
WPF PropertyChange does not cascade - animating one custom class dependencyproperty changes other properties - PropertyChange only fires for first

Hi all! Very simplified, this is my problem: (solution in the bottom) I have a custom class, inheriting Animatable and INotifyPropertyChange, containing one DependencyProperty (which I animate, say from 1 to 10) and one extra property (which I want to use from the XAML with a binding): MyClass : Animatable, INotifyPropertyChanged { ...

Modifying an iPhone animation container view before starting animation

I am adding some basic animation to a card game I'm working on. (My first iPhone app.) I am creating a custom UIView class "AnimationContainer", which flips from image1 to image2, while moving from rect1 to rect2. My ultimate intention is to have up to four of these containers doing their transitions simultaneously. The problem I'm hav...

Objective C UIViewImage animation

Hi, Right now I'm able to do a simple animation using the code below. However, the below solution needs me to predefine the image names. How can I do something like NSArray.push("image1.png"); for example? Then assign the dynamic array as the animationImages? Thank you, Tee UIImageView* animationView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFra...

adding image on a panel

hello everyone. uhhmm. ive been finding ways on adding images(Image object) on a panel. Basically, what i want to do is to create a page - a panel with moving objects (animation using sprites). but i can't. everytime i try to add the images to the panel, the screen goes on like "blinking". anyone can help me with this? I need this ASAP.....

Chaining animations and memory management

Hey Everyone, Got a question. I have a subclassed UIView that is acting as my background where I am scrolling the ground. The code is working really nice and according to the Instrumentation, I am not leaking nor is my created and still living Object allocation growing. I have discovered else where in my application that adding an an...

Expression blend (silverlight) using behaviors for header tabs? Fluid move behavior?

Hi I'm trying to create a menu in my header. I have imported my design from photoshop into expression blend and the layout works wonderfully. Now I want to add some effects and links to my objects. I understand I have to make this into a usercontrol tab. I'd like a white tab behind the menu text to move horizontal like an animation wh...

Accessing child and parent elements in Silverlight styles on different states

I'm currently styling a Silverlight combobox. The designer wants the combobox to turn black on "pressed", a state that is not supported by the combobox itself, but is available on the togglebutton ("DropDownToggle") within the combobox. So I edit the template for the togglebutton, and make it black on "pressed". No problem. The problem ...

Flash timeline script: will they be skipped?

Flash's MovieClip timeline is created in such way that can skip frames to preserve animation smoothness and audio sync. My question is, if there is ActionScript on a frame, will there be any chance the frame is skipped so the script isn't called? Or the frames that have script will never be skipped? What is the mechanism? ...

iPhone - Loading ActivityIndicator

I am aware of my problem but cannot find a solution. When the button is pressed it tells the UIActivityIndicatorView to startAminating and also retrieve data from a XML feed. Problem I am having is it runs the whole event before starting the animating of the loader, so the loader never spins before the data is retrieved. How can I sta...

Animation in Java ME

How could I implement animation in Java ME? I would want to achieve the following, I want to make a List the items in the List are animated icons with some related text description... I would like to animate all these Icons simultaneously... ...

Algorithms behind this animated java applet

Dears, I was recently happened to see this animation ( I was wondering what are the algorithms behind this applet. How and Where to learn such things? Thanks ...

Possible to "UIScrollView.zoomToRect" and then do UIView animations ?

I have a UIScrollView. I'd like to do some animation with it, but I want to add a neat little animation that basically zooms the UIScrollView back to where it started and then I can do some UIView animation. Is that possible? I have tried to have a button trigger one method with the scrollView.zoomToRect, and this method calls another m...

AS3 Tweener antialias and alpha problem

Hello, I have a strange problem with Tweener library and alpha transition. (no.. it's not the "no embbed problem") See the example on this page (All fonts are embbed, I'm using CS4 with AS3) The white-texts on black-background have problem with animation of alpha from 0 to 1. Their alpha "jump" and the text become bolder and whiter su...

Overlapping animations help!

Hi, Here is my code for making a bat flap its wings and respond to touches. - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { NSArray * imageArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: [UIImage imageNamed:@"Bat1.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"Bat2.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"Bat3.png"], ...

jquery's slow animation

I've had enough with jquery's slowmolasse animation. I'm not an expert, but however jQuery internals handles animation is too slow for me. What alternatives do you suggest? I've read: But it would be nice to know SO's opinions on the matter. Thanks! ...

Most elegant way to implement animated "sliding panels"...

Hi, I'm attempting to implement a similar animated "sliding panels" effect as the Aveda website. I'm a little overwhelmed by all the options and Javascript libraries that are available. And a little confused after examining the Aveda website code. Any recommendations as to how to approach this task please? Which Javascript/Effects...

Dynamic animations, Commands and separation of concerns

Scenario: I have a (numeric) textbox, a button, and a label. When the button is clicked I'd like the label to "animate" to the numeric value in the textbox (like a spinning dial) Given: a) that animations in storyboards cannot have databindings (because they are not FrameworkElements) b) the lack of triggers in Silverlight What is the...

Blackberry - fields layout animation

It's easy to show some animation within one field - BitmapField or Screen: Blackberry - background image/animation RIM OS 4.5.0 But what if you need to move fields, not just images? Like this: May be used: game workflow functionality, like chess, puzzle etc application user-defined layout, like in Google gadgets enhance...

Error building project with XNAnimationPipline.dll and XNA3.1

I have a model with 2 animations, created in Blender and exported to fbx. Referencing the XNAnimation.dll works, however when I reference the XNAnimationPipline.dll in the Content project I get a build error. The "BuildContent" task failed unexpectedly. System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'XNAnimationPip...

jquery - animation

Hello, can I make animation from one class to another? I found animate function, but it takes only css-parameters, not css-styles. For example, I want something like this: $(this).animate( 'StyleTo', 'slow' ); Thanks. ...