id="number1" style="float:left; padding-bottom:140px">Static content, 200px or so</div> <div id="number2" style="float:left">AJAX content here</div> <div st...

Iphone app PNG sequence animation - How to use OPENgle optimally without crashing

hello everyone. i am making an animation in opegle with pngs and considering to use the highest qaulity compression and not use pvr conversion. Does anyone know the maximum amount of frames you can do before the processor starts getting chuggy? and i have a series of frames i would also note that my png sequence is roughly 75 frames a...

Drag to rotate in iPhone-app

Hello, I'm trying to drag a UIImageView according to an anchorPoint but the whole image move. In fact i have a view for my app settings and one parameter is setted with a dial (with a hand/needle(?)). I'd like the rotation center of the needle/hand doesn't move when i'm dragging it. Thanks for your future answers. ...