
How can I animate the height of a ListView when adding items via ItemsSource?

I have a ListView that is set up with a MinHeight and a MaxHeight. The final height is determined by the number of items inside the list. At the moment, when a list is added to the ItemsSource property of the ListView, the height jumps to the final height. Is there a way to animate this change in height, so that it's smooth? ...

In WPF, how can I animate the width of a Window?

Hello everyone, As the title says, how should I go about animating the height or width of a Window? I can do something like: var wdw = new Window(); var ani = new DoubleAnimation(wdw.Width + 150, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.2)); wdw.Show(); wdw.BeginAnimation(SomeDependencyProperty, ani) ...but Width doesn't seem to be a dependency prope...

UIView animations interacting badly

Hi-- I'm seeing what appears to be interaction between separate animations, and I'd really appreciate any suggestions to eliminate this effect. Basically: I've got an iPhone app which includes a button 'a' on the root view. Tapping 'a' pushes a view on a navigation view controller stack, with a flip animation. The pushed view has a but...

Opera handles jQuery's animate method in a very strange way

I have a dropdown menu. Its height is animated with jQuery from 5px to 130px and vice versa. The menu worked fine while it was separated element (when I was developing it) but when another elements appeared Opera made a surprise: I marked first state as 1 and second as 2. Third state should be the same as first but as you can see it...

iphone animating frame rate and number of frames

I am working on an app where the customer wants to animate large images (305x332). The customer wants 50 frames in 1.75 seconds to animate in a loop. I am finding that the app is very slow with this much processing. It is slow to start, respond to touches and to shutdown. On the iPhone it self, the app will often crash or lockup the ...

Anyone knows the algorithm for this kind of rubbery effect?

Hey guys, I'm doing some animations and I want to implement something like this on the web. I was thinking that the HTML canvas can do this kind of job. Because I can scale part of an image. I just need the algorithm to actually make it work. The effect is elastic, if the window is small, the greater the elasticity of the window when y...

WPF: How to fade-in and scale a user control in a popup

Hi, I have a user control that I'd like to show when the user clicks a button. That's not a problem, using af Popup control. However, I'd like to have the user control fade-in and scale from 0.5 to 1.2 and back to 1.0 (both X and Y) at the same time. How do I do that? ...

floating menu, make it stop at bottom?

example page I have a floating menu that i've built to the left side (green), and i've made it start moving after 200 pixels. and now i need to to stop and not go over the footer (blue) area. any ideas how to make my JS better? this thing is, I cannot check this on the scroll event, because of the animation going on after i scroll, so...

How can I get a notification on every frame in Core Animation?

I have an iPhone program that consists of a number of UIViews that are sitting on top of another UIView, and that can be moved around. I am drawing connections between the UIViews using the drawRect: method in the containing UIView. It all works great. The only problem is that when I use animation to move the views around, the backgroun...

How do i run adobe air application without Adobe air player?

i dowload some animation from . so how can i run without Adobe AIR ?. How can i install in linux os ?. I am beginner so don't mistake me . i dont know anything about air . plz guys tech me about this . ...

Android : Disable 1.5 cupcake animation transitions.

Long story short, how can I disable the screen transitions between activities? We implemented our own tab handler if you will, and now it is doing a transition between tabs, which looks pretty tacky. Thanks! Chris. ...

jquery simple menu roll-over (animation queue question)

I have a simple unordered list with listitems as menu item i created the jquery just to have a funny rolover effect beeing: $('#nav ul ul li').hover(function(){ $(this).animate({ marginLeft: "20px", }, 300 ); }, function(){ $(this).animate({ marginLeft: "0px", }, 300 ); }); the problem with this script i...

Form opacity animation in C# with a BackgroundWorker

With the help of the BackgroundWorker, I created an opacity animation for some form. There's only one tiny issue with this approach but I can't understand where is the problem. The animation speed is configurable and even if the speed value is very high, sometimes the animations is very, very slow, for some odd reason... The "slow anim...

WPF: Detect Animation or Cancel Timeline.Completed Event? How?

I'm moving 3d camera like this: Point3DAnimation pa; // Triggered by user click void MoveCamera(object sender, EventArgs e) { pa = new Point3DAnimation(myPoint3D, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000)); pa.Completed += new EventHandler(pa_Completed); Camera.BeginAnimation(PerspectiveCamera.PositionPr...

how to remove right click menu in swf (flash cs4 using action script 3 ,flash 9) ?

i made swf using flash 9 player if i right click swf it will shows menu like zoom in , zoom out, etc option . but i saw this site url ( ) animation swf like elephant.swf, bird.swf... not show anything .only shows reddraw option How can i do li...

JQuery - animate moving DOM element to new parent?

I have an image tag inside of a table cell, that I'd love to move to another table cell, and have that movement animated. The code looks something like this... <td id="cell1"><img src="arrow.png" alt="Arrow"/></td> <td id="cell2"></td> I'd like to move "arrow.png" to "cell2", and have some kind of transition effect, preferably with J...

Flex tween classes

I've been told several times or I've read in various places (can't remember where exactly right now) not to use Tween classes from the Flex SDK but to use instead other animation libraries like Tweener, TweenMax, GTween, ... What's wrong with using Flex tweens? Is it a performance issue? If I want to do states transitions, should I mak...

WPF Storyboard beginner problem

I'm writing my first WPF application and I'm trying to implement a fade animation when the form closes. I came across this question which shows how to make a fade-out animation but I can't seem to get it working. I have this in my XAML: <Window.Resources> <St...

How can I animate an attribute value (not style property) with jQuery?

I need to animate the height attribute of iframe, but seems like the animate function accepts style properties only. Any thoughts on this? ...

iPhone: Locking UIImageView while moving

Hello, I move a UIImageView with touchesbegan, touchesmoved, touchesended. It works well, but is the touches get also applied to other UIImageViews, laying around. How do I lock touching activity while moving the UIImageView? I've tried this with a Boolean Value, but it hasn't worked, because touchesmoved get called every time the UIIm...