
Determine installed Microsoft Excel version using Apache POI

Good Day, I need to determine which version of Microsoft Excel is installed on a Windows PC. I'm working with Apache POI but can't figure out an easy way to do this. Anyone know if Apache POI has a built in functionality to do this? Any ideas how to do this using Java code? Thanks in advance. ...

Apache mod_rewrite help, send folder to subdomain

I want to make my .htaccess file do this: From: http://www.domain.com/example -OR- http://domain.com/example To: http://example.domain.com and From: http://www.domain.com/example/newfolder/file.html?q=blank -OR- http://domain.com/example/newfolder/file.html?q=blank To: http://example.domain.com/newfolder/file.html?...

Apache IpMatch?

Apache allows to apply certain configuration using FileMatch, Location and the rest. Is it possible to apply a certain configuration using IP as a condional Something like this: # some rules here. ...

Cannot connect to local database.

Hi, I have apache and mysql set up on my local machine (Mac). Whenever I go to any of my local sites I get the "Error establishing a database connection" whenever anything mySql related happens. It was working perfectly yesterday, but when I started my computer today it is not. I can login to mysql on the terminal and that all works...

Mod_rewrite - How to tell Google to dynamically delete pages from their index after 7 days

Search engines like to crawl and index webpages or URLs, but what if your webpages/URLs have expired content and you do not want them to be indexed after so many days? Can you put an expiration in the URL and have mod_rewrite 301 redirect pages after a given expiration date? Or maybe a cron job to add a 301 redirect header to all expir...

HTTP Content-type header for cached files

Hello, Using Apache with mod_rewrite, when I load a .css or .js file and view the HTTP headers, the Content-type is only set correctly the first time I load it - subsequent refreshes are missing Content-type altogether and it's creating some problems for me. I can get around this by appending a random query string value to the end of e...

Minimum requirements to use Indefero + SVN

Hey everyone, I made sure there wasn't a similar discussion before posting but forgive me if I am mistaken. Question: Can I use Indefero - http://www.indefero.net/ - with SVN on a linux server if I do not have any sort of web interface installed for Apache? Instead, I want to use Indefero with SVN by just using the svnserve server. Fr...

Does mod_rewrite work for windows servers too?

Does mod_rewrite work for windows servers too? If not, how does windows use regular expressions the same way you can using the .htaccess file in Apache? ...

Can't run os.system command in Django?

We have a Django app running on apache server (mod_python) on a windows machine which needs to call some r scripts. To do so it would be easiest to call r through os.system, however when django gets to the os.system command it freezes up. I've also tried subprocess with the same result. We have a possibly related problem in that Djang...

Init modules in apache2

Hello, I used to write apache modules in apache 1.3, but these days I am willing to pass to apache2. The module that I am writing at the moment has is own binary data, not a database, for performance purposes. I need to load this data in shared memory, so every child can access it without making his own copy, and it would be practical to...

.htaccess is not working at all

i want to change this url localhost/classAds/classInc/home.php to localhost/classAds/classInc/home/ for this i created .htacess file as follow, RewriteEngine On #Turn on the rewriting engine RewriteRule ^home/?$ home.php [NC,L] #Handle requests for "home" and put this file in C:\wamp\www\classAds and ...

How to redirect multiple folders to the reflecting subdomain with .htaccess

Hi, i tried redirecting some folders to the subdomains with the same names as the folders. I tried this way but it didn't work: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.domain.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(test1|test2)(.*?)$ http://$1.domain.com$2 [R=301,L] I guess the problem is that the alternation of folders doesn't return a result that i can get ...

Use WampServer's MySQL as a real MySQL for going on the net.

Is this a right thing to do? I am using the Apache/Tomcat that comes with the liferay portal bundle and I used the MySQL that comes with WampServer at home but now I want to transfer my portal to a real Server and I wanted to know whether I could still use the Wamp's MySQL or should I install a real MySQL (What's the difference?) Thanks ...

why is apache not clearing the semaphores?[Reasons]

Could some shed some light on why apache semaphore are left over? Might be bcoz of Buggy php module/Defective RAM? Thanks. ...

How to use external apache htdocs and mysql data directory outside the xampp directory in xampp 1.7.0?

I am using xampp 1.7.0 and simply want to use directories outside of the xampp directory as apache htdocs and mysql data directory. I've googled it and found many solutions but none of them are working in my pc! ...

How can I make a virtual host accept multiple domains?

I have two different domains I want to use for this website, how can I configure the virtual host to make this work? Is it possible to assign it more than one server name? Help! ...

Stopping and Starting Apache Using PHP (!)

Hello all, I have two problems which are related. 1) I have a batch file that contains this: net stop wampapache net start wampapache Which tries to stop and start my wamp server. When I double click the stop.bat file with the above it works successfully. When I try to run that from my PHP script, it stops the server but doesn't sta...

Anyone know any good backend user online file manager?

Hi I'm looking for a backend system where your clients can login and upload files to your server, download files from the server and you can delete the users, create users, etc. I do not know the proper name for this kind of software. Maybe its called online file manager? Any recommendations? My server supports PHP, apache and mysq. Th...

Appdomain recycle settings on mod_mono & Apache

How does one control the application recycle settings for an ASP.NET application runnin on mod_mono & Apache ? On IIS6 & 7 there was an option to specify either a time period, a number of requests, etc. when the AppDomain would be recycled and the application would basically do an Application_End() / Application_Start(). I am seeing th...

Apache Benchmark and Codeigniter problem

Hi, When using something like: ab -n 1000 -c 10 h t t p : / / localhost / ci I get about 380 requests/sec. When using: ab -n 1000 -c 10 h t t p : / / localhost / ci / I get about 12 requests/sec. Does anyone knows what's going on? Thanks Edit: Tried HttpFox for Firefox and what i see is that when putting localhost/ci it shows a 3...