
Have to Restart Apache When Using Django On Apache with mod_wsgi

I'm creating a web app with Django. Since I'm very familiar with Apache I setup my development environment to have Django run through Apache using mod_wsgi. The only annoyance I have with this is that I have to restart Apache everytime I change my code. Is there a way around this? ...

uploadprogress.so for PHP 5.3?

I'm using XAMPP (latest version) on OS 10.6.2, that's bundled with PHP 5.3.0 I installed the XAMPP development package for the PHP source/header files and ran the following command from Terminal- sudo ./pecl install uploadprogress Everything appeared to work fine. My php.ini file (yup - I checked it's the same one being loaded in php...

Why is header() causing an internal server error?

I cannot figure out what could be causing this error. My Apache log is not recording any errors in the access log or error log regarding the page, yet somehow whenever I uncomment the header() line I get a 500 Internal Server Error. It can't be coming from PHP's fatal error when content is outputted before header() is called, that wouldn...

How to configure apache (ubuntu) such that www.mysite.com will direct to www.mysite.com/drupal6/ ?

Dear All, I am a newbie to ubuntu and apache. Can someone tell me how I could direct to www.mysite.com/drupal6 when user address www.mysite.com? Thanks a lot. Cheers. ...

.htaccess redirection - two sharing websites

I have two websites that is actually the same where example.com shares all files from examples.com. So whatever changes made in exampples.com, example.com automatically gets updated. That means they have the same .htaccess file. The problem is, I want to both sites redirects to non www to a www url. I got this: RewriteEngine on RewriteC...

How can manage many user requests to an apache web server using win32com in python?

Hello every body, I work on a Web text-to-speech System, trasforming text documents in audio mp3 files, using python 2.5. I use Apache2.2 as a server and mod_python as module to embed the Python interpreter within the server. The user should submit via web interface (input interface), a file txt or a Word document (.doc or .rtf) and th...

How do you create subdomains using PHP? Is is possible on shared hosting?

I'm interested to create subdomains on the fly directly from php. For example when an user create a new page I want that page to be newpage.mydomain.com. Is that possible without changing the php or apache configuration files (supposing I'm using a shared hosting account). Later Edit: I'm talking about my domain, and I have full access ...

Launching an X application from a locally running Apache web server using PHP

I have Apache and PHP running on my local Linux desktop. My PHP script launches "xcalc", and looks like this: <?php shell_exec("xcalc"); ?> When I execute the PHP script using the PHP binary, I see xcalc running on the desktop. When I execute the same script through Apache, I see nothing happening on the screen. I can't figure out...

Running PHP without extension without using mod_rewrite?

Using Apache 2.2 and PHP 5, what's the best way to run PHP without the .php extension. For example, I have a script called app.php and I like to invoke it as http://example.com/app Please notice that I still want keep the .php extension to the file and I don't have mod_rewrite. Don't want use index.php either because it requires too ma...

How Server-Side Include Work without File Extension?

This question is related to this one, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2358178/running-php-without-extension-without-using-mod-rewrite So by adding this to my .htaccess, I can run PHP script without the extension, AddHandler server-parsed .php SetHandler application/x-httpd-php AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php I am not fami...

Compatibility with IIS and Apache -- PHP, Python, etc?

I'm currently planning out a web app that I want to host for people and allow them to host themselves on either Linux/Apache of IIS6 or IIS7 (for the benefits of bandwidth, directory services [login, etc.]). I see that PHP is supported on both platforms. I've heard people serving Django and Python in IIS using PyISAPIe. I'm not sure ab...

MySQL problem reconnecting (mysqld.exe) keeps giving error...

Need some guidance figuring out what went wrong. I've been using mysql, phpmyadmin for just under a year on my home computer while I develop a webapp. 3 days ago I updated my windows vista with all the "wonderful" microsoft updates, security patches, etc...and now it's broke. I tried uninstalling all the upgrades, but there are 4 of th...

apache <Location /> catch all but some?

Hi, running apache2.2. In a vhost, I would like to setup access to /static and /cgi-bin. route the rest requests to a backend server. I tried a mix of and directives but none of them works.. <Directory /docroot/static> ... </Directory> <Directory /docroot/cgi-bin> ... </Directory> <Location /> ProxyPass http://backend:8888/app/ ...

mod-rewrite question: /test/method is rewritten to test.svg/method

I noticed an odd (to me) mod_rewrite thing happening. Fixing it is not important to me so much as figuring out what's going on. Basically, I have an svg file called test.svg in my document root, as well as an index.php. My expectation, based on my .htaccess file is that visiting http://localhost/test.svg would get me the .svg file (and ...

how do i configure apache to block get requests to a remote server

I'm getting the following in my apache 2.2 access log: GET http://ant.dsabuse.com/abc.php?auth=45V456b09m&amp;strPassword=WUMTWV_E%40M%5CRC&amp;nLoginId=43 HTTP/1.1" 302 How do I configure apache to block all requests for hosts that are not equal to mine? ...

Using Apache HttpClient to login to Google Account

I am trying to login to my google account to edit my profile via a Java application using apache httpClient. The code I'm using is given below. Although the code returns a cookie its expiry is set to null and when i check the returned page HTML it is the same as the login page i am trying to connect to. Can someone please point out the...

Who is the best cloud hosting provider for managing multiple sites with unique IP addresses/vhosts?

Over the past few weeks I have been trying to scout out a viable alternative to my hybrid/dedicated box over at WiredTree. I have all but landed on a cloud server solution from either Amazon (EC2) or Rackspace (Cloud Servers). My questions are: 1) Between those two, and any other cloud provider I may have missed out there, who can offe...

How to always remove WWW from a url with mod_rewrite?

I'm using the following to try and remove WWW from the url: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example.com$ [NC] RewriteRule (.*) http://example.com$1 [R=301] But for some reason it doesn't work. Any suggestions? ...

Coldfusion server (apache httpd) is restarting frequently

Good day, We have Apache httpd server set up as our ColdFusion server on a Solaris box. And due to some code changes to the deployed ColdFusion application, our ColdFusion server (the httpd service and not the actual machine) is restarting frequently. Any ideas on where to start looking? ...or which logs to turn to? ...or common culpr...

How to allow only certain files in Apache

Hello, I'd like to filter access to certain files in apache. I want only CGI access. So I tried putting in vhost file: <FilesMatch "\.cgi$"> Order allow,deny Allow from all </FilesMatch> <FilesMatch "."> # All other files Order allow,deny Deny from all </FilesMatch>...