
What is the best implementation for AOP in .Net?

There is a lot of AOP implementation in C#, this is some of AOP Implementations: Aspect.NET LOOM.NET Enterprise Library 3.0 Policy Injection Application Block Puzzle.NAspect AspectDNG Aspect# Compose* PostSharp Seasar.NET DotSpect (.SPECT) The Spring.NET Framework as part of its functionality Wicca and Phx.Morph SetPoint An ...

Microsoft Unity - code to xml

Can someone provide the XML configuration I should use with Microsoft Unity application block in the Enterprise Library 4.1 to achieve the same result as the following? using System; using Microsoft.Practices.Unity; using Microsoft.Practices.Unity.InterceptionExtension; namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Pr...

Windsor MixIn is a Singleton?

I have a MixIn that requires some state to operate. I am registering it as so.. container.Register(Component.For(Of ICat) _ .ImplementedBy(Of Cat) _ .LifeStyle.Transient _ .Proxy.MixIns(New MyMixin())) When I call container.Resolve(of ICat), I get back a prox...

Where do I start with Aspect Oriented Programming?

So having read some of the PostSharp documentation presented as an answer to my previous question regarding passive logging (, I am led to my next question: Where is a good place to start learning about Aspect Oriented Programming - I've done some searches on G...

Looking for resources on using the ASP.Pipeline for Aspect Oriented Programming.

It struck me this morning that the ASP.NET pipeline could actually be quite useful for front-side aspect oriented programming, hooking into requests and responses to 'inject' processing into a set of resources requested, e.g. calling a method for each page when requested, instead of deriving each of the target pages from a base that does...

What is best way to learn Spring AOP or AOP in general?

Hi, I have got experience working in Spring framework, but i find it very difficult to understand the basics of Spring AOP or AOP in general. Could you guys suggest me some good online tutorials/books you have come across to learn it. -Snehal ...

Spring.NET & Constructor Interceptors

I'm trying to do some AOP over objects at construction time, and found IConstructorInterceptor, which would be perfect for what I want but it doesn't appear to work (in version 1.2 at least). I've also looked at both the IObjectPostProcessor & the IInstantiationAwareObjectPostProcessor, but I can't find any way to do processing on an ob...

What is the best way to do automatic transactions with Asp.Net MVC?

I'm getting annoyed with writing the following code all over the place in my MVC app. using(var tx = new TransactionScope()){ blah... tx.Complete() } I'd like to make this DRYer somehow. I've thought of a couple different options for this. An action filter to declaratively mark certain actions as transactional. Override OnAct...

Avoiding in-place pointcut expression in Spring AOP

Hi, I'm using Spring AOP. I'm giving my pointcuts like: @Pointcut("execution(* com.demo.Serviceable+.*(..))") public void serviceMethodCalls() { } Is it possible to avoid the in-place pointcut expression in Spring AOP? Thanks, Veera. ...

Javascript function hooks

EDIT: OK, I believe the following solutions are valid: Use the jQuery AOP plugin. It basically wraps the old function together with the hook into a function sandwich and reassigns it to the old function name. This causes nesting of functions with each new added hook. If jQuery is not usable for you, just pillage the source code, there ...

Using Spring AOP in an JSF application

consider a JSF web application with a managed bean I've declared this "FooBean" in my faces-config.xml file. Now, if I want to add the Spring AOP advice for the methods of FooBean, how do I do that? Should I add an applicationContext.xml file and declare the managed beans inside it? or will it work even if I am not decl...

Built-in AOP in C# - is it on the way?

In large apps I find myself really wishing I had built-in AOP facilities. As it stands in C# the best you can do is factories and RealProxys, PostSharp, ICorDebug, ICorProfiler or injection frameworks. There is no clean built-in way of doing AOP. Is there any indication anywhere (blog post / internal discussion) that indicates that AOP...

Fixing BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException on Spring proxy cast on a non-singleton bean?

I'm having an issue with pulling a Spring bean from an application context. When I try; InnerThread instance = (InnerThread) SpringContextFactory.getApplicationContext().getBean("innerThread", InnerThread.class); I get; org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException: Bean named 'innerThread' must be of type [com.g...

What are your real world uses for Aspect Oriented Programming?

I'm stumped as to why adoption of AO has been so slow. There are plenty of rich implementations out there for the predominant languages. My guess is that, like OO in it's day, it is enough of a paradigm shift that people don't recognize the places where it could be helping them. So, beyond non-invasive logging, what are some of the ways...

JBoss AOP syntax to intercept exceptions

I'm familiar with the AspectJ syntax for intercepting Exceptions using the "handler" designator, but I'm trying to get the same item working with JBossAOP. Would anyone know how to catch all exception throws so I can log them using JBossAOP? Thanks! ...

Placing advice on any parameter of a given type in AspectJ

Is there a way to put advice on any method with a parameter of a given type. I'm planning to use this for a class that needs input filtering. As an example: @Filtered class Unsafe { public void doStuff (String input) { ... } public void doMoreStuff (String input, int value, String name) { ... } } I want to write advice that ...

What are the disadvantages of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)?

What are the possible and critical disadvantages of Aspect-Oriented Programming? For example: cryptic debugging for newbies (readability impact) ...

AspectJ load-time weaving in production systems

Does anyone have an experience with pure AspectJ load time weaving in production systems (mostly interesting Tomcat related activities)? I'm slightly worrying regarding memory footprint and cpu overhead. ...

How to modify source files in Pre-Build... without modifying source files?

Hi, so I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and for my current project I'm building a C# Add-In to handle the weaving of aspects for AspectC++. It's simple enough to gather the aspect and source files and feed them into the aspect compiler, but this generates new (modified) source files. I'm trying to emulate the standard AspectC++ Add-In: htt...

Spring AOP error

What would cause this problem at run-time?: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'aop:config' Here is the relevant Spring XML: <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:util="http://www.springframe...