
Changing Apache2.2.11 httpd.conf has no effect

Hi, Hopefully someone can help here. I recently installed wampserver ver 2.0 with Apache ver 2.2.11. My issue is, I have some large php scripts which timeout at the default 5 min (300 sec) browser limit (I'm using ie8). It is critcal I get this limit extended. I have tried changing the httpd.conf file to include the following: TimeOut 12...

Strange 301 redirect problem

Hi all, I'm trying to redirect all URLs that start with "/?page=" to "/stuff/?page=" I have this in my .htaccess file: RewriteEngine on RedirectMatch 301 ^/?page=/(.*)$ http://www.mysite.com/stuff/$1 But it's not working.. What am I doing wrong? ...

What is mod_php...?

Hi everybody... First of all, Pardon this complete n00b question... While going through the zend tutorial here i came across the following statement... Note that the php_flag settings in .htaccess only work if you are using mod_php. Can someone explain what that means...??? Thanks and Regards.... ...

Apache Rewrite problems with my blog

Hey Guys, I am having a hard time getting the rewrite rule setup correctly for my website&blog. Here is the current line in Apache's virtual host: RewriteRule ^/(?:blog|apc|_em|phpsecinfo|blog/)/ - [L] I am able to access my URL at www.domainname.com/blog/ But I am unable to access it at www.domainname.com/blog (without the ending ...

Apache mod_rewrite replace characters in REQUEST_URI

I'm trying to write some .htaccess rules that replace certain characters in the REQUEST_URI parameter. Specifically, I want to replace the following: "<" = &lt; ">" = &gt; "'" = &apos; '"' = &#x22; ")" = &#x29; "(" = &#x28; Example URL could be http://www.example.com/?&lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;/script&gt;&amp;q=")("&lt;script') I'v...

Problem when uploading php file

can anybody explain why uploaded php files treated by a server as a text file ? The symptom is when i try to access a php file, the server send me the content of the file. i have edited and put part of content as asked. This is output i see in the browser *** WHAT : Removinng Meta Box in Post using $pageshow thing WHY :*************...

How do I set up mod rewrite to do this?

Hi guys heres the scene - I'm building a web application which basically creates accounts for all users. Currently its setup like this the file structure: root/index.php root/someotherfile.php root/images/image-sub-folder/image.jpg root/js/somejs.js When users create an account they choose a fixed group name and then users can join th...

[Apache] How to rewrite url to multiple query parameters?

How to rewrite a url like: http://domain.com/class/method/parameter1/parameter2/.../parameterN to http://domain.com/index.php?c=class&amp;m=method&amp;p1=parameter1&amp;...&amp;pN=parameterN The main idea is to create the possibility of using unlimited number of query parameters. Thanks. ...

newbie: Rails on remote Apache server not displaying index.html.erb

I played around with Rails on my laptop (running Linux + Apache + MySQL) and had no trouble getting the Getting Started with Rails tutorial to work locally. Now I'm trying the same thing at work on a remote Mac OS X + Apache server, and things aren't quite so rosy. I typed rails blog -d mysql to create a directory called blog in /Libra...

how to run fastcgi

I have fastcgi installed and running. I downloaded a developerkit from fastcgi.com. It had some examples in it. One of the example files echos some stuff. It required a .libs and a .deps I put those folders along with a echo.fcgi file and into the webroot/cgi-bin. If I got to the echo.fcgi url, it works great. I created a simple c file ...

Disable apache catch-all subdomain

Hi, I have a problem with my apache2 configuration and I hope someone here can help me. There is one server with one IP and a few domains. should have /var/www/ as DocumentRoot http://www.domain1.com should have /var/www/domain1.com as DocumentRoot http://blog.domain1.com should have /var/www/blog.d...

HTACCESS Rewrite on directories

I have the following code in my Root htaccess file RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^paperviewmagazine.com RewriteRule (.*) http://www.paperviewmagazine.com/$1 [R=301,L] It works fine for the main site, but for my forums at /forums/ if someone misses off the www it will show the page and not redirect to the www.paperviewmagazine.com/forums/ i...

Can Apache httpd be made to log errors to console instead of log files under Windows?

I'm doing infrequent development with Apache/PHP on my Windows machine so I've opted to run apache as a console process instead of a service. It would be nice if errors could be logged to the console window instead of a logfile so I can see them immediately. Can this be done somehow? It doesn't seem that apache has such a capability buil...

disable memcache and apc

I'm working on a PHP script on a remote server-- apparently the caching is more than a bit too aggressive, since even after I change the code of the page, the result is the same when the page is called from a browser (I get an error about a command that I've totally commented out, and it's a simple page). Is there a way to disable memca...

.htaccess - proxy AND browser caching???

In .htaccess, how do I specify a file type to be cached via browser and proxy? Cache-control for needs to be "private" for browser, "public" for proxy. However, I can't define Cache-Control to be private AND public for same file type. It seems like I have to choose between browser or proxy caching. Suggestions? ...

Redirect Large Number of URLs (HTML Files) to Wordpress

Hi, I have over 2000 HTML files that are now in Wordpress blog. I have the URL Map of Old_file.html and new wordpress URL. I want 301 redirect but don't want to add 2000 lines to htaccess. Can you please suggest how to accomplish this using PHP so that when there is a request for old url, the php script should lookup into the database ...

PHP session corrupt

Using symfony framework 1.4 I have created a website. I'm using sfguard for authentication. Now, this is working great on WAMP (windows). I can login to several accounts on different browsers and use the website. I have ubuntu server 9.10 running apache (everything up to date and default configuration). On my server, when I login to th...

Apache + Mod_wsgi returning 502 Bad Gateway!

Hi folks, I'm serving Django with mod_wsgi and Apache... unfortunately requests are returning 502 Bad Gateway error messages... Received a invalid response HttpResponse('OK') is affected by this render_to_response('...') is not! any ideas?!? ...

Favicon for all the pages in my website

I've learned that the way to add favicon for a web page is to have the following lines in the page. <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" type="image/x-icon" href="http://mysite.com/faviconfilename.ico"/&gt; <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="http://mysite.com/faviconfilename.ico" /> Should i add this code in each and every page my site h...

What effect does an OSS Contributor's License Agreement (CLA) have?

Scenario: Project A has existed for some time and is licensed using Apache 2.0. Big Project B is going to use and perhaps redistribute Project A and requires a contributor's licensing agreement (CLA) (not copyright transfer). Project B will offer it's works under the GPL and as proprietary software. Where does that leave project A, of...