
How do I know if my PHP application is using too much memory?

I'm working on a PHP web application that let's users network with each other, book events, message etc... I launched it a few months ago and at the moment, there's only about 100 users. I set up the application on a VPS with ubuntu 9.10, apache 2, mysql 5 and php 5. I had 360 Mb of RAM, but upgraded to 720 MB a few minutes ago. Late...

How do you set a custom session when unit testing with wicket?

I'm trying to run some unit tests on a wicket page that only allows access after you've logged in. In my JUnit test I cannot start the page or render it without setting the session. How do you set the session? I'm having problems finding any documentation on how to do this. WicketTester tester = new WicketTester(new MyApp()); ((M...

Apache rewrite request using a different forward proxy

Hi, I would like to forward a request in Apache, based on a request header, to a different forward proxy. I think the best would be to use mod_rewrite, but it can use only a reverse proxy defined in the same apache configuration. I also checked the ProxyRemote property of mod_proxy but it can't be used based on conditions, only based o...

Sub second request time logging

Hi, While I can get microsecond resolution on the time taken to process a request (%D) to help reconstruct the sequence of requests I would like to look at this in relation to the times of multiple requests generated by a particular page. However as far as I can tell, the %t specifier only provides accuracy to the nearest second. Which ...

Rewrite URL in PHP without htaccess

The website is running on a web hosting where we don't have access on htaccess file.The web server is Apache. I want to rewrite URL. For example: The original URL: www.mydomainname.com/en/piecework/piecework.php?piecework_id=11 Expected URL:piecework.mydomainname.com/en/11 How to do it? ...

Rewriting a number based URL using .htaccess RewriteRule

How can I rewrite a simple number based URL to a sub folder? I want http://mysite.com/123 to redirect to http://mysite.com/en/123. The number could be anything from 1 - 9999. My attempt in htaccess was: RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)$ /en/$1/ [R] But that doesn't work. ...

Rewrite URL in PHP with mod_rewrite

The web server is Apache. I want to rewrite URL so a user won't know the actual directory. For example: The original URL: www.mydomainname.com/en/piecework/piecework.php?piecework_id=11 Expected URL: piecework.mydomainname.com/en/11 How to achieve it with mod_rewrite? ...

how to code a PHP function who will check whether the mode of Apache is on safemode or not ?

how to code a PHP function who will check whether the mode of Apache is on safemode or not ? ...

How to turn off default HTTP status code errors in Zend Server?

Every time I return some status code in my PHP code, Zend Server gives me following error appended on the bottom of my website (with the message of HTTP code I returned). So for example, if I return 401, it gives me another 401 error appended to my 401 page: Is there any way to turn it off? I use Zend Server Community Edition 5.0 with...

php symfony and apache2 - inst't serving .phtml

Hi, I have a problem with apache2 settings (Ubuntu system). I would like to run symfony project on my localhost but instead of serving .phtml files, browser is trying to download files. this is my file .host: test this is apache2/sites-available/default file < VirtualHost> ServerName test Document...

Frame Redirect to .Net site from a sub domain hosted on Linux host SEO hit in 1and1?

My host : 1and1.com My setup : I have my main domain and a sub domain hosted on the Linux host. What I need : Sub domain (currently on Linux host) should be pointed to that of a .Net site hosted on MS Business hosting on 1and1. What is the best way of achieving it? What I did so far : Used Frame redirect (from Sub domain to .Net site)...

using BOSH/similar technique for existing application/system

We've an existing system which connects to the the back end via http (apache/ssl) and polls the server for new messages, needless to say we have scalability issues. I'm researching on removing this polling and have come across BOSH/XMPP but I'm not sure how we should take the BOSH technique (using long lived http connection). I've seen...

Tomcat 5.5, Is there a max upload speed per request?

I am having an issue when uploading files to tomcat. It seems that tomcat (or something else?) will not handle the upload as fast as I can send it. When uploading multiple files concurrently I can max out my local connection upload speed (2.1MB/s). However, when uploading only one file at a time, no matter how small or large the file, t...

Storing Icons and Sql with PHP

So I have a simple Apache with MySql I am developing a PHP app. I have Users Table in my DB. I vant to let them store Icons. My question Is what's the best way of attaching such data as icons (100-250kb's) to DB - Is it beter to store them Inside DB or store them as File and some how attaching links to icons into DB. What's the best way...

URL rewriting with mod_rewrite

The web server is Apache. I want to rewrite URL so a user won't know the actual directory. For example: The original URL: www.mydomainname.com/en/piecework/piecework.php?piecework_id=11 Expected URL: piecework.mydomainname.com/en/11 I added the following statements in .htaccess: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(?!www)([^.]+)\.myd...

Is there a way to get Apache to serve files with the question mark in their name?

I scraped a bunch of pages using wget -m -k -E. The resulting files have names in the form foo.php?bar.html. Apache guesses everything after the ? is a query string, is there a way to tell it to ignore the ? as the query string delimiter (and see foo.php?bar.html as the requested file and not foo.php)? To save you a trip to wget manpage...

How to set up virtual hosts properly on a windows machine using Zend Community CE ?

I have set up Zend Server CE on a windows machine and am having the hardest time setting up virtual hosts. No matter what I do, links on my local machine are showing "localhost" in the path causing all images and links to not work properly. I have the following in my vhosts file and while the site loads up, most links show "local host ...

How can I start XServer in Linux through apache user triggered by Perl script running in background?

I am trying to launch MS Office through WINE using a PERL script hosted by apache and and triggered by other application. I am getting the following error message in log files "Application trying to create a window but no driver could not be loaded. Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly". If I r...

How do I track images embedded in HTML?

Hi, I'd like to track the views/impressions of images on web pages, but still allow the images to be embedded in HTML, like in the "img src="http://mysite.com/upload/myimage.jpg"/" element. I know in Windows I can write a handler for ".jpg" so the URL will actually trigger a handling function instead of loading the images from disk. Is...

Does Apache need to be stopped to edit "/etc/apache2/sites-available/default"?

I am attempting to edit the "default" file located at .. "/etc/apache2/sites-available/default" on my Ubuntu machine running Apache 2.2.8. I want to do this in order to enable the use of .htaccess files. I have downloaded the "default" file and edited it and now I am trying to upload it back to the server via SFTP. I keep getting p...