
Django Deploy trouble

Well, i've walking around this for a couples of days now... I think is time to ask for some help, i think my installation is ok... Server OS: Centos 5 Python -v 2.6.5 Django -v (1, 1, 1, 'final', 0) my apache conf: <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot /opt/workshop ServerName taller.antell.com.py WSGIScriptAlias / /opt/workshop/...

mod_rewrite with anchor link

Hi, thanks for looking. I know you can't redirect anchor URLs to another page, but is it possible to redirect a URL to only a single anchor? So http://www.example.com/video/{title} always gets sent to http://www.example.com/video.php?title={title}#player The only thing that changes is the title, anchor is always the same... I ne...

How do I redirect image requests to a specific folder?

I currently have a vhost.conf file, setup for a staging server. The problem I'm running into is that I need to have the staging server actually call (only) images from the production server. So, all other file types will call from the staging server, but any image request pulls data from production server. How would I do this using Apach...

How do I find out the version of HTTP in a request using PHP and Apache

I need to determine whether an HTTP request was an HTTP/1.0 or an HTTP/1.1 request in my PHP script, which is running under Apache. Is there a way to query this information? ...

django/apache permissions problem

I'm running a django project on Centos 5.4 and serving it with httpd/mod_wsgi. I can't figure out the correct permissions for /home/website/django_project so that I don't get a 403 error. In my httpd.conf the user and group to run httpd as is apache. The group django is set up with website and apache as members. The owner of /home/web...

mod_rewrite/GoDaddy problem

Ok, so I really don't know much about mod_rewrite and I'm looking over the apache docs and still not figuring this out. Here is my htaccess (which is mostly just copy & pasted from a site I found): .htaccess in base dir: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^$ public/ [L] RewriteRule (.*) public...

Can Apache/Tomcat allow multiple incoming DNS served by one app "host"?

Is there a way to setup apache and tomcat so that I can have d1.webapp.com d2.webapp.com d3.webapp.com etc. All hosted by the same tomcat instance without having to add aliases to the HOSTS element in the tomcat config file? I will be allowing new users to have thier own domain when they sign up and it will be a subdomain of the web ...

mod_rewrite in conjunction with "options indexes"

I have a directory ("files") where sub-directories and files are going to be created and stored over time. The directories also need to deliver a directory listing, using "options indexes", but only if a user is authenticated, and authorized. I have that part built, and working, by doing the following: <Directory /var/www/html/files> ...

How can I make PHP display the error instead of giving me 500 Internal Server Error

This has never happened before. Usually it displays the error, but now it just gives me a 500 internal server error. Of course before, when it displayed the error, it was different servers. Now I'm on a new server (I have full root, so if I need to configure it somewhere in the php.ini, I can.) Or perhaps its something with Apache? I've...

Apache mod_rewrite RewriteCond to by-pass static resources not working

I can't for the life of me fathom out why this RewriteCond is causing every request to be sent to my FastCGI application when it should in fact be letting Apache serve up the static resources. I've added a hello.txt file to my DocumentRoot to demonstrate. The text file: ls /Sites/CioccolataTest.webapp/Contents/Resources/static hello...

Spawning multiple C-executable processes with Apache/FastCGI

I've not been successful in finding help with this issue. What I want to do is following: I have some C-based executables that implement the server side logic. There should be one process running this executable per client. The process should be invoked upon the first HTTP request form the client and killed once a specific HTTP request c...

Apache/Linux intranet website not opening

I have 2 PCs. 1 Windows XP Pro IP:, 2 Fedora 11 with Apache2 server IP: On my Fedora there is a website which i can browse using localhost/somesite. I want to access that site from my Windows XP. I tried address, but Firefox says "Unable to Connect". I can ping Fedora fr...

Access to content disposition header in php/server

I am doing some debugging in php and I need to take a look at the full headers sent to the server in including the multipart form-data information stored in content disposition. However apache_request_headers() doesn't return that information. Any clues? I am also happy to look at a non php solution if possible ...

How does browser work with expiration headers, cache-control headers, last-modified-header ?

I am a web developer, have worked with PHP and .NET both. having over a year of experience working on web I haven't been able to understand the browser caching features thoroughly, I hope Web Gurus here can help me with it. Questions I have in my mind are : How does browser actually caches stuff, does it request for to see if the cache...

Django website on Apache with wsgi failing

I have a website I've built in django that I'm trying to get working on our corporate Apache server (on debian) for our intranet at my workplace. Unfortunately, Apache keeps returning server errors whenever I try to navigate to my site. Although I can navigate to the statics folder. My Apache config and wsgi script look like the followin...

Stop people from viewing contents of a directory

I want to stop people from viewing the contents of my images directory. I've built an app using Codeigniter and notice that they just have index.html pages with a 403 Forbidden message in all directories - is this a secure method to use? Is an index.html page in the directory sufficient or do I need to update config or .htaccess? ...

Lock web app only work for intranet

some week in the future i will have job to create php web app that will work as billing process. As the client and my team agree upon, the web app will only deploy in their internal server. This need arose some fundamental questions for myself. how do we lock the web app really really will work only in internal server and not in intern...

redirect all bots using htaccess apache

What .htaccess rewriterule should i use to detect known bots, for example the big ones: altavista, google, bing, yahoo I know i can check for their ips, or hosts, but is there a better way? ...

How to turn dynamic URL into static URL

I am developing a website using PHP and Apache. I wanna turn my URLs from www.example.com/book.php?book=title into something like this, if it is possible of course: www.example.com/book/title Notice that the title of the books are unique and cannot be repeated. I`ve read about this, but none of the posts were clear enough for a beg...

Abstracting AuthLDAPBindPassword from .htaccess

I have several .htaccess files that use mod_auth_ldap for authorization to different files/directories. They bind to LDAP with a username/password. Is there a way that I could set the AuthLDAPBindPassword in the Apache config instead of in each .htaccess, so that I don't have the password in a bunch of places? I'm thinking that I could...