
removing junit testing to build in ant

Not so much a programming question but I figured I'd ask anyway. How do I make it so ant doesn't require that all the junit tests pass before building? In netbeans I can build the project without it testing first. However, when I run ant, it makes sure all my junit tests pass first. I am running ant from the command line in my netbea...

How to deploy with Ant an portlet to remote WebSphere Portal ?

How to deploy with Ant an portlet to remote WebSphere Portal 6.0 (Linux)? ...

How to create directories specified by a mapper in Ant

Hi, Given a fileset <fileset id="myFiles" dir="."> <include name="**/*.file"/> </fileset> How do I create a sub-directory at each file in the set, named after the filename without the extension? For example, given the files folderA/X.file and folderA/folderB/Y.file, I want to create the directories folderA/X and folderA/folderB/...

Sourceforge daily builds

I currently mantain an open-source project hosted in SourceForge. My project is written in Java using ANT build scripts. (Ant has a few extensions installed, but let's ignore that for now.) Unfortunately, there seems to be no easy way to automatically generate daily builds. Is there any workaround I can use. Here is what I want: It sh...

apache ant build files

Hi, I am trying to output the timestamp after each step (target). When excuting the below build file by ant testtime i get the output: Buildfile: build.xml testdepend1: [echo] ****** Start: test depend 1 ****** [echo] ****** Finish: test depend 1****** [echo] 02/12/2009 11:58:07 AM testdepend2: [echo] ****** Start...

ANT - run all sql files in a directory

We currently run a specific SQL script as part of our ANT deploy process. What we'd like to do is change this so we run all SQL scripts in a given directory. We can't figure out how to get this directory listing in ANT and iterate through the list and run each SQL script. Does anyone know how to do this? Note: we currently run the sq...

Using ant, does anyone know how to build a SWF made up of SWCs (that you've built) that include resource bundles?

I'm trying to write an ant build script to build my group's flex app, and I've run into some roadblocks that I'm hoping someone on SO has seen before. We have two projects that we build into SWCs and these components contain resource bundles. One SWC requires the other SWC. We have one project that we build into our application (the SWF...

Force JUnit to run one test case at a time

I have a problematic situation with some quite advanced unit tests (using PowerMock for mocking and JUnit 4.5). Without going into too much detail, the first test case of a test class will always succeed, but any following test cases in the same test class fails. However, if I select to only run test case 5 out of 10, for example, it wil...

Create single jar from many eclipse projects

I'm doing the build automation for a java app with ant. This is a client-server app which has many projects in eclipse. I would like to create a jar file for the client and one for the server, but since the class dependencies are all over the projects (in eclipse)... I had the idea to use a tool to automate the search for dependencies. I...

Automating build process for a web application created in Eclipse

I have an eclipse Tomcat project that has several dependencies on other eclipse projects. For example imagine the main project is called server and has several dependencies: server (depends on): data-lib server-utils messaging-utils Currently every time I change data-lib,server-utils,messaging-utils I have to recreate the .jar f...

Package and run a Java application with spring dependencies

I built a stand-alone Java application that has a bunch of dependencies (Apache Commons libs, etc) as well as a dependency on the Spring framework, which in turn has a bunch of dependencies. I built this in Eclipse, where it runs fine. Now I need to deploy it to production and so I'm trying to figure out the best way to package it with ...

Measuring Documentation Coverage with Javadoc and Ant

I am involved in a project in which public API documentation is a clear deliverable. In order to ensure that the release meets this requirement, I'd like to ensure that the the release target in my Ant build file fails if documentation coverage is too low. As a minimum, each identifier with public or protected access should have approp...

How to make work together an Ant filelist inside an Ant copy

I would like to use the result of the following filelist (Ant): <filelist id="docfiles" dir="doc"> <file name="foo.xml"/> <file name="bar.xml"/> </filelist> into the following copy : <copy todir="folder"> ??? </copy> I have already tried to put them together like: <copy todir="folder"> <filelist id="docfiles" dir="doc"> ...

How do I change the JAVA_HOME for ant?

I'm doing java work on a class server where I don't have root. Whenever I try to compile using ant, it points to the wrong directory (/usr/tomcat instead of /usr/tomcat/jre ). One of the things we were told to do when setting up our user accounts was to add export JAVA_HOME=/usr/tomcat/jre to the .bashrc file. I don't know if that was ...

Compile Flex Builder project from command line

Is there an easy way to build projects created in FlexBuilder via the command line? I'm beginning to work on adding a couple Flex components to the project I have at work. Currently the rest of the project (some java, some C++) is built via an ant script. I'd really like to be able to integrate the builds for the Flex components I'm w...

how can I reference a classpathref in a war task?

I declare the following classpath reference for my application librairies: <path id="libraries"> <fileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="**/*.jar" /> </path > I can compile the code using the classpath of the librairies: <javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build.classes}" classpathref="libraries"/> But I cannot find a way to include ...

Best Practice For Creating Stub Files With Ant

Hi all, I'm trying to create myself a little build script to build a project for me - creating the desired directories, downloading any needed jars via Ivy/Maven and creating some stub files. The stub files part is what I'm not too sure on what to do. To take an example, I would want the build script to create a web.xml in a WEB-INF f...

Should I migrate from Ant to Maven?

I am working on a fairly large project (with a number of modules, a bunch of external libraries etc.) and we are now considering switching from Ant to Maven. I understand the differences between the two, but I am not convinced that it is really worth spending time converting the project layout, setting up all the dependencies, teaching d...

DbUnit for C++?

We're developing in C++ under Linux and about to set up automated tests. We intend to use a testing framework like CppUnit oder CxxTest. We're using Ant to build the software and we will also use it to run the tests. As some tests are going to involve database access, we are looking for a tool or framework which facilitates the tasks of...

Differences between Ant and Maven

Could someone tell me the differences between Ant and Maven? I have never used either. I understand that they are used to automate the building of Java projects, but I do not know where to start from. ...