
A web application that lets users choose a domain name for the website they are about to create?

I want to create a web application that allows users to sign up, register a domain name and create their own website. This will be done in Ubuntu 9.10, Apache 2, Mysql 5 and Php 5. At the moment, the only area of development I'm uncertain about is the domain name registration and mapping it to the web application. I'm going to postpon...

Shared httpd.conf

I'm trying to share a single httpd.conf file across multiple OS X machines. I'm using Dropbox to manage the file and make it available to both machines. The problem I'm having is that the httpd.conf file has to load virtual host config files from a location within my home directory and the path is different on each machine. I tried refe...

Define mono for only one VirtualHost

I am running an Apache Server with multiple VirtualHosts, and of course I know how to create a new VirtualHost, but I do not know, how I can setup Mono only for this VirtualHost. I have read I need to disable MonoAutoApplication, but I can not find any information on how to set it up on only this VirtualHost. Can anybody in here help m...

Can I rely on mod_rewrite?

I'm building a small PHP framework for the websites I create and wanted to know if I can rely on mod_rewrite being availabe on most hosters. Is ist even a good idea using it? There are many good points already (one entry point, "beautiful", readable URLS) Where is it not availabe? Should I include an alternative in the framework if mo...

Mod_rewrite: Direct everything to one PHP file

I have this rule: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !index.php RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?req=$1 </IfModule> Everything works fine if I request non-existing directories like myhost/view/blah, but when i enter some existing directory in the url like myhost/module I get redirected to module...

How do I redriect a CPanel IP address to a domain?

I've got a duplicate content issue where there's two instances of my site indexed in google: the first is the actual domain: http://domain.com the seconds is my WHM/CPanel preview of the account: http://123.456.78.9/~/domain Is there any way to redirect the IP version to the real domain? ...

Safari caching pages too heavily, how to add expires header using rails

I'm page caching the majority of my pages and using a dynamic js file to inject the user specific content. So in my header file I have something like this: <%= javascript_include_tag '/dynamic_header/current' %> What this will do is execute the dynamic_header controller show.js.erb view which gets returned alongside the page and hand...

How can I avoid my web browser from redirecting to localhost using WAMP in Windows7?

I'm currently using Windows 7 with WAMP to try and work on some software, but my web browsers will not accept cookies from the "localhost" domain. I tried creating a few bogus domains in my hosts file by pointing them to but when I type them in I am automatically redirected back to localhost. I have also configured virtualhosts...

index.php not loading by default

I have just installed centos, apache and php when I visit my site http://domain.com/myapp/, it says "forbidden" by default its not loading the index.php file. When I visit http://domain.com/myapp/index.php, it works fine. Any idea how to fix that issue ? ...

How to configure Apache httpd.conf run with strawberry perl?(perl script run with browser)

i want to run perl script on browser.i am using strawberry perl and i want to Apache httpd.conf configuration.help me? ...

PHP error: libphp5.so: undefined symbol: _estrndup

I compile Apache-MySQL-PHP by hand to build a custom install using the configure options from below. When I start apache it fails to start and adds the below error in the error_log. * Apache 2 * Mysql 5.0 * PHP 5.1 * CentOS Linux 5.4 * GCC compiler the error in apache log httpd: Syntax error on line 54 of /opt/clamp/etc/httpd.conf: Can...

Using autotools for a LAMP application

I have a LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL/Php) application that I should release soon. Even if I've never used it, I'm thinking about using autotools for it, to make the configuration and installation process easier (for the customer and for me, in the future). Have you ever done (or thought) such a thing? Are there any drawbacks? Does it make...

Apache: multiple ../ in query string = internal server error (error 500)

here's the problem: when requesting url like - http://server/path/to/file.html?param=../../something/something i get response: 500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. ... Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an Erro...

End my urls with trailing slash (/) or not? And how do I go about it doing this with codeigniter..

Hey guys, I am trying to figure out which is most appropriate. From the articles I have read, it seems best to end url's with a trailing slash. So instead of: http://www.site.com/article It would read: http://www.site.com/article/ First I adjusted my htaccess to force a trailing slash. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCo...

How can I redirect one wordpress install to another (both in subdirectories on the same domain)?

Pulling my hair out over this one. I have one wordpress install at /2009 and one at /2010. I am trying to redirect all requests to the 2009 site to the 2010 site. I have tried both of these in the root .htaccess and in the /2009 .htaccess: RewriteRule ^2009.*$ 2010 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^2009.*$ RewriteRule . 2010 [R=3...

HTML Base Equivalent in .htaccess?

Let's say you have the following setup. You have a server with the basepath set to the normal webroot. The server has files in the following structure /projects /some-unique-id /index.html /images /some-unique-id /index.html /images Is it possible to have a .htaccess file somehow redirect the...

How can I carry cookies in php to multiple subdomain

I want to carry some cookies value to different subdomains like blog.mydomain.com , profile.mydomain.com , stats.mydomain.com, etc. Right now I am using below code to set cookies setcookie('var_name', 'var_value', null, "/", '.mydomain.com' ); With this code, cookies set on blog.mydomain.com available on mydomain.com but not on oth...

Memory Leaks and Apache

My VPS account has been occasionally running out of memory. It's using Apache on Linux. Support says it's a slow memory leak and has enabled MaxRequestsPerChild to deal with it. I have a few questions about this. When a child process dies, will it cause my scripts to lose session data? Does anyone have advice on how I can track down thi...

SVN post-update hook?

Does it exist? Basically I'm developing a Django app on my local machine, when I've finished adding my feature and get it working locally, I want to commit it, and then update the production server. Then I want to automatically restart apache. Is this possible? How? ...

How to debug Django PayPal IPN?

I'm using this django app to implement PayPal IPN. I'm testing it using PayPal's IPN simulator, but it's telling me IPN delivery failed. HTTP error code 500: Internal Server Error So how can I debug this and see what's really going on? I've dug into code: @require_POST def ipn(request, item_check_callable=None): """ PayPal...