
Partial update of WPF Animations in Storyboards/ParallelTimelines without a new Begin()?

I'm working on a WPF application that displays a number of graphical elements (RectangleGeometries and Splines) that are animated in sync with video displayed in a MediaElement. The synchronization tree is constructed as follows: Storyboard (for control: Begin(), Pause(), Seek() ...) MediaTimeline (connected to the MediaElement using...

Problem with animating the deletion of table rows in jQuery

Hey guys, I have written some jQuery code to use the "slideUp" animation when deleting rows from a table. In order for the animation to appear smooth, I wrapped the contents of each TD in the row with DIV tags, and called the slideUp function on the DIVs, removing the actual TDs upon completion of the animation. The code for that is as f...

Animating a sprite across a MKMapView

Without getting into OpenGL (Quartz 2D is OK): Let's say I have an image which I want to move across a map in some fluid way. For instance, an image of a plane "flying" across the map. I've been able to do this using an MKAnnotation, an NSTimer and fiddling with the rate of lat/lon change and timer rate. However, I assume this isn't id...

Add A view with Dissolve effect in iPhone

FlipView *fl=[[FlipView alloc] initWithNibName:@"FlipView" bundle:nil]; //fl.view.frame=CGRectMake(50.0,50.0, 300.0,300.0); fl.delegate=self; fl.modalTransitionStyle=UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve; fl.imageName=aCategoryDtl.Tip_Image; [self presentModalViewController:fl animated:YES]; In above code, A Complete New View Controller...

Animate Expander in WPF

How to animate the expanded and collapsed actions of a Wpf expander control? ...

How to split the image using Javascript + CSS ?

I have the image like this: I want to split it into six squares, and I can keep looping to display the animation. Do you have any ideas to split the image by JS + CSS instead of using 6 separate image files. ...

Android. TranslateAnimation takes no effect

Hi, I am trying to create animation that moves an image. Lets have a look at following (like image locations on screen): 01 02 03 04 If I move from 01 to 02, 03 to 04, 01 to 03, 02 to 04, TranslateAnimation works fine. But when I do 01 to 04 I will have no visual animation, and image takes immediate vertical position. Could you p...

Assertion error in animation library: ID3DXAnimationController::RegisterAnimationOutput: Number of matrices registered is equal to the max number set at creation time.

When I replace the tiny_anim.x animation file with another one in the DirectX multianimation demo I get the following error: Assertion failure! (s:\gfx_sdknovember08\windows\directx\dxg\d3d11\d3dx9\anim\loadxh.cpp 1392): D3DXFrameNumNamedMatrices(pframeRoot) == plc->cNamedMatrices D3DX: ID3DXAnimationController::RegisterAnimationOutput:...

Smooth javascript animation

Here is some code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""&gt; <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>Untitled Document</title> <style> body { margin:0; padding:0; } #a { position:absolute; background:#0FF; left:0; height:...

How to animate "typing" text in SketchFlow?

In Microsoft's Expression Blend 3 SketchFlow application. How would you go about animating the typing of text, ideally in staged character by character fashion. As if the user is typing it. An associated flashing cursor would make it perfect, but that's far into the realm of "nice to have". The keyframe animation system, does not all...

How to implement high speed animation?

I'm trying to write an application (winforms) that can demonstrate how two oscillating colors will result in a third color. For this I need to be able to switch between two colors very fast (at >50 fps). I'm really hoping to do this in managed code. Right now I'm drawing two small rectangular bitmaps with solid colors on top of each ot...

WPF: is it possible to have a content container move 3d dimenisional in a modelvisual3d element ?

i was learning 3d animation in wpf.. and most tutorials would make an image 3d then play with it alittle ..moving and changing dimensions.. so it got me wondering.. is it possible to add some type of data container (like a grid canvas.. or whatever).. and make it move in 3d dimensons too ? i am not talking about skewing.. i am talkin...

How to implement minimized view of a form inside a div with jQuery?

By default shows a minimized view inside a div, when user click on the div,the form pop up for user to edit. How to implement this? Or is there a ready plugin to achieve this with jQuery? ...

Blackberry - animation in a same BitmapField during some process

Actually i want to show an animated picture motion in PopupScreen when some process is going on in the background like password checking or nwtwork connection. I dont know where to call the repaint or invalidate method and how to implement thread . Please write a simple program with required code. ...

Changing the playback speed of an animation entity

Hello, I have an entity that plays an animation that runs in my world at speed s = 1. Now starting with a specific time interval in my world it is possible for the animation to slow down, which means it plays at a speed s where: 0 < s < 1. This time interval is defined by the starttime ta and endtime tb. So if the time in my world rea...

How do I do a discrete color flip animation with JavaFX?

Just started with JavaFX today and can't figure out how to do a discrete color flip on an object. I can set up a Timeline with two keyframes and have it set a color value that an object binds to it's fill variable... but I get interpolated colors when what I want is a discrete flip flop. ...

Tween a value in iPhone objective-C

Is it possible to tween a variable (let's say a float from 0.0 to 2.0 over a period of time) in objective-C? Something like what TweenMax would do in flash. I guess the class methods of UIView don't do that. Is it doable maybe with CoreAnimation? Or would someone have to use NSTimer? Thanks ...

Animated Text Images in C

I have to write a text image program in C for a class. Nothing complicated just write an image using text. In regards to this:, how can I animate my text? ...

how to implement resize animation with jQuery?

When the container is resized,everything inside(text) should also scale accordingly. Is there a plugin that can achieve this? ...

Animating a UIView To A CGPoint

Hi Everyone: I am wondering how I would go about animating a UIView's to a specific CGPoint. The following is what I have so far (which doesn't work in it's current state): #define MOVE_ANIMATION_DURATION_SECONDS 2 NSValue *pointValue = [[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:point] retain]; [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:pointValue]; [UIVie...