
How to quickly modify compiled java classes behaviour with aspectJ

How to use aspectJ to add functionality temporarily to some java application? Something like creating the aspect, compiling with ajc, using java command with some extra switch to apply aspect? ...

How to use CurrentSessionContext/SpringSessionContext along with HibernateDaoSupport to intercept calls to getCurrentSession()

I'm using HibernateDaoSupport in Spring for Spring-Hibernate integration. I need to intercept all getCurrentSession calls and enable a filter and set a filter parameter value. Hibernate supports CurrentSessionContext impls to intercept getCurrentSession calls. Spring provides an implementation of this called SpringSessionContext. But wh...

Spring dependency injection or aspect programming

I have a need for methods in several classes that must always follow a specific pre and post pattern. public void method(X x, Y y ) { // ********Repeating Part begin **************/ AFrameworkClass aFrameworkClass = new AFrameworkClass (this.memberVariable,"SomeString"); try { aFrameworkClass.aFrameworkMethod( x,y); aFrame...

Pointcut not working with Spring AOP

In order to implement Logging using Spring AOP I followed these simple steps. But it seems like its not working. Any help would be useful 1) Created MyLoggingAspect class import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint; public class MyLoggingAspect { public MyLoggingAspect() { super(); System.out.println("Instantiated M...

Suggestions for open source aspect-oriented library for c#

Any suggestions for open source aspect-oriented library for c#. Thanks ...

Injecting advice to a recursive method in Spring.Net?

I'm trying to use Spring.NET's support for AOP to do dependency injection/inversion of control/aspect-oriented programming (sorry for the slew of buzzwords - maybe I'll post a separate question asking someone to clarify the difference :) ). Specifically, I want to have intercept a recursive method call, so that every time that the meth...

Should I use Spring.Net AOP Throws advice?

Background I have a component that provides certain CRM services - specificCRM. I have a specificCRMAdapter which implements my IGeneralCRM interface. Another component generalCRM exposes CRM functionality through IGeneralCRM and uses Spring.Net to inject the specificCRMAdapter to provide such funtionality. Question I want to be abl...

AOP for third-party classes

I have used AOP within spring with no real problems, mainly for transaction management, for which it works a charm. My question is this... the only examples I've seen for AOP so far is to pointcut a class that you have created yourself. Is it possible to pointcut a class within a third party library, for example a database connection c...

Cool PostSharp aspects

I'm looking for interesting PostSharp aspects - anything that you found useful and wouldn't mind sharing. ...

Use aspectj to profile selected methods

I'd like to use aspectj to profile a library. My plan was to mark methods that require profiling with an annotation: @Profiled("logicalUnitOfWork") And then have an aspect that would fire before and after methods that would use the logicalUnitOfWork to highlight the profiled content. So, my pointcut to start with looks like this. No...

Help and Information about Aspect Oriented Programming

I'm a newcomer to the idea of aspect-oriented programming but I would like to explore the idea of using it on my project for handling logging, reporting, etc. To this end I have some questions: Should I bother exploring this path of AOP for these limited purposes? What .NET Frameworks supporting AOP are available? Which of these frame...

Is it possible to do bytecode manipulation when using OSGi?

I'm making an application server and in it I need to use some bytecode manipulation (e.g. inserting custom equals and hashCode methods to classes annotated with @Entity). Now I give the JVM a Java Agent (the -javaagent option) which does bytecode transformations using ASM. I've been considering using OSGi, but I don't know whether it al...

Spring introductions with dynamic implementation

I am trying to use Spring framework to dynamically implement a specific interface (lets call it I) for a class (let call it C). In Spring this is called introduction (mixin in other languages). In compile time C doesn't implement I. Using the @DeclareParents annotation I can do it in AspectJ syntax. The problem is that the actual imple...

Getting real instance from proxy under Unity Interception with NHibernate

I'm using Unity to resolve types dynamically for a pluggable architecture. I'm also using interception to apply business rule validation via AOP (using ValidationAspects). Finally, I'm using NHibernate as an ORM to persist domain objects. In order for AOP to work, we use the VirtualMethodInterceptor, as interface interception doesn't wo...

Has anyone ever used AOP to detect a circular reference?

I don't know, so that you could throw a CircularReferenceException? ...

What is the difference between an Abstract Class and a Mixin?

I just found an article on a framework in Java that apparently allows it to support Mixins and something called Composite Oriented Programming (which for all I know might even be the same thing...) I've also heard of/worked with AOP, and I'm not sure how it differs from this either... ...

Compile time code injection

Lately, I've been working with PostSharp a bit. It is an AOP framework that allows us to do compile time code injection. You can just reference PostSharp assemblies, use it in your code and after compilation, you'll get an assembly that the desired code has been injected into it. I tried to find out how PostSharp integrates itself into t...

How to use interception with WCF and Unity

I have a WCF service that is setup to be hosted within a unity container. I was intending to use this container to perform method interception. The only issue is I can get my interceptor to fire... first here the def of my interceptor attribute and handler [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)] public class PCSecurityAttribute : H...

Would you use AOP for database transaction management?

A while back I wrote an application which used Spring AOP for defining which methods were transactional. I am now having second thoughts as to how much of a great idea this was; I have been hit a few times after a minor refactor (changing method signatures etc), which of course doesn't become apparent until something actually goes wrong ...

Is it possible to use (some) AOP concepts in existing C++ programs without complete refactoring?

I am reading on AOP now and would like to use (some) AOP ideas and approaches in my code. I don't have any third-party extensions, just MSVS 2005 environment. So, is it possible to benefit from AOP concepts in my day-to-day work without complete refactoring of the existing code (2-year old project x 5 programmers)? ...