
Why the RedirectStandardOutput does not have the necessary ANSI codes?

Ok here's a simple Console Application I made to test the RedirectStandardOutput of the Process.StartInfo. foreach (c In [Enum].GetValues(GetType(ConsoleColor)) { Console.ForegroundColor = c Console.WriteLine("Test") } And below is the application result. So as we can see the colors show beautifully on t...

Printing to STDOUT and log file while removing ANSI color codes

I have the following functions for colorizing my screen messages: def error(string): return '\033[31;1m' + string + '\033[0m' def standout(string): return '\033[34;1m' + string + '\033[0m' I use them as follows: print error('There was a problem with the program') print "This is normal " + standout("and this stands out") I ...

python kata problem: Color not working.

When I try to run the python koans, I don't get the colors, instead I get the ANSI color codes. I want to get the colors. It seems to be using colorama under the hood. I try to run colorama sample code in the interpeter and get syntax errors and/or assert errors. Second if can't fix first: How do I get to strip out the ansi color codes...