
WPF: Are 'automatic' animations possible?

I have an ItemsControl that shows items using DataTemplates. When certain properties of the items change, I would like the changes to appear animated in the ItemsControl. For instance, an item has a Thickness and a Color and when these properties change, I would like to show an animation transitioning from one to the other. What is the e...

WPF - No IsEnabled=true behavior using style with animations

I have asked a question here but then I realized my problem was not the code but the style I am using for a button. Since the problem is completely different than the one initially asked, I thought it would be more beneficial for other users if I just asked the "right" question again. Here I go: I am using the template below in my butto...

Why can't I modify an object after animating it?

After executing this code... DoubleAnimation a = new DoubleAnimation(newWidth, new Duration(...)); ThicknessAnimation b = new ThicknessAnimation(new Thickness(...), new Duration(...)); border.BeginAnimation(Border.MarginProperty, b); border.BeginAnimation(Border.WidthProperty, a); ...this code no longer works (Margin does not change a...

Math equation to calculate different speeds for fade animation

I'm trying to add a fade effect to my form by manually changing the opacity of the form but I'm having some trouble calculating the correct value to increment by the Opacity value of the form. I know I could use the AnimateWindow API but it's showing some unexpected behavior and I'd rather do it manually anyways as to avoid any p/invoke...

Common cause of redraw/repaint problems with jQuery DOM animation

My problem at the moment is specifically related to the jScrollPane scrollbar plugin, but the issue of concern is more general. Graphical artifacts can be a problem with any JS animation. Certain types of positioning and use/abuse of CSS styles can make redrawing much more prone to graphical artifacts, even in the modern browsers. I us...

jquery and IE Rendering issue

I realise that IE is a bit rubbish at most things but I was hoping someone could come up with a way of fixing a display issue in IE when using jquery. on the following site, I have used jquery on the menu to show and hide options (projects and contact) When these are clicked in IE, they show whatever is ...

Animation stops when ListBoxItem not visible (WPF)

Hello, I have animation on list box items. When the list box item is not visible, ie. scrolled past visible in the listbox the animation seems to stop. When it is scrolled back into view it appears to start where it left off. Does anyone now how to keep the animation running? Thanks ...

How can I animate TextDecoration Strikethrougn on a TextBlock?

I am trying to animate the line that strikes through text in a textblock. Here is what I have so far. <Page xmlns="" xmlns:x=""&gt; <Page.Resources> <Style x:Key="TextBlockEliminated"> <Setter Property="Control.FontSize" V...

How do you animate a speedometer needle in the iPhone SDK?

I've looking to animate a a needle in a speedometer-like item. How do I spin the needle and simulate the acceleration and the bouncing effect you would see in cartoons (when the needle reaches the max and starts bouncing). ...

Ajax Open, Close Effect

Can someone tell me how to do an animation like this: inside my current site, which is I would like for the window where you see all the text content, to open and close as you go thru the navigation links to open up a new page (close the o...

Using Silverlight DispatcherTimer - is there a better way (DependencyProperty on Animation)?

I'm animating a 'race' on a map. The race takes 45 minutes, but the animation runs for 60 seconds. You can watch the 2008 City2Surf race demo to see what I mean. The 'race clock' in the top-left must show "real time", and had to be set-up in the .xaml.cs with a System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer which seems a bit of a hack. I t...

What's the easiest frame by frame animation technique in the iPhone sdk?

Hi, i've been developing for the iphone platform for about 3 weeks now, and I'm trying to set up a frame by frame animation with 16 1000x1000 png images (with transparency) and plan on animating with around 100 later, so first I tried using imageNamed to animate all the images like this -(IBAction)startClick1:(id)sender { clou...

iPhone SDK: How come the following code only animates first frame?

Hello, I have been trying to animate using an NSTimer and I've set up my code like this: - (IBAction)startClick:(id)sender{ animationTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:(.1/25.0) target:self selector:@selector(tick) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; } - (void)tick{ [self animatePig]; } - (void)animatePig{ UIImage *pig...

Rotate Images in Javascript

How can I rotate a set of images in an ellipse? how to get each point on a ellipse at some center(x,y)point. ...

How to create a multistage UIImageView animation?

I'm trying to do a multistage animation, so that a UIImageView (1) fades in, (2) moves, (3) slide off the screen. Only stage 1 seems to work. What am I doing wrong? Here's the code: // FIRST PART - FADE IN -(void)firstAnim { // 'sprite' is a UIImageView [sprite setAlpha:0.1f]; [UIView beginAnimations:@"anim1" context:NULL];...

How to do smooth scrolling for lists in Swing

On the iPhone scrolling through lists is animated smoothly. Ignoring the inertia effect (though having it would be cool as well) - how would I go about making a Swing listbox scroll smoothly like that? There are other examples as well, like browsers, but those use native controls which I cannot use with Swing. ...

How can I do Flash 3d animation, Flash only supports 2d animation?

I am a beginner Flash developer. I saw some site like [][1] and another site also. On this site some 3d Flash animation there. How can I do like those animations? Because Flash only supports 2d animation. If you know, send me any reference url for studying 3d animation in Flash only. ...

how to execute multiple animations simultaneously in mootools?

I have two divs (say, divs with ids: div1 and div2) whose height I need to expand using Fx.Tween And I want the animations to be simultaneous. '#div1' 's style.height is to be changed from auto to 0. '#div2' 's style.height is to be changed for current height to a new height calculated by a function called calculateHeight() how do I do...

Siverlight animation issue

Hello everyone, Suppose I have the following XAML snippets, my confusion is what is the meaning of the value for Storyboard.TargetProperty? i.e. the meaning of "(UIElement.RenderTransform).(TransformGroup.Children)[0].(ScaleTransform.ScaleX)". <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="p1" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(UIEle...

MVVM, Animations and Commanding - Best way to kick off animations?

Users love animations. See the iphone for a good example :) Everything a user does in the iphone kicks off an animation. Enter MVVM and Commanding (I'm thinking about Silverlight 2 specifically). A user action triggers an event via Commanding, and we're sitting in the ViewModel thinking about how to trigger a nice animation for the u...