
help! when playing a sound the animation freeze\pauses

basically whenever i play a sound the animation slowing down or pauses, what to do ??? sound size 20kb mp3. animation size 5kb png. code: - (void) startAnimation { [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.8]; CGPoint destination = CGPointMake(152,20); = destination; [UIView commitAni...

Emulating animation with panels on .Net Compact Framework.

Hello! I'm developing a Windows Mobile 5.0 or above with .Net Compact Framewor 2.0 SP2 and C#. I'm trying to "animate" five panels changing their locations on a Timer_Tick event but these panels move very bad. They move like jumping. What I'm doing wrong? Thank you. ...

iPhone: sync sound and animation

Hi, I am sure this is a very basic question. I would appreciate if someone can point me to the right directions. I want to play a sound (say a song) and then perform an animation based on the beat of the sound. I guess it would be similar to creating visualizations that many media players have. What classes/samples should I be looking...

Animation in a ListBox

Hi, I'd like to animate items as they come into and are removed from a listbox. Essentially, I want the newly added item to animate to its position at the top of the list (from some predetermined coordinate), and have the items in the list animate down a "step" to make room. I started trying to solve this problem by inheriting form ...

How do I translate parabolically?

I'm working on an iPhone app with some simple animation. I have a view I want to translate, but not along a line. I want to translate it parabolically. Imagine that I am animating a car moving along a curved road. I know I can set the transform properly to an instance of CGAffineTransform Problem is, I have no idea how to create the ...

Resize and move a UIView with Core Animation (CAKeyFrameAnimation)

Is this possible? I can change the opacity and position (center) of the layer but whenever I try to change the size or origin, it doesn't work. CAAnimationGroup* anigroup = [CAAnimationGroup new]; CGMutablePathRef thePath = CGPathCreateMutable(); CGPathAddRect(thePath, NULL, CGRectMake(0,0, 320, 480)); CGPathAddRect(the...

Animation in Silverlight using a dynamic value

I want to translate an object on its Y-axis over time in Silverlight, but its height is not constant, so I'd like to be able to change the second line of the following from: <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames BeginTime="00:00:00" Storyboard.TargetName="ExpandSite" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(UIElement.RenderTransform).(TransformGroup.Childr...

Flash type animations but using AJAX?

Hi All, I am looking for someway to do Flash type movies but with AJAX instead? Flash requires plugins, SEO is difficult and my experience is people tend to stay away from Flash websites unless they are really really good. Can any provide some insight? Maybe something like this:

FadeOut/FadeIn transition for label text change

Hi ! I'm trying to change the text of an UILabel with a little transition (fade out, change text, fade in) but I'm facing some problems. Here is my code: - (void) setTextWithFade:(NSString *)text { [self setAlpha:1]; [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:.25]; [UIView setAnimationDelegat...

iPhone view switching - curl transition

I'm loading a view in my app with the following code: - (void)showPicker { ImagePickerViewController *imagePickerView = [[ImagePickerViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ImagePickerViewController" bundle:nil]; [self.navigationController presentModalViewController:imagePickerView animated:YES]; } How can I load it with a curl up/cu...

iPhone/iPodTouch. What are my options for syncing movement to a soundtrack?

What are the best strategies for syncing music to object movement? The app I envision would have an underlying soundtrack with characters animating in time to the music. What I'm after is a strategy for having the soundtrack periodic send a message to an object, objects, triggering it to commence it's scripted movement. Thanks, Doug ...

jQuery while loop not waiting for animation

I have a jQuery function that does a .clone() on an object, and then an .insertAfter() and a .slideDown() on the cloned object. This whole function is wrapped inside a while loop. I will keep this as short and concise as possible and show a generic example: while (statement) { // code for clone and insert ... $("#newly_created_...

how to speed up the animation dynamically in iPhone

Hi, I am new to the objective c coding in iPhone. i am using below code to animate the image for 40 seconds [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:40.0]; object.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(1.57); [UIView commitAnimations]; i need to speed up the animation after 10 sec. i.e the animation s...

How can I find out the Duration of a Storyboard in Silverlight?

I have a situation where I need to determine if I've reached the end of a Storyboard, and then need to seek to the end of it. I want to do: storyboard.Seek(timespan); However, if timespan is longer than the storyboard's duration, I get an exception. If I look at storyboard.Duration.TimeSpan I get an error because the Duration is ...

WPF Animation - Why Can't "By" have a negitive value?

I am poking around the animation in WPF and I am confused. For RectAnimation, By cannot be negative for height and width. So, if you use the "By" keyword, rectangles can only grow (instead of "To")? Here is some example code: <Page xmlns="" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsof...

Animated Swing effect to display full-resolution image

I've got an editor with lots of image thumbnails. I'd like a double-click on an image to display the full resolution image using a modal undecorated dialog. Ideally, this would be animated, to show the image zooming up to full resolution on the center of the screen, then any click would make the image go away, either zooming back out o...

WPF Animation - Don't Want to use Content

This is a two part question from a WPF animation newbie. First, here is my code: public void AnimatePaneBox(ContentControl destination, UIElementCollection source) { // Create a NameScope for this page so that // Storyboards can be used. NameScope.SetNameScope(this, new NameScope()); Canvas ...

How does "3D Meninas" work (CSS/Animation) ?

Hi all, Today i found this site, "3D Meninas", with a nice effect of 3D animation. When I look at the HTML code, it seems that there is no <script> or event, so I guess it only works with CSS. I'm not a CSS guru, can someone tell me how it works ? Thanks ...

WPF Animation - Bring a Canvas to front

I have an animation that I have setup on a transparent canvas. I set that canvas to be the content of a button and then run the animation. (See this question for the code.) The problem is that sometimes the animation gets put behind other UI elements of my app (I am using Avalon Dock and it is in front of the DockableContent it is in,...

What file type do you recommend I use for playing a really small video?

I'm going to be playing a small video of a videogame. It's going to be maximum about 2-4 seconds each file. I need them to playback inside of my WPF Form desktop application and they need to be relatively small because I'm going to be including them in the donwload size (they are going to be part of the .exe file) Should I use GIF? Or ...