
logging time using httpd.conf

Hi, I found the extra %D option in the LogFormat section of httpd.conf file. LogFormat "%h %l %u %t %D \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined LogFormat "%h %l %u %t %D \"%r\" %>s %b" common I was told that this is to log the time the page took to load. Is it correct? ...

trace wget http header into apache log

Hi, For our module we've web server with XAMPP on Linux box. For end-user to download file, user can use WGET utility. ex.- wget http://username:[email protected]/<file-path> Now I want to capture username in apache log. I've tried with various option in apache log but I couldn't capture username into log file. like.- %u, %r...

How to get Tomcat Working on WIndows 7?

I have installed Apache Tomcat 5.X/6.X on my Winodws 7 PC. After the installaiton the service starts fine when I check the Start Tomcat box and click finish. However If I try to start the tomcat configuration tool or monitor tool from the start menu I can not start any of the Tomcat's services. I get an error in a message box stating "Ac...

Question about apache ivy dependency revision

hi, i want to achieve the following task: I want to configure ivy so that it fetches a war file from my maven repository. I have another project which will be deployed before doing this task so basicly it is guranteed that there is a folder with several files including the war. if i use the following example configuration everything wor...

Apache .htaccess redirecting directory to querystring

i would like to redirect requests on my site from host.com/directory to host.com/?institution=directory so that users can access the main level categories of my site using a directory notation I just have a hard time wrapping my head around the regex, any help would be appreciated ...

Baby steps to a solution with django and mod-wsgi on os x

I'm running apache / os x and serving up localhost pages to test django on my laptop. I've already verified all the following • python is working fine and up to date (2.5.1) • django available to python and up to date (1,1,0, 'final', 0) • mod_wsgi module is loaded among apache modules in my apache config - Check! • path to django ...

does Apache caches the SESSION data in memory when I use the file handler for session?

In PHP, when I use the file handler for session storing,does Apache caches the SESSION in memory? If not, would a usage of db storage engine on memory tables (mysql) would be a good idea? ...

Is there a way to execute a .exe CGI application on Linux + Apache

I have to migrate a web server from Windows + IIS to Linux + Apache, but there are some webpages rely on .exe CGI applications (some financial calculators) to generate the outputs. Is there an easy way to get this job done? BTW, I don't have the access to the source code of those .exe file. Even though I have, it would take a long time...

In a PHP / Apache / Linux context, why exactly is chmod 777 dangerous?

Inspired by the discussion in this question, a maybe stupid question. We have all been taught that leaving directories or files on Linux-based web hosting with the permission level of 777 is a bad thing, and to give always as little permissions as necessary. I am now curious as to where exactly lies the danger of exploitation, specific...

share a folder in 2 domains using .htaccess

Dear all, I got 2 sub-domains c:\wamp\www\websiteA\ - http://websiteA/ c:\wamp\www\websiteB\ - http://websiteB/ inside websiteA got a folder for storing picture c:\wamp\www\websiteA\photos\ in order websiteB want to access websiteA photo in websiteB's html I have to do link like url: http://websiteB/1.html <img src="http://we...

Can not connect to mysql when using FastCGI for PHP under Apache on Windows Vista

I configured PHP to use Apache mod_fcgid. PHP is working, but after changes in configuration I am not able to connect to mysql via php. How to fix this? Any ideas, which can hint me, are very desired! To check mysql connection I use the following php code: error_reporting(E_ALL); $link = mysql_connect('', 'root', 'password_he...

How to rewrite url using apache for mongrel?

I use mongrel to run a ROR website. My apps need to respond to urls generated by third parties. There is double quote in the url, and mongrel will error on such urls. Since I use apache on top of mongrel. How can I use the mod_rewrite in apache to encode the url? ...

Getting the contents of a file with PHP FTP

I am trying to get the contents of a file on a remote FTP server through PHP. Looking at all the docs though it doesn't appear possible to do this without first saving the transferred file to disk and then opening it. Is there any way of reading the file straight into a variable or buffer without having to save it to disk first? Thank...

Problem Configuring RApache on OS X 10.5.8

Hi Everyone, I've been trying to get RApache set up properly on my Macbook Pro running OS X 10.5.8. After installing RApache successfully (I think), I added the following to the httpd.conf file as suggested in the manual. LoadModule R_module /apache/module/path/mod_R.so ROutputErrors <Location /RApacheInfo> SetHandler r-info <...

Google marks seemingly perfect emails as spam

Hi! First post, have found many answers here, so hopes are high. The problem: Google marks seemingly correctly formatted emails from my apache/postfix server as spam. Sample email as follows; (I have replaced my domain with mydomain.com.au and the IP with a pretend IP) Delivered-To: [email protected] Received: by with S...

Share data between mod_python processes

I'm running mod_python under Apache. If I've understood correctly, each Apache process runs its own Python interpreter. What would be the best way to share a tiny amount of data across all the processes? I'm talking about just a few hundred bytes here, making something database based completely overkill. ...

Using mod_rewrite with mod_vhost_alias

I was wondering if it's possible to use the vhost_alias module in conjunction with a rewrite rule. So in my VirtualHost I have this: VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/%2+/%1 For example, sub.mydomain.com will point to /var/www/mydomain.com/sub/ But I want to check if the folder exists to avoid getting a 404 error if I try to reach a bogus ...

Adding slashes to the end of directories + more (htaccess)

This is beyond my level and I need some help. In the htaccess make redirect rules for the following... if example.com/1stleveldirectory doesn't end in a slash add one. if example.com/1stleveldirectory/ ends in a slash don't add anything. if example.com/1stleveldirectory/file is like this add .html. if example.com/1stleveldirectory/fil...

nginx + vbulletin cookie problem

Hello. I installed a forum vbulletin 3.8.4 .. When trying to load my apache is not set cookie 'userid' and 'password'. Although other cookie 'bblastactivity', 'bblastvisit', 'bbsessionhash' sets .. Help please ...

Choosing web server software to run PHP from

Hi all, I've been refactoring some code running on a simple LAMP box on my network. I noticed that there really isn't any particular reason why we're using Apache aside from being able to say it's a LAMP setup. I've heard of some other options (lighttpd, nginx, etc.) and was wondering what benefit using these would provide over using Ap...