
Apache Commons Configuration trigger event on property file change

Hi, I'm using Apache Commons Configuration library to store my app properties. I can monitor changes of property file using FileChangedReloadingStrategy and it works perfectly. What I would like to do is to trigger configurationChanged event of ConfigurationListener when property file is changed. This case works if I will try to get...

Htaccess... first force www than ask for login

I have an .htaccess file that mainly does 2 things. Force www on the domain and ask for login credentials (with .htpasswd). If I now visit domain.com it will ask for a username and password. When I fill them in I get redirected to www.domain.com and then it asks me to log in again. Is there any way to get the www redirection done befor...

Performance issue when querying a large xml file through php/ajax on Apache Server

Hey, I have a simple "live search" (results displayed while typing) web site. This make up is Ajax to PHP querying a pretty large XML document (10,000+ lines). This is all been hosted on a local Apache server (xamp). The scale of the xml document seems to be causing huge performance issue with results taking 10ish seconds to give the r...

Apache FOP generating blank page

Hello,I am trying to generate a PDF using Apache FOP and Java. I am using a valid xsl-fo file which I can create a pdf with using the command line FOP. My problem occurs when I try to run FOP using the Apache FOP Libraries. Running across a java/php bridge. The bride is properly configured and java / php communicate. On the java side ...

Apache mod_proxy and https

Can I use Apache mod_proxy to proxypass a http url to a https url? For example, proxypass /app/ to https://example.com:7777 ...

Redirect Match 301 .htaccess Issue

Ok, so we are using vBulletin..ya I know. Which is within our Kohana based system. The breakdown is as follows. This is how vBulletin marks its member URL's http://server.com/forum/member.php?21148-username I need to redirect them to this. http://server.com/member_profile/view/vb/21148 In my .htaccess I have this rule RedirectMatc...

How to solve JavaScript origin problem with an application and static file server

In a system that I'm building I want to serve Static files (static HTML pages and a lot of images), and Dynamic XML generated by my servlet. The dynamic XML is generated from my database (through Hibernate) and I use Restlets to serve it in response to API calls. I want to create a static file server (e.g. Apache) so that this does n...

C/PHP: How do I convert the following PHP JSON API script into a C plugin for apache?

I have a JSON API that I need to provide super fast access to my data through. The JSON API makes a simply query against the database based on the GET parameters provided. I've already optimized my database, so please don't recommend that as an answer. I'm using PHP-APC, which helps PHP by saving the bytecode, BUT - for a JSON API tha...

How do I setup Apache to return a 204 code?

How do I setup Apache to return a 204(no-content) instead of a 404 code for a certain URL? ...

how to get apache mod_cache work with mod_wsgi (django)?

I thought i'd speed up my django projects, by letting apache doing some caching for me. Unfortunately I see that apache never caches my dynamic pages. Has mod_cache problems with mod_wsgi served code ? My apache config: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName myserver.com CacheEnable mem / # for testing only CacheIgnoreQueryString On Cache...

I want to know how to deploy the war file in apache tomcat and make it to run

Hi all, I create a war file using apache ant and i wanted to deploy that .war file in tomcat and make it run can u people help me with the steps.. i m not clear abt it ...

Apache: Tomcat "any version" .exe or .zip

Hello..., I have little bit confusion regarding apache tomcat installation. So, I would like to know that whats the difference between the .zip and the .exe tomcat ? Thanks in advance... ...

How to include CKeditor which is outside of your document root

Hi, Is it possible to use CKeditor which resides outside of your document root inside document root application? For e.g. I am having directory structure like: My Documentroot C://xampp/htdocs/example.com My CKeditor is outside and parallel to document root say C://xampp/lib/ckeditor How can I call ckeditor.js whi...

Drupal site requires a higher memory limit after migration? Why?

Hello. We have a website which had a previous memory limit of 12 MB (12 MB in php.ini, and 16 MB in settings.php) and worked previously. After moving to a new server it started giving memory limit errors and displaying half-blank screen. We increaded the limit in both files (php.ini and settings.php) and now it works, but I dont under...

Apache, include correct "Server" header when proxying

I got the following section in mine httpd.conf <virtualhost *> ServerName my.domain.com ProxyRequests off ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / http://my.domain.com </virtualhost> The problem is that apache replaces the "Server" header with it's own IP address. How do I force it to use "my.domain.com" in...

Known problems with filemtime() on Windows - files getting touched arbitrarily?

Is there a known issue leading to file modification times of cache files on Windows XP SP 3 getting arbitrarily updated, but without any actual change? Is there some service on a standard Windows XP - Backup, Sync, Versioning, Virus scanner - known to touch files? They all have a .txt extension. If there isn't, forget it. Then I'm gett...

apache logs https GET parameters?

If I request a page like https://www.example.com/?pippo=123, what would appear in the apache logs? I know that POST parameters are not logged, but for GET ones? Tkz! ...

Maven2 problem to access plugins repository !

Hi, i just come to install maven2, after configuring the settings.xml in ${user.home}/.m2 and fixing a proxy error. Now by executing the command : mvn -U archetype:create -DgroupId=maven-test -DartifactId=maven-test -DpackageName=net.ensode.maventest i get this error : [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] Searching repo...

Properly 301 redirect an URL with parameters to a different site

Right now I have an outdated URL that is getting 404'd: http://mysite.com/category/?tag=blue-example It needs to be redirected to: http://subdomain.mysite.com/blue/ This doesn't work: Redirect 301 /category/?tag=blue-example http://subdomain.mysite.com/blue/ How do I properly rewrite this URL? ...

trying to run werkzeug on apache (wsgi error)

My data_site.wsgi file: import main application = application() Error i get at apache: [Thu Apr 29 07:07:41 2010] [error] [client] Traceback (most recent call last): [Thu Apr 29 07:07:41 2010] [error] [client] File "/var/www/vhosts/data.oddprojects.net/htdocs/data_site.wsgi", line 1, in <module> [Thu A...