
best way to access Web Service hosted in JBOSS 5.0.GA + Apache 2.2.2 from WCF .Net 3.5 ?

We are in a position to consume the Web Service hosted in JBOSS as explained above. We tried to generate proxy classes using VS 2008, but we are not successful in calling the Web Services using WCF. Please share your views? ...

drupal reinstalled locally, URLs such as "admin" get page not found

I've just downloaded my drupal site. I can view the home page and the content seems to be read from the db. However i can't get to http://localhost:81/admin or http://localhost:81/aboutus I have enabled "mod_rewrite" i can view content such as "?q=node/266" I've setup virtual host ServerName localhost DocumentRoot "C:/wamp/www/m...

How to rewrite and set headers at the same time in Apache

I have a directory of images that alternately be viewed directly in the browser, and other times downloaded. So, say I have a file /gallery/gal_4254.jpg. I want to make /download/gal_4254.jpg trigger a download of the image rather than view it. /download is empty, all the images are in /gallery. I can map requests to the download d...

Anything Similar To WAMP?

Hello, I would like to know if anyone out there knows about any program similar to WAMP; all-in-one containing PHP, MySQL, Apach like WAMPServer? Thanks Edit: I am targeting Windows OS. ...

Pretty URL to string parameters

I have a website that use this style : /index.php?page=45&info=whatever&anotherparam=2 I plan to have pretty url to transform the previous url to : /profile/whatever/2 I know I have to use .htAccess and to redirect everything to index.php. That's fine. My problem is more in the index.php (Front Controller). How can I build back the ...

In Django, how do I make my sessions persist through http://mydomain.com and http://www.mydomain.com?

If I set a session in mydomain.com, it doesn't work on www.mydomain.com. I'd like all subdomains, and all www, to be treated as one big thing. mydomain.com and all its subdomains should have all the session cookies of everything. Do I change this in Apache2? edit I think I found the solution: SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = ".mydomain.com" ...

shell script to add list of domains to apache vhosts

I have a list of ~900 domains that I need to set up on a linux/apache server. It would be absolutely brutal to create all of the users/groups/vhosts by hand. Does anybody know of a resource that I could use to automate this? I guess the script should do these actions: Read text file line by line in to array For each item in array: User...

*nix hosting - redirect download to homepage if referrer doesn't match

I have a software package placed in the root directory of my website. I'd like all visitors which come from other websites to see the homepage first, before they download. How can I do that without using a script? ...

Access webpage from subdirectory as root page

I have two websites: http://example.com http://example.com/sub I have a page, let's say: http://example.com/sub/page1 Is there any way (using .htacces) to make it possible to access page1 via this url: http://example.com/page1? Redirect 301 won't do the work, because I don't need redirects. Is there any way to omit '/sub/' for cert...

configuring apache with webdot

Hi, I would like to automatically generate image from *.gv files in a browser. I am using webdot CGI script to do this. This works with URLs like these: http://localhost/cgi-bin/webdot/path_to_file/file.gv.dot.png location of the CGI script: http://localhost/cgi-bin/webdot/ file to render: /path_to_file/file.gv rende...

301 Redirect with query string and domain name in Apache

I'm trying to write a 301 redirect that will look at both the host name and the query string parameter. So if the URL is either of the two. http://www.example.com/index.php?p=11&b=3 http://example.com/index.php?p=11&b=3 Then I want it to redirect to the appropriate page: http://store.example.com/testpage.html Otherwise, ...

Apache URL Redirect

My program is located at http://server2.abcd.com/myprogram/. Our webmaster has set up a subdomain: http://sub.abcd.com for me. This subdomain will redirect to http://server2.abcd.com/myprogram/. The redirect configuration was done in the httpd.conf. Each time a user visit http://sub.abcd.com he will be redirected to http://server2.abcd....

rails - "apache cannot run because another program is using its port"

i downloaded and ran instant rails and i got that message how do i fix this problem? what is the other application that might be using this port? ...

Getting rid of Django IOErrors

I'm running a Django site (via Apache/mod_python) and I use Django's facilities to inform me and other developers about internal server errors. Sometimes errors like those appear: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/webapp/externals/lib/django/core/handlers/base.py", line 92, in get_response response = callback(request,...

Apache using Python 2.4, Python 2.5 scripts failing

Using CentOS5, I have Apache configured with the following directives. Alias /pscript/ /var/www/pscript/ <Directory "/var/www/pscript/"> Options +ExecCGI DirectoryIndex thetest.py AddHandler cgi-script .py </Directory> When I call www.domain.com/pscript/ then my python script runs and prints out my sys.path, which is displ...

htaccess mod_rewrite help

i have a domain with a website in a folder. i.e http://domain.com.au/website/page.php i only have access to .htaccess files to make the rules. i would like my url to look like this.. http://domain.com.au/page so in essence i want to drop the subfolder its sitting in, and the php extention. All links in my php are structured like thi...

Getting basic information when taking over administration of a server.

Hi all, This has happened to me a few times and I'd like to save time in the future when running into this situation. I often either help colleagues out with site deployments or web server configuration. Most times I find myself spending more than what I'd like figuring out: Which apache is running Which httpd.conf is being used Whic...

How do you fix the occasional blank page when submitting a form?

The most troublesome bug is the occasional ones,there is no definite way to reproduce it. I've searched a lot on this topic, the most probable reason is the charset, and I've take some actions by setting the default charset as utf8 in .htaccess(I'm using apache), but it still happens,again occasionally Have you guys any tips other t...

Wordpress Seo features

I am working with wordpress in apache.Now am in very big trouble.I need to rewrite my url. I am trying by this code for .htaccess file <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /shopboxcms/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} gallery\_remote2\.php ...

Set Application_ENV via virtual host config and read this in PHP

I like how this works in Zend Framework. I can know which environment I'm currently using by checking APPLICATION_ENV constant in my controller. <VirtualHost *:80> #ServerName #DocumentRoot SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV "development" # Directory </VirtualHost> But unfortunately I can't use ZF in my current project. Ho...