
Apache configuration with virtual hosts and SSL on a local network

Moved to ServerFault: Apahe configuration with virtual hosts and SSL on a local network I'm trying to setup my local Apache configuration like so: http://localhost/ should serve ~/ http://development.somedomain.co.nz/ should serve ~/sites/development.somedomain.co.nz/ https://development.assldomain.co.nz/ should serve ~/sites/develop...

Using Apache Rewrite to go from HTTP to HTTPS and vice-versa, but I get a 302 response and my app errors out.

I really hope someone knows what I'm doing wrong here, cuz I sure don't! We have a certain page on our site which has account balance information on it, and we want to make it secure with SSL. But we only want this one particular page to be secure. I have the following in the localhost:80 virtualhost, and it works perfect: RewriteCon...

Problem with downloads: slow and/or fails

I have the following script to let a visitor download a file: header( 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' ); header( 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary' ); header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $fileName ); header( 'Content-Length: ' . filesize( $filePath ) ); header( 'Content-Description: Download' ); header( 'Cac...

Using Digest Authentication with PHP + Apache

Hello all, im trying to set up DIGEST authentication using PHP & Apache. I have tried doing this using a script i found on the web which gave me an error as it said the method apache_request_headers() didnt exist, which on reading seems that is becuase apache is not set up to pass the headers to php. I tried installing HTTP_Auth using PE...

What is the difference between running a script from the command line and from exec() with PHP?

I'm trying to run a Python script using exec() from within PHP. My command works fine when I run it directly using a cmd window, but it produces an error when I run it from exec() in PHP. My Python script uses NTLK to find proper nouns. Example command: "C:\Python25\python.exe" "C:\wamp\projects\python\trunk\tests\find_proper_nouns.py"...

How to override default permissions for files stored by Apache/PHP in /tmp?

I am on Linux, obviously. PHP scripts seem to be running under 'www-data' user. I can also see that uploaded files end up in the default /tmp directory, each with a name prepended by "php". All standard, I guess. The permissions of all these files is -rw------- i.e. 600, user 'www-data', group 'www-data'. The problem is that I have a Pos...

Drupal: how rewrite all urls so that the instal directory isn't included in the link

I installed drupal on my site at say, example.co.uk/portfolio. All the links are showing as example.co.uk/portfolio/project-1. I want it to be example.co.uk/project-1 How can I use rewrite rules or whatever so that wherever there is a link that has the /portfolio directory showing, that it will not show it in the href at all? I want t...

mod_rewrite question about modifying urls

I've finally got the mod_rewrite rule down somewhat, but would like to do a bit more with it and am not sure how. Here's what I currently have: RewriteRule ^rider/(.*)/(.*)*$ /bar/standings/rider.php?lnum=$1&short=$2 Which allows me to do this: http://pca.localhost/rider/214142/sme instead of http://pca.localhost/bar/standings/ride...

Getting Access denied error when copying files into apache virtual host via ant copy task

We are utilizing an ANT script to also copy static images, css, and js files out to our apache web servers. Occasionally we get an access denied error when the copy task is running. Windows Server 2008, Apache 2.2. Ant task: we actually switched to using sync, because it seemed to have more reliable results. I have checked the pe...

Apache virtual directory without redirect

What I'm trying to accomplish is pulling content from a directory that is not the same as the url path. For example: URL: example.com/ path: /www/production/ Currently, the root url pulls content from the path above. What I want to do is something like this: URL: example.com/ path: /www/production/root/ So the base URL "example...

Apache - 406 Not Acceptable PHP Problem

Hello Everybody, I'm debugging a flash website that do a request to an php file named upload.php to upload some images to the server. The problem i'm having that debugging it with Firebug the request to that page is throwing a 406 Not Acceptable status code and is not saving the images. Post Data: This website runs well on the sta...

How to ensure that Apache always serves a single page via HTTPS?

I would like to redirect all connections from htt_p://www.example.com/abc.html to HTTP_S://www.example.com/abc.html . What mod_alias or mod_rewrite commands would work for this? I've tried: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =off RewriteRule $abc\.html^ https://www.example.com/abc.html [R] in both .htaccess and httpd.conf but that ...

Are there any open source PHP software for sending mass mail, i.e. newsletter?

I have used SendStudio in the past, but I am wondering if there is an open source version using LAMP? Preferably, it should use a WYSIWYG editor for the emails, and be friendly on your average user. BTW, I'm not a spammer. Thanks ...

Redirecting to a diferent exe for download based on user agent

I own a Linux-Apache site where I host exe files for download. Now, when a user clicks this link to my site (published on another site): http://mysite.com/downloads/file.exe I need to dynamically check their user agent and redirect them to either http://mysite.com/downloads/file-1.exe or http://mysite.com/downloads/file-2.exe It seem...

SVN and DAV with EasyApache

Hi, I'm having a bit of a struggle trying to get SVN correctly set up on my Linux (Centos 5) VPS. I have EasyApache compiled with the mod_dav module enabled, but I'm struggling with where to go from here. This is my current set up: Centos 5 server Subversion 1.4.2 installed (via yum) SVN repos located at /home/repos I want to access ...

SVN can't add Apache created folders

I am building a Joomla site that is managed by SVN. When extensions are installed via the Joomla admin panel, Joomla will create folders that I want to add to SVN, but these folders are created by the Apache user and I do not have write permission or root access, which prevents SVN from adding '.svn' directories within. Is there any work...

How to ignore some directory in htpasswd ?

Hello ! I set some htaccess with htpasswd on my server. Here is it's content: Order Allow,Deny AuthType Basic AuthName "Password" AuthUserFile /var/www/.htpasswd Require valid-user Satisfy Any It works for all /var/www/* directories. Is it possible to ignore some of that /var/www/* directories ? ...

what is the easiest way for opcode caching with PHP/Apache ?

I was thinking to use opcode caching for performance profit what is the easiest way for opcode caching with PHP/Apache ? and what are the performance improvements ? I have read about xDebug but I was wondering if there are more options ? ...

Why does this mod_rewrite expression not append the existing query string correctly?

I'm a real newbie regarding mod_rewrite so please don't laugh. I am using this tool for testing: http://civilolydnad.se/projects/rewriterule/ Basically I want to rewrite http://hostname/spanish/whatever/ into http://hostname/whatever/?lang=es Here's the best I could come up with: RewriteRule ^spanish/(.*)$ $1?lang=es [QSA,L,NC] ...


When would you consider using one over the other and why? ...