
Simple Animations [iPhone]

I have a few UIButtons that I'd like to trigger short 5-10 frame animations when pressed in the middle of the screen along with other nonrelated stuffs. Can I just drop one UIImageView in IB and update it, somehow, programmatically? It doesn't need to be overly complex, I don't even mind if it's hard coded, for now since it's such a smal...

How to create animation gif like this?

Here Should be the most easy way! ...

Basic animation in Java for a screensaver app of sorts

I was assigned to make an animated screensaver as a programming project for my Advanced Programming course. The objective is to have several moving components inside an undecorated, fullscreen frame, but I'm going step-by-step and doing it one component at a time. Here's my source code so far: Feel free to...

Internet Explorer: overflow and float

Hi folks, I have an img inside a div. I have set the img to "float: right", and the div to "overflow: hidden". Because the div is narrower than the img, I expect the left portion of the img to be cut off and hidden, which is indeed the case in Firefox. However, IE refuses to acknowledge the "float: right" property of the img, always ...

visualizing id, x, y, t data

I have the following vehicle data vehicle_id, position_x, position_y, time The data represents the position of a vehicle at time 't' . The data is also available as a linear reference. I was wondering what's a simple way to visualize the vehicle movement as an animation? I would prefer a solution that I can integrate with python EDIT...

Scrolling animation on UIPickerView

Hi, I have an iPhone application with a UIPickerView with 6 components that displays numbers from 0 to 9. I want to generate an animation that is similar to the slots machines (when each of the component scrolls for a few seconds and after it stops it display a random number) Does anyone knows how to create this kind of animation? Tha...

WPF MVVM Property Change Animation

I am looking for a clean way to start an animation that will have dynamic values. Basically I want to do an animation where an element changes width based on the data of another element. Say I have a TextBlock that's Text Property is Binding. When this property changes I want a visual element say a Rectangle for our sake to do a Doubl...

What's the best practice in cocos2d to redirect an animating sprite?

I am making a game where 'defending' sprites need to animate towards 'attacking' sprites. But for example an attacker might change course to attack something else, mid animation. What's the best way to manage animations, and destinations? I believe I must remove any action on a sprite before adding a new one. Perhaps I need to use the s...

define animations and triggers as reusable resource?

Is there a way to define an animation somewhere in xaml (eg. as a resource) once and then reuse it multiple times? I have a lot of independent brushes across differnt datatemplates that independently need to start the same kind of animation based on a datatrigger. Now since it seems that an animation has to define an Storyboard.TargetNam...

Animating the filling of a mask

Hi, I have taken the popular colorizeImage procedure and modified it to display incremental section fills for an image using a mask. Now I am trying to give a look of the image filling up gradually, I have tried to use Basic Animation to do this but I get a fade between the two images, and if I try and add it to an animationgroup and a...

Best approach to animate physics in Silverlight?

I am new to Silverlight and want to animate a ball that is shot out of a cannon then moves through the air under the laws of physics (so roughly, on an elliptical path). My inclination is to use a callback timer and move the little ball every 50ms by changing its Canvas.LeftProperty and Canvas.TopProperty values. Is this the right appr...

Why is Python a favourite among people working in animation industry?

What is that needs to be coded in Python instead of C/C++ etc? I know its advantages etc. I want to know why exactly makes Python The language for people in this industry? ...

jQuery selector samba

This is my first post on stackoverflow, hello everyone! My first venture into jQuery animation is to have a set of images in two divs, top-half and bottom-half, and make them rotate through with a flip-down transition a-la the ancient alarm clocks with flip-down numbers. I've got the animation down, but the problem is having more than...

Objective C speeding up animation / object creation

Hi, What kind of trick can I use to speed up and improve an image sequence animation? I'm using the code below, but then just running through the codes below takes a couple of seconds to finish. Once the animations have been created, my phone seems to get much slower too. Please enlight. Thanks, Tee NSMutableArray * sequenceArr...

PageTurn animation in iPhone

Hi All, How to make page turn animation like the Stanza app ? Earlier i was using , but its not the animation i am looking for. [CATransaction begin]; CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation]; [animation setType:(prevPage ? @"pageUnCurl" : @"pageCurl")]; [animation setDuration:0.7f]; [animation setFillMode: ...

AS3 - Using Matrix3D objects for reordering display

I'm working with about 20 objects that are moving around in 3D space. Adobe recommends "Using Matrix3D objects for reordering display": Use the getRelativeMatrix3D() method of the Transform object to get the relative z-axes of the child 3D display objects. Use the removeChild() method to remove the objects from the display list. Sort t...

WPF Animation "Cannot freeze this Storyboard timeline tree for use across threads"

I currently have a listbox that has its selected item bound to a property on my ViewModel. Whenever the selected item isn't null I want to perform an animation on it. However I keep getting the following error "Cannot freeze this Storyboard timeline tree for use across threads" and from research sort of understand why this is happenin...

Animation : How to make UIbutton move from right to left when view is loaded?

Hi I have not done any animation stuff with iphone development so far. Can anybody help me how to make UIbutton move from right to left when view is loaded? I want to generate effect like that : when view is loaded, the button appears moving from right end to left & stops at its place. Is it possible? Any help regarding this animatio...

start animation that begins with current value (handoff)

I have a WPF Datatemplate that contains a some DataTriggers that start animating the color of a visual. How can I start the animation beginning with the actual value the color propery currently has? Since there might be another animation currently acitve I can not start a new one but when I remove the animation using DataTriggers ExitAct...

Need help with this jQuery animation

Hi, I have a few list items and id like a slide effect between the two items that are being swapped around. This is what I have so far. This animation works the first time around, however after that, the list items that were originally moved have a 'top' value of 0 and I'm not sure why. I think this is the reason but not sure. I've als...