
Animation With View

It's possible to set an animation with multiple view? usually i set up an animation with a code like this: NSArray * imageArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: [UIImage imageNamed:@"1.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"2.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"3.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"4.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"5.png"...

WPF Trigger a Command at end of animation.

How can I trigger a Command in my ViewModel at the end of an animation/storyboard using XAML only. ...

WPF doubleanimation : animate in steps ?

In my current application I have this little animation. It makes a full 360 degrees rotation of a canvas and works fine. <DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="WaitCanvas" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Canvas.RenderTransform).(TransformGroup.Children)[0] .(RotateTransform.Angle)" From="0" To="360" Duration="0:0:2" AutoReverse="...

How to create a Bottom-Top animation when close/stop an activity in android

How can I create a Slide-Bottom-To-Top animation when close/stop an activity in android application? ...

WPF Animation Pause/Continue

I'm experimenting with WPF animations, and I'm a bit stuck. Here's what I need to do: MouseOver: Fade In (0% to 100% opacity in 2 seconds) MouseOut: Pause for 2 seconds Fade Out (100% to 0% opacity in 2 seconds) I've got the Fade In and Fade Out effects, but I can't figure out how to implement the Pause, or even if it's possible. ...

splash screen like tap tap revenge 3

Hi, thank you for taking your time to read this message. I hope you are able to answer my question. I would like to add a splash screen to an existing project similar to that of tap tap revenge 3. it basically shows one screen for 2 seconds then another for 2 seconds and then it just shows the menu straight away. Can anyone tell me how...

Show animation till an operation completes wpf

I want to show an animation wile an operation takes place... and when that operation takes the data and load my datagird i want to stop that animation like in ASP.NET using Ajax or Json but I don't know how to perform same operation here... Kindly help me! media element don't help. ...

How to implement a SeriesInterpolate effect for a new Flash charting library?

I'm working with a hot new open-source Flash data visualization library ( It doesn't (yet) have a series interpolation effect, like the Adobe Flash Charting library does. Can anyone point me at anything that would help me understand how to do it? I gather it involves applying a tween effect between the old-data sp...

Making fire effect on iPhone

I'll describe ways that I already know, and can do, and want to hear another suggestions, or may be even solutions :) Create N frames of fire with semi-transparent pictures (PNGs) Like at this site Create pixel-based fire - line by line with shifting up. (not the best way I think) Like here Any other solutions? ...

imageflow animation looks bad on IE with opacity=false

Hi, I've been trying to install imageFlow in a site. It works fine except in IE (8 in mycase). The problem is that the animation isn't smooth. I've looked at their demo in IE8 and it works great. I can't for the life of me understand why my example isn't working and theirs does. I"ve tried changing the options of imageFlow based on the e...

Ball and brick collision handling

I have made the game, "Breakout". A small fun side-project. Now, I usually do not make games, so collision-handling is not something I normally think about. I have a paddle, a ball and some bricks. For now, when there is a collision (I draw rectangles around each of the objects mentioned), I simply change the Y value of the ball to -Y...

iPhone Animation: how to anti-alias?

Hi all, I was looking at some animations in my iPhone app and felt like it was kind of ugly. And then I undertsood it: it just doesn't animate through subpixel states. So, in case I use usual +beginAnimations/+commitAnimations, moving some stuff just a few pixels look "jumpy". How can I avoid it? Are there any flags to make it animate...

Mask a whole animation happening in a UIImageView

I need to mask a whole animation that takes place in a UIImageView. I tried subclassing the UIImageView and doing the masking in its drawRect call but that doesn't get called on every frame of the animation as I expected (it doesn't get called at all actually) even though the animation plays fine. Anyone has any experience on this? ...

Most efficient way to subclass UIView to create an animated UIImageView

I need to play frame based animations. I tried the UIImageView with animationImages but it doesn't give me any control over my animation. I can't pause it, I can't mask it, I can't know the current frame etc. So I subclassed UIView and created something I called AnimationView which takes the array of images and does the animation using ...

TranslateTransform moving elements more than expected

I'm pretty new to WPF (and completely new to animations), so I would imagine there's just something that I'm missing here. I'm in the process of creating a new layout Panel that lays the controls out in a particular way; the details aren't (or shouldn't be) especially important here. What I'd like to do is animate the movement of the ele...

Scala 2D Animation library

Can anyone recommend a good 2D animation package for Scala? I prefer something which already have some basic events handling, more like JavaFX than like ...

WPF - LayoutUpdated event firing repeatedly

I've been adding a bit of animation to my WPF application. Thanks to Dan Crevier's unique solution to animating the children of a panel combined with the awesome WPF Penner animations it turned out to be fairly straightforward to make one of my controls look great and have its children move about with some nice animation. Unfortunately...

jQuery: preventing event from executing for duration of animation

OK, I've checked this thread: and attempted to unbind/re-bind an event as described but to no avail. I basically have a slider gallery, with a next/prev button. I want to prevent the next button from being clicked for the duration of th...

jQuery animate elements while animating element they are contained in

i got div which contain 2 other divs, while i fade in outer div on page load i'd like to animate first inner div to slide in right and second inner div to slide in left, i know how do these things separately but i don't know how to put these things yo work smiulatanously together thanks for any help ...

The mysteries of extending the WPF animation classes

Silverlight has a property on its animation timelines (like DoubleAnimation) called EasingFunction which allows you to specify a function with which to interpolate two values. Even though it's coming in .NET 4, I'd like to port this to 3.5. After reading this, it seems pretty doable, but I'm having a weird issue. I'm extending DoubleAni...