
Animating a MatrixTransform in WPF from code.

I have a Canvas which I would need to animate the RenderTransform property of. The start and end matrices will be abitrary, so I can't pre write the storyboard in XAML, so I'm trying to do it in code, I can't find any example of how to do this, below is my best try which does not work (it compiles and runs, but the rendertransform does ...

Qt Animation

I'm having trouble understanding how QGraphicsItemAnimation's setScaleAt function works. Here's the code I'm using: QGraphicsItem *item=scene.addEllipse(400, 300, 100, 100, QPen(), QBrush(Qt::SolidPattern)); QTimeLine *timeline=new QTimeLine(3000); timeline->setFrameRange(0, 100); QGraphicsItemAnimation *animation=new QGraphicsI...

jQuery: div pops back to full size after animation

In the jQuery example below, I have one div inside another. When I animate the inner div down to a width of 0, the outer div (which has absolute positioning), decreases in width along with it. This is desired. The trouble is that after the animation is complete, the outer div pops back to its original size. Is this expected? How can I ...

Iphone SDK - Animating Subview

I have a View that has a UIWebView, and an OptionsPane (Custom UIViewController with Custom view). I want when the view is shown, for the options pane (located on the top of the main view) to FLIP into place. I am using the code, and I am getting a strange result. The FIRST time the view is shown, the options pane seems to already be v...

JavaScript Background Perspective Library

I remember seeing this on Ajaxian and a couple other sites but I never bookmarked it, now i can't find it again. It's a javascript library that allows you to move your mouse over an image that's been chopped into layers and change perspective. Any links would be appreciated. ...

how to create iphone's wobbling icon effect?

Hello, I want to wobble an image back and forth in my application similar to how the iPhone icons wobble when you press down on it. What's the best way to do that? This is my first foray into animations that's not using an animated GIF. I think the idea is to slightly rotate the image back and forth to create the wobbling effect. ...

jQuery toggle animation

I have this jQuery: $(document).ready(function() { $("#panel").hide(); $('.login').toggle( function() { $('#panel').animate({ height: "150", padding:"20px 0", backgroundColor:'#000000', opacity:.8 }, 500); }, function() { $('#panel').animate({ height: "0", padding:"...

Jquery Ajax animation?

Hi there, I have a ajax jquery petition ... is there a standard way of displaying a nice animation while it completes. Anybody have any info? Its just that petition is taking around 15 seconds when there is an error in the server... so i would like to display an animation in case of this situation... I am not necessarily talking abou...

jQuery synchronous animations?

Hi there, I have a jquery animation .. actually its 2 .. fadein and then move with animation.. Problem is that it fades In completely FIRST and then ANIMATES (moves position) ... What i am trying to do is start fadein and don't wait for it to finish (which appears to be happening at the moment) .. and start the animate.. hence both...

WPF animation first run

I have a simple WPF application that contains a user control that is animated in and out by a pair of storyboards on the main window. I am animating the user control's opacity, scaletransform.scalex and scaletransform.scaley to pop it in and out of view. It looks cool except for the first time it runs. The animation is set to take 3/1...

Trigger an event on a specific part of an image

I want to trigger an event handler when the user hovers on a particular part of the image, like the center of the image or the right side of the image (area would include, say, about a 100 pixels). I am not using any framework, so this is normal javascript that I am working with. I am not sure if using image maps would work. Can anyone h...

How to animate ListBox Items on MouseEnter and MouseLeave events using C#/WPF?

I can't capture/trigger OnMouseEnter or OnMouseLeave events through C# code for list items. To be clear, I don't need an OnSelectedItem event. What I want to do is to be able to handle the OnMouseEnter and OnMouseLeave events for ListBoxItem which will start the DoubleAnimation for that ListBoxItem - I want to enlarge its font on Mouse...

Memory issue with iPhone game animations using image sequences.

Hi, I am currently developing an iPhone game that has numerous animations using image sequences (jpg and png with transparencies). Using Instruments to view Leaks and Object Allocations, the most I've seen the object allocations go up to is less than 500k. However, the program still crashes and quits unexpectedly when we switch from one...

How to have a WPF binding update every second?

I want to show the user how many seconds have passed since some event occurs. Conceptually, my view model has properties like this: public DateTime OccurredAtUtc { get; set; } public int SecondsSinceOccurrence { get { return (int)(DateTime.UtcNow - OccurredAtUtc).TotalSeconds; } } If I bind a TextBlock.Text property to SecondsSi...

How can I get rid of jerkiness in WinForms scrolling animation?

I'm writing a simple control in C# that works like a picture box, except the image is constantly scrolling upwards (and re-appearing from the bottom). The animation effect is driven by a timer (System.Threading.Timer) which copies from the cached image (in two parts) to a hidden buffer, which is then drawn to the control's surface in it...

WPF ControlTemplate Style GradientStop in Trigger

Here is my XAML for a TabItem. I want to be able to set the Color of a single gradient stop in a trigger. I know that I can re-define the gradient completely in the trigger's setter, but I want to access a specific property on the background so I can animate it in the future. I have tried every variation of everything in the trigger's s...

In WPF, after DoubleAnimation UIElement property cannot be changed?

OK, I'm making a GUI for my MP3 player using WPF and I have a border that enlarges its width property for every second of the played track, thus making a "Progress Bar" for the currently played song. I named the border ProgressBarBorder. After the whole playlist is complete, I wanted to use a DoubleAnimation to fade out the border. Now, ...

Animated transitions in WPF

I can't figure out what I'm missing here. Here's the problem: Consider a (Control|Data)Template with a Trigger that switches visibility of some inner UI elements. E.g. show a TextBlock when IsReadOnly==true and show a TextBox when IsReadOnly==false. Everything is perfect if you do this without animation - one or two setters would do th...

Problems with sequential UIImage Animations

I am having a problem trying to animate between 2 UIImage. I did implement the setAnimationDidStopSelector methods so once my first animation is finish I start my second one, but when I tried to flip to my previous image it still flipping to the same image as if the variable didn't take into the account the new value of my image object ...

Best way to do basic 2D image animation on iPhone?

What is the easiest and most practical way to implement smooth frame-based animation on the iPhone? I know that image sequences are easy to do, but if I have say 30 images flashing per second (30 fps) for 5 seconds, will it freeze up? Are there massive memory implications with this method? I'm designing a game that will be mostly static...