
Mod_rewrite, how to stop rule applying to one query string?

Hi, I have a list of rewrite rules, but one of the rules is applying to something I need it to not apply to. Here is the rewrite rule causing the problem, RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/$ /category.php?category=$1 [L] It's meant to rewrite .com/catname/ to /category.php?category=catname which it does fine, but I need it to not apply to anythin...

Apache log analyzer which outputs user flows

Hi Folks I'm looking for a peice of software which can help me debug issues on a website by using apache logs. Here's the scenario. I have a client on a website who has just performed something which is unexpected, I have his IP address because it got logged with a purchased transaction. Is there a program out there that'll let me vie...

django + mod_wsgi +apache

Hi. When I run my django project on apache with mod_wsgi, I receive something like that: [Wed Mar 10 08:46:43 2010] [error] [client] Traceback (most recent call last): [Wed Mar 10 08:46:43 2010] [error] [client] File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Django-1.1.1-py2.6.egg/django/core/handlers...

Who are using all the memory on my production server(apache + mysql + rails) ?

I am running a EC2 small instance as my production server. It has 1.7G memory. I noticed it uses almost all memory. However when I check top output, it looks like that only 30% is actually used. Did I misread the top output? Here is the top output (sorted by %MEM) top - 21:33:15 up 141 days, 9:39, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00,...

In my Apache2 access.log, how do I filter what gets displayed?

Someone told me to do this in order to keep track of latest people hitting my server: tail -f access.log However, this shows all the "includes", including the JS file, the graphics, etc. What if I just want to see the pages that people hit? How do I filter that using tail -f? ...

Subdirectory .htaccess affecting other directories

I'm having a strange .htaccess issue. My web structure is setup like so to have two sites: www/site1/ www/site2/ inside the site1 directory, I have a .htaccess file with rewrite rules in it. Inside the site2 directory, I have a different .htaccess file with different rewrite rules. My problem is that the rules in www/site1/.htacces...

PHP fopen returning null on files that work fine with include and get_file_contents

Hi, I have XAMPP installed on a windows 2000 server. everything is working great except the PHP fopen function. I can neither create nor open files with it. the strange thing is that i can include/require/file_get_contents/other file related functions; also fopen does not generate any errors or notices it just returns NULL. I have gone...

Why do the Vertrigo 2.21 (MySQL server do not start) do not work under Windows 7 ?

It says that port 3306 might be busy - i have changed it (Settings>Components Settings) but just nothing? VertrigoServ → MySQL database server does not work correctly. Check whether other applications use the important port (3306) and terminate them. Moreover, check firewall settings and correctness the configuration files....

Problem with Django setup using mod_wsgi and apache on centos 5.4

I am trying to setup apache with mod_wsgi to serve Django through a nginx proxy on CentOS 5.4. I want to start by configuring Apache with Wsgi to serve on a local port, but I get a 403 error when I run curl localhost:8080 # Httpd config: Listen NameVirtualHost <VirtualHost> ServerName st...

PHP gettext function only returns orignal untranslated string

I'm trying to use gettext add localisation support to my website. I've followed various guides on how to setup gettext and have done the following: I've created the following files and directories in the root of my project dir: test.php locale/ de_DE LC_MESSAGES messages.mo messages.po en_GB LC_MESSAGES ...

Django deployment. Error loading MySQLdb module. Trouble reading/writing from /tmp directory

I'm deploying my Django app to another host/server using mod_wsgi and MySQLdb. Right now, I'm getting a 500 error with the following log: ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading MySQLdb module: /tmp/MySQL_python-1.2.3c1-py2.4-linux-i686.egg-tmp/_mysql.so: failed to map segment from shared object: Operation not permitted Did some research a...

Change cachable content

How can I change cachable content so that the user will immediately get the refreshed version? I'll give an example: I have a .css file that is cachable for 2 weeks, so even if I change it, users will still get the old version, unless the press F5. There are a few solutions, that I know of, but none are perfect: Changing the filena...

How do I pass parameters from Apache to a DLL?

Is it possible to write a DLL that would take input from Apache and return text to display? For instance, say someone enters this URL: http://example.com/somedll.dll?p1=test&amp;p2=anothertest Would it be possible to have the DLL take those parameters and return them as text to the server, which would then display testanothertest. ...

Can I turn off an Apache Directive then turn it on in an include?

I have a VirtualHost block that includes common configuration items, one directive is ProxyPreserveHost. Can I "procedurally" turn off ProxyPreserveHost for a Rewrite directive then have the include turn it back on? For example: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName www.blah.com ... ... ProxyPreserveHost off RewriteRule /somepath http://otherh...

PHP file upload

I have big trouble with file uploads with php. My own tests are successful but my colleague is telling me that he cannot update "larger" (ca. 5mb) files. Phpinfo says: - max_execution_time 30 - memory_limit 32 Mb - post_max_size 8 Mb - upload_max_filesize 10 Mb Is it better to use FTP? The problem is that I cannot change these settings...

Redirecting with mod_rewrite and mod_geoip only if user asks for the root of the domain and are from a particular country

Hi, I need a rule and condition to handle this scenario: User from US visits www.domain.com, domain.com, www.domain.com/ or domain.com/ this should be redirected to www.domain.com/usvisitor/ However, if a user from the US visits www.domain.com/anydirectory it will let them straight through without a redirection occurring. eg. Rewrit...

How can I *prevent* Apache2 from setting the Content-Type header?

I have a CGI script that prints the following on stdout: print "Status: 302 Redirect\n"; print "Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1\n"; print "Location: $redirect\n"; print "Content-Length: 0\n"; print "Date: $date\n\n"; Where $redirect and $date are reasonable values. What Apache2 actually sends also includes a Content-Type: header (text/plain...

htaccess mod_rewrite check file/directory existence, else rewrite?

I have a very heavy htaccess mod_rewrite file that runs my application. As we sometimes take over legacy websites, I sometimes need to support old urls to old files, where my application processes everything post htaccess. My ultimate goal is to have a 'Demilitarized Zone' for old file structures, and use mod rewrite to check for existe...

gzip compression in web server or app server ?

I'm using Weblogic application server and Apache web server in my J2EE environment and planning to implement gzip compression of response. Not sure, whether to implement compression on the Apache server or on the weblogic. ...

Configuring mod_rewrite and mod_jk for Apache 2.2 and JBoss 4.2.3

Hello! My problem is as follows: I have JBoss 4.2.3 application server with AJP 1.3 connector running on one host under Windows ( for my test environment) and Apache 2.2.14 running on another FreeBSD box ( Apache acts as a "front gate" for all requests and sends them to JBoss via mod_jk. Everything was working fi...