
PHP curl and file_get_contents returns the main website located on the server when I enter a valid URL without DNS resolution

When I call the following: file_get_contents('http://whgfdw.ca'); or $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://whgfdw.ca'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_exec($ch); The return value is the HTML of the homepage of the main site located on the local (dedicated) w...

What is apache htaccess configuration to require authentication for all except for these URLs?

Hi, What is the htaccess lines/config I would require to ensure that all parts of my site (files & URLs) are protected by authentication, EXCEPT for a given limited set of URLs. For example all except "/api/.*" if this makes sense. The actually authentication could be like the below, but it's how I wrap this in the directives... AuthN...

Searching for memory leaks in Apache httpd and modules

What is the best way for finding memory leaks in Apache httpd and httpd modules? Are there any howtos? I'v tried valgrind a little, but few obstacles appeared: Valgrind expects for binary to exit normally. I have managed to do that with MaxRequestsPerChild and -X parameter. Valgrind reports about lots of stuff, probably connected wit...

subdomain and domain routing

Hi all, I use the subdomain to indicate the product eg. nexusphone.site.com . When a user types in that url I render the product/show view of that product. Users can also use domainnames eg www.nexusphone or nexusphone.com to render that product/show view. www.site.com or site.com should render the home view which explains what my site...

restart asterisk flash operator panel server from the web

Need to restart asterisk flash operator panel (fop) from the web after configure file (op_buttons.cfg) is altered. Web server runs under daemon user. Via root user restart works. ...

htaccess rewrite rule doesn't work

Hi, in my .htaccess file i do have these lines: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/([0-9])/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\.(html)$ /first_gate/index.php?show=true&_=$1&__=$2 [QSA] So calling: http://www.domain.com/a-b-c-d/123/an-thing-here.html in the background it's intend...

Add header in apache

Hello. I have apache and many images on this server. E. g.: http://test.com/images/abc.jpg I want to have possibility do this: if user go to url like this http://test.com/images/download/abc.jpg apache must add header Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="abc.jpg". How I can do it? ...

What is the correct mod rewrite rule to use?

I have a website deployed on two hosts: one in the root path the other one in the sub path For example http://one.example.com/xyz => maps to /var/www/ http://two.example.com/subpath1/subpath2/ => maps to /var/www/subpath1/subpath2/ Now I want to permanently redirect abc.php to index.php on the hosts http://one.example.com/xyz/abc....

Web.py mod_wsgi autoreload

I am running the latest version of web.py with mod_wsgi and have this in my code: application = web.application(urls, globals(), autoreload=True).wsgifunc() It is autoreloading most of the time but every so often I need to go to the command line and restart Apache myself. Any idea why it is not always "autoreloading"? Details: Apach...

What is the easiest way to install a R web application through RApache?

Hi all, I use windows XP and R for my desktop use. And a shared hosting account (at some company) for my web hosting needs. I wish to create an R web application and I understand that one such way is by using R with Apache through RApache , but since my current shared hosting plan doesn't allow me to install RApache I am a bit stuck. ...

How to understand which modules must be configured in httpd.conf (Apache)

Hi all, I have latest Apache installed on CentOS 5.4. After I configured Virtual hosts and left the server for a while I saw a lot of memory consumption. In the ps aux I saw that apache is taking a lot of memory. In order to reduce the memory usage I'd like to disable unneeded modules in apache configuration. Web site content: 1) HTML 2)...

How do I remove URL parameters from an apache 301 redirect?

I'm trying to hard code a redirect on my site from a category based URL to a fixed URL. The url structure is : http://www.mysite.com/my-category-c-17_12.html And I'm trying to redirect that to: http://www.mysite.com/my-static-category.php Using the following redirect in my .htaccess file: Redirect 301 /my-category-c-17_12.h...

FlashChartHelper for OpenFlashChart2 in CakePHP: blank charts

So I have recently started playing with Ubuntu, PHP, and CakePHP and have been pretty happy with the LAMP stack. Except now I'm trying to build a simple web page that can display collected data in a graph. Apparently OpenFlashChart2 with the FlashChartHelper plugin is pretty good, but I cannot get it to actually display a graph. I got...

Executing ffmpeg from php running in apache

I was executing ffmpeg from php running inside apache. I used to get the error " error while loading shared libraries: libavdevice.so.52: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". It used to work perfectly if the php script was executed from the command prompt or ffpmeg was directly invoked from the command prompt. I ...

Reverse Proxy dynamic webserver loading

Is there any way to dynamically load and unload webservers from a reverse proxy? For example let's say I have a cluster of 100 apache servers and I want to patch the servers. I would like the have a setup where I have a pool of updated servers and a pool of "being updated" servers. I would like the reverse proxy be aware of what is bei...

C Strange behaviour on 64-bit server

Hi, I have this strange behaviour in Apache post_config handler : int setup_module(apr_pool_t *p, apr_pool_t *plog, apr_pool_t *ptemp,server_rec *s) { //1 my_config_t *config = ap_get_module_config(s->module_config, &my_module); //2 log_me(config->logfp, apr_psprintf(ptemp, "My module version %s\n", MY_VERSION)); ...

Setting up authentication in Trac

Hi, I am in the works of setting up a Trac server for my (small) company and need a bit of help/guidance with the authentication mechanism. We have for some time developed our own web application which our users access in their day to day work. It is build in php5.3 and includes a users database stored in a mysql database. I have been ...

How to log the request mod_proxy makes through a reverse proxy

I'm can't figure out why I cannot get the reverse proxy for a particular (remote) website to work. (nb: the reverse proxy works for a number of other websites). I can access static files on that website through the proxy, but for some reason the homepage and other pages give a 404, "the page that you were looking for does not exist" Wh...

is there a Mercurial installer equivilant to VisualSVNServer?

I am using windows 2003R2 VisualSVNServer installs and works easily. I have been tasked with reviewing Mercurial, but I'm having trouble setting up the directory for Apache. is there any equivialant of the VisualSVNServer installer for Mercurial? ...

Best fast authentication mechanism for embedded devices with Nginx & Apache

Hello All, We have a project deployed with Nginx, Apache, Django and Postgres. The project has large number of embedded devices login in to the server(https) in 5 minutes intervals and send a file to the server. Also, the WebUI face of the project has normal users login in and performing different functions. Currently, system doesn't ...