
how show animation when going to second view without using navigate controller ?

Hi, In my test application (im learning) i have 2 view controllers. on the first view i have button "go to second view". what i want to do : when user click the "go to second view", the first view move left and go out of the screen and the second view will appear from the right and replace the first view. now, this animation is happen...

Transition Controller Animation

Aim: to parse(remove tags, images) html in UIWebView(Controller A) into text in UITextView(Controller B). I'm transmitting html data through appDelegate's NSString* variable; Trouble: When i'm pushing B-Controller, the device freezes for a 4-6 sec's(parsing). It's OK, but i need to warn user about this delay. I've been using UIActivityIn...

jQuery "Please Waiting, Loading..." animation?

I would like to place a "please wait, loading" spinning circle animation on my site. I'm having trouble to find a plugin for it, so here I am asking a weird question :) Thank you for your help. ...

favicon animation

While visiting Dean Edward's site, I saw that the favicon was animated ;). Cute. But how does one do that? ...

Is it possible to perform active rendering in Java Swing without being on the EDT?

I am looking into using Buffer Strategy and the following technique described on the Javadoc: // Main loop while (!done) { // Prepare for rendering the next frame // ... // Render single frame do { // The following loop ensures that the contents of the drawing buffer // are consistent in case the underlying surface was re...

WPF transform confusion

I Have a canvas full of objects that I zoom and pan using this.source = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(this, 0) as FrameworkElement; this.zoomTransform = new ScaleTransform(); this.transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); this.transformGroup.Children.Add(this.zoomTransform); this.transformGroup.Children....

Second view in IB

I'm writing a game, in which I will be swapping out views. I have a loading screen which comes out in LandscapeRight mode, which is what I want. Then I want all subsequent views to load in Landscape. What ends up happening is that they load in Portrait (even though in IB I have them edited as Landscape views and the size dimensions ar...

String animation in WPF?

How do I change the Content property of say a Button? Maybe with StringAnimationUsingKeyFrames? ...

Flying Text in 3D (Silverlight) algorithm

I am trying to understand a code that I found online to fly the text in 3d using silverlight. The algorithm is not easy to understand for me as I am not familiar with these types of algos. Does somebody know a good book/resource that talks about these algos? ...

How to animate mouse cursor with custom image when loading page?

Hi! I'm trying to change cursor mouse on my website with custom images. Here is my actual CSS: <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { cursor:url(images/default.cur),auto; } a:hover { cursor: url(images/hover.cur),auto; } a:active { cursor: url(images/wait.ani),auto; } --> </style> Firefox 3.5.6 does change the default cursor with my ....

Smooth animation using MatrixTransform?

I'm trying to do an Matrix animation where I both scale and transpose a canvas at the same time. The only approach I found was using a MatrixTransform and MatrixAnimationUsingKeyFrames. Since there doesnt seem to be any interpolation for matrices built in (only for path/rotate) it seems the only choice is to try and build the interpolati...

what is layer in core animation

In core animation or in App kit When we say layer-backed view or simply add a layer in the view,then actually what we mean by the layer. ...

Changing the animation for UINavigationController NavigationBar

Right now when I use [self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:NO animated:YES]; The navigation bar flies in from right to left, is there a way to drop it down top to bottom? ...

Bouncing a ball off the 4 walls of a stage

Just curious. When I bounce a ball off the walls of the stage using the following technique. if(y > sRef.stageHeight || y < 0) { yDir = yDir * -1; } else if ( x > sRef.stageWidth || x < 0) { xDir = xDir * -1; } x += xspeed * xDir; y += yspeed * yDir; The above seems fine and works well. But If I choose to use angles inst...

UINavigationController switch views - slide from right to left

Hi I am trying to switch between views. The classes inherits from UINavigationController. I am using this code in my IBAction: CellSubview *personView = [[CellSubview alloc] init]; // The new navigation controller self.modalTransitionStyle = 0; // tried all 3 of the options [self presentModalViewController:personView animated:YES]...

Why are animations sometimes done using steps based on the amount of time that's passed?

I've noticed that some programmers animate objects based on the difference in time. I am not sure why or even if this is logical. Does anyone know the significance? Below is a snippet of code that explains what I mean: var timePassed:int = getTimer()-lastTime; lastTime += timePassed; var newBallX = ball.x + ballDX*timePassed; var newB...

Is possible create 3D animation affect for any object in HTML for modern browser(IE8, FF3.5, Chrome)?

I just see some awesome affect at Advanced 3D Animations and Transitions that can work with IE6+, FF 3+, Safari 3+ and Opera 8+. They use framework that can create VML(or IE CSS Filter) based on browser. This framework idea quite like to Raphaël—JavaScript Library. But I found some syntax that should be unique style. Because they creat...

JQuery: Is there any possibility to get the end of an animation?

Here is my animation: $(".ImageRoller ul").animate({ 'marginLeft' : "-"+ScrollWidth+"px" },Speed ); Now i want to make an alert or something when the animation ends. Is that even possible? Chears Vali ...

Qt Animation: Appearing & Disappearing Objects

I'm writing a video annotation application with Qt4 in which users need to be able to seek to various points in a video, putting markers on various objects and then setting keypoints for those markers so that they stay on the objects in the video as they move around. QGraphicsItemAnimation seems like a great place to start for these mar...

Find clickable world maps

Can I get something like this , which selects the continents when I hover on the languages? I have searched a lot for this kind of map but have not been able to find any. ...