
Is it possible to have asynchronous processing

Hi, I have a requirement where I need to send continuous updates to my clients. Client is browser in this case. We have some data which updates every sec, so once client connects to our server, we maintain a persistent connection and keep pushing data to the client. I am looking for suggestions of this implementation at the server end....

Browser Incompatible Please Use Mozilla Firefox 3.2 above OR IE 8.0 above

Hi, chrome browser showing this: Browser Incompatible Please Use Mozilla Firefox 3.2 above OR IE 8.0 above for website http://test.theartness.com/... I didn't understand what causing this error. i checked char encoding etc etc. everything.. I have seen in http://web-sniffer.net/ , it seems server sending that response for netscap...

Use Mod_Rewrite to Rewrite ROOT to Another Path

Note: I have tried the suggestions under this question but they either don't work or give me an infinite redirect loop error. I have the following in my .htaccess file: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / # Rewrite old links to new Redirect 301 /howitworks.php /ho...

Gateway page system

I'm trying to alter the way we currently provide a gateway page system within our CMS. What i mean by gateway page is mapping a non-existent URL to a page through a rewrite rule in the .htaccess, e.g. RewriteRule ^foobar$ page.php?mode=bar&method=foo&id=1 This allows people to create short links to CMS pages for magazine adverts etc. ...

Can you configure the sample length for mod_status requests per second?

The Apache Module mod_status allows you to view the current average requests per second being served. It measures this average over a fairly long period of time however (I don't know exactly how long). Is it possible to modify this length to something shorter so that I can get a more accurate idea of the current load on the server? ...

Apache friendly urls

Hi everyone. I've got a small CMS system written in PHP and running on Apache. The format of the URLs this CMS system uses/generates is: /display.php?PageID=xxx where xxx is just some integer number. As you can see, those URLs are not very friendly, neither for users nor search engines. I believe that using mod_rewrite (or something...

How do I force SSL for some URLs and force non-SSL for all others?

I'd like to ensure that certain URLs on my site are always accessed via HTTPS while all other URLs are accessed via HTTP. I can get either case working in my .htaccess file, however if I enable both, then I get infinite redirects. My .htaccess file is: <IfModule mod_expires.c> # turn off the module for this directory ExpiresActive off...

Logs are filling up with httpclient.wire.content dumps. How can I turn it off?

My catalina logs are filling up with gobs of statements like: /logs/catalina.out:2010-05-05 02:57:19,611 [Thread-19] DEBUG httpclient.wire.content - >> "[0x4] [0xc][0xd9][0xf4][0xa2]MA[0xed][0xc2][0x93][0x1b][0x15][0xfe],[0xe]h[0xb0][0x1f][0xff][0xd6][0xfb] [0x8f]O[0xd4][0xc4]0[0xab][0x80][0xe8][0xe4][0xf2][\r]I&[0xaa][0xd2]BQ[0xdb](zq[...

need help with 301 redirect and seo urls

Ok, i used the below to "seoize" my urls. It works great..the only problem is when i go to the old page it doesnt redirect to the new page.. so i have a feeling i will get two pages indexed in google... how can i just permenantly redirect the old pages eto new urls... RewriteRule ^city/([^/]+)/([^/]+) /rate-page.php?state=$1&city=$2 [NC...

Find hosted directories Jetty/Apache

Hi, Let say I have a directory which is being hosted by Jetty or Apache (i'd like an answer for both), i know the URL including the port and i can log into the server. How can i find the directory that is being hosted by a certain port? I'd also like to go the other way, i have a folder on the server, which i know if being hosted, but...

How does PHP interface with Apache?

Hi, I've almost finished writing a HTTP/1.0 compliant web server under Java (no commercial usage as such, this is just for fun) and basically I want to include PHP support. I realize that this is no easy task at all, but I think it'll be a nice accomplishment. So I want to know how PHP exactly interfaces with the Apache web server (or ...

Httpd Process High memory usage and slow page loads

Hello all, I am running wampserver on my windows vista machine. I have been doing this for a long time and it has been working great. I have completed loads of projects with this setup. However, today, without me changing anything (no configuration etc) only PHP code changes, I find that every time I load pages of my site (those with u...

Running PHP,MySQL and apache in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

Hello all, I have installed native apache and mysql,php in my linux server. I tried a page using phpinfo() and it worked.But when I try my own pages, the execution of the page stops when it comes to the php tag, even the css tag following it doesn't come to the browser. Please help me how to fix this issue.. Thanks in advance ...

File Upload in GXT discriminates against certain file types

We are using GXT (EXT + GWT) and Apache commons file upload servlet utility. We have file uploads working but certain types are not uploaded, e.g., text files. Even if the text files have their extension changed they are still not uploaded. In the FileUploadBase.parseRequest method this is the code that seems to be found to skip the...

apache mod_rewrite making permanent url problem

In file .htaccess <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^\/*get_post\/(.*)$ get_post.php?slug=$0 [L] </IfModule> If I type http://example.com/get_post/abcde, I get an empty array of $_GET variable. How can I achieve the effect like...

php script randomly hangs up

I install php 5 (more precisely 5.3.1) as apache module. After this one of my application becomes randomly hang up on mysql_connect - sometimes works, sometimes no, sometimes reload of page helps. How can this be fixed? I use Windows Vista, Apache/2.2.14 (Win32) PHP/5.3.1 with php module, MySql 5.0.67-community-nt. After a minute I o...

LAMP stack on home computer as a public web server

So I'm using this website: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_debian_lamp_server to setup LAMP on my Ubuntu Virtual Machine. Here is my question though, This will enable me to program and test through localhost. How can I set this up so anyone on the web can access my .php pages from any Internet capable device, and they will still int...

django authentication .htaccess static

In my app users can upload files for other users. To make the uploaded files accesible only for the addresse I need some kind of static files authentication system. My idea, is to create the apache hosted directory for each user and to limit access to this derectory using .htaccess. This means that each time new django user is created,...

PHP - a different open_basedir per each virtual host

Hi I've came across on this problem, I have a sever running apache and php. We have many virtual hosts but we've noticed that a potentially malicious user could use his web space to browse other user's files(via a simple php script) and even system files, this could happens due to the php permissions. A way to avoid it is to set the open...

cgi.FieldStorage always empty - never returns POSTed form Data

This problem is probably embarrassingly simple. I'm trying to give python a spin. I thought a good way to start doing that would be to create a simple cgi script to process some form data and do some magic. My python script is executed properly by apache using mod_python, and will print out whatever I want it to print out. My only pro...