
MAMP Config help, display PHP errors

I am running the latest version of MAMP on Snow Leopard. My php.ini file has been configured to display errors. display_errors = on. The phpinfo(); page displays the status of error reporting, it is on. I have restarted my web server several times. I've searched through Google, and I cannot find any similar problem. Everyone just says...

Apache Mod Mono (mod_mono) performance?

What is the performance like when using Apache mod_mono compared to IIS 6 or 7? Does the mod-mono-server that receives the requests from mod_mono have the ability to thread incoming requests or does it act more like a CGI program? I also see that the mono project comes with a web server bundled with it. Is this web server considered a d...

Passenger 2.2.9 Ruby EE Ubuntu.. Can't get it to use 'default' production environment

Using Apache2 (2.2.12) / Passenger (2.2.9).. Have 2 apps running.. One runs fine in production mode the other insists on being in development mode. Have booted mongrel into production mode and the app works fine.. (script/server -e production) Tried the following with no result... Forced the RailsEnv in the apache virtual host. For...

Is it worth having static resources in a separate domain/server?

I am currently in the process of improving my grails website performance and following many best practices I found on the internet, I currently need to make a decision between two solutions before refactoring my code Solution 1 : Export all of my static resources (js, css, images) to a separate domain and server (as already done by SO ...

apache protocol redirect

Is it possible to have apache get a request like whateverProtocol://localhost and redirect it to http://localhost? Thanks in advance. Update: Thank you for the answers. Specifically, I am trying to redirect ldap : // localhost to http : // localhost -- and I believe ldap may be recognized by mod_rewrite. But no luck so far using Rewri...

Help debugging Apache rewritebase/ rewrite rule

I try to access the following url on my site but get a 404 error: http://www.example.com/minify/1232681243/skin/frontend/default/default/css/boxes.css My path on the server is public_html/example My .htaccess file is as follows: RewriteBase / ############################################ ## workaround for HTTP authorization ## in CGI e...

Apache not loading CSS files on remote browsers but works on localhost

I have an ubuntu installation on my laptop i use for web app development. When i type in http://localhost/blah.php i see my php web page as i normally would with all css style loaded and rendering fine. When i try to connect to this same apache server from a remote machine by typing in the IP address the page loads but without any css ...

Nginx proxy http PUT chunked to apache

Nginx doesn't support chunked requests so i'm tryping to proxy my PUT request to apache, but it seems nginx blocks and sends 411 error even when proxying. Any way I can get nginx to send those requests to apache untouched, as is? ...

Apache HttpClient making multipart form post

I'm pretty green to HttpClient and I'm finding the lack of (and or blatantly incorrect) documentation extremely frustrating. I'm trying to implement the following post (listed below) with Apache Http Client, but have no idea how to actually do it. I'm going to bury myself in documentation for the next week, but perhaps more experienced...

Apache Mod_Rewrite RewriteRule strange behaviour

Hello, I'm getting some strange rewriting going on and was curious if anyone could shed some light. It's basically a pretty urls scenario, redirecting non existent path structure to a php script. The one difference is it checks for an existing file first: RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /test/ # if path begins in 'a' dir, & not a file, re...

How to limit file upload speed in php or apache?

I'm doing some form in Zend Framework for file upload on "Apache friends - xampp" server 1.7.1 on Ubuntu 9.10. My problem is that I what to add progress bar for this upload and since xampp server is on my localhost, file uploads are very fast. As a result, I have no time to check or observer if progress bar works as it should. Is th...

Where's the module files for the build-in Apache in Snow Leopard

I'm new to Mac OS X and I'm going to do some dev work under Snow Leopard. I enabled the build-in apache and found things below in file etc/apache2/httpd.conf: LoadModule alias_module libexec/apache2/mod_alias.so LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/mod_rewrite.so LoadModule bonjour_module libexec/apache2/mod_bonjour.so But I c...

PHP print() Arabic string.

When I try and execute this code to print out an Arabic string: print("إضافة"); I get this output: إضاÙØ©. If I utf8_decode() it I'll get ?????. I have "AddLanguage ar" in my apache configuration but it doesn't help. How do i print out this Arabic string? ...

Apache <Files> with Require to exempt certain Files

I setup a .htaccess file to require authentication for a directory. I would like to exempt certain files (csv) to avoid some issues with downloading. I can limit the authentication to the files by doing: <files ~ "\.csv$"> require valid-user </files> But how can I negate(!) them so ALL files except csv files require authenticati...

How to redirect any /promotion/* URLs to just /* with .htaccess?

I need to redirect any requests to mysite.com/promotion/* pages to just mysite.com/*, so a few examples would be: mysite.com/promotion/some/page.html would redirect to mysite.com/some/page.html mysite.com/promotion/another-page.html would redirect to mysite.com/another-page.html How can this be done with .htaccess? ...

System.Net.WebClient request gets 403 Forbidden but browsers do not with Apache servers

An odd one, I'm trying to read the <Head> section of a lot of different websites out there, and one particular type of server, Apache, sometimes gives the code 403 forbidden. Not all apache servers do this, so it may be a config setting or a particular version of the server. When I then check the url with a web browser (Firefox, for exa...

PHP files are downloaded by browser instead of processed by local dev server (MAMP)

Everything was going great until I added AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5s .php to the .htaccess file in my local server's document root (which I change frequently depending on the site I'm working with). Since I did that when I visit http://localhost:8888 my browser just downloads the index.php and it's not processed at all, just the...

Why doesnt my php script work

All I want to do (initially) is the following: <?php phpinfo(); ?> I have two different web servers running. If I try to open the above in firefox, Under any filename, with the :80 port from apache, it merely echoes the above. If I try to open the above, as any filename, from a python twisted web server on port :8888, I get a http 5...

IP based VirtualHost and Apache

I have this webserver that have an IP address xxx.xxx.xx.x, I also have a website I want to publish, but I do not have any domain for my website yet. So in my httpd-vhosts.conf file I have this setting: <VirtualHost xxx.xxx.xx.x> ServerName xxx.xxx.xx.x DocumentRoot "C:\Sites\mysite" </VirtualHost> And since I dont have a domain ...

Can I use Apache servers for a local network?

I would like to write a computer game played by several users sitting in front of different computers. For that I would like to implement a P2P approach. Now I consider the following situation. I have, let say, 6 computers which build a local network. On every computer I install Apache web server. So, every computer runs a web site. In ...