
RewriteRule and php download counter

(1) I have a site that serves up MP3 files: http://domain/files/1234567890.mp3 (2) I have a php script that tracks file download counts: http://domain/modules/download_counter.php?file=/files/1234567890.mp3 After download_counter.php records the download, it redirects to the original file: Header("Location: $FQDN_url"); (3) I'd li...

Apache/Django subdomains problem

Now I have apache configuration which works only with localhost domain (http://localhost/). Alias /media/ "/ścieżka/do/instalacji/django/contrib/admin/media/" Alias /site_media/ "/ścieżka/do/plikow/site_media/" <Location "/"> SetHandler python-program PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE...

Apache/Django subdomains problem

Now I have apache configuration which works only with localhost domain (http://localhost/). Alias /media/ "/ścieżka/do/instalacji/django/contrib/admin/media/" Alias /site_media/ "/ścieżka/do/plikow/site_media/" <Location "/"> SetHandler python-program PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE...

How can I send parameters to a sub-index page?

Hello. I have a homepage, for example: www.example.com. There is a url like this: www.example.com/subdirectory/page.php?var1=A&var2=B It's a long url, so I changed it like this: www.example.com/subdirectory/page/A/B as well as I config the .htaccess file: <Files page> ForceType application/x-httpd-php </Files> Howe...

JSF (and friends) tags vs. traditional html tags

So this question came up today and I didn't have a specific or scientific answer. What are the costs associated with using jsf (or tomahawk, faclets, etc., etc.) tags in place of traditional html tags. My gut reaction is that you should use jsf tags in situations where you need the additional functionality they provide, and use traditi...

Apache Rewrite rule confusion

I'm trying to convert a simple url (below) in to a blog-style url, but not quite sure how to do it, all of my other rules are working fine, but I can't seem to figure this one out. URL I want to convert: http://www.website.com/myblog.php?id=1&amp;title=My+blog+title URL I want it to create: http://www.website.com/1/my-blog-title What ...

zend server ce::rewrite_mod:: What should I do to enable rewrite mod in zend server ce?

zend server ce::rewrite_mod:: What should I do to enable rewrite mod in zend server ce? ...

Problem with redirecting *.example.com & example.com to www.example.com for HTTPS

We have a site I'll call example.com. Most of the time you see http://www.example.com and sometimes we redirect you to https://www.example.com. We want to redirect anyone going to http://example.com or http://*.example.com to http://www.example.com, and the same for https. (It's mainly to avoid the alert you get if you go to https://exa...

Django sessions don't work with Apache installed on Ubuntu

In production server I can't login to my website. I know that it is some bug of Django with MD5 crypt or something like that, but unfortunately I don't remember what I should do. I am searching the answer since half day, but I can't find this website where was explained this problem. DO you know how I can do sessions working. ...

pgsql.so is not loaded in PHP

Hi, I've been tasked to create a PHP app which accesses an existing PostgreSQL database. This is my first time working with Postgre, not to mention the PHP has already been installed in the Linux box on which the app is supposed to run. I have no experience setting up this stuff, I just code. My question is that I can't seem to get the ...

access_log is huge, not being archived. how to reset it ?

Hello, I have discovered that my access_log is occupying most of my HDD. It's over 200 GB in size. How can I reset it ? I am using Apache 2.2.3 on a CentOS server with Plesk. Thank you guys ! ...

How to write rewrite rule in htaccess file.

I have a problem with rewrite rule my link is www.something/group/group_id/place/groupName for this rewriteBase / RewriteRule ^group/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)$ /group.php?gid=$1 [QSA,NC,L] somet times my url may come www.something/group/group_id/groupName. In Both cases I have to rewrite to group.php and I need only groupid. How to write rewr...

Simulating a 2-level If-Else using RewriteCond

Hi! I'm trying to get my head around RewriteCond, and want to rewrite any requests either to a static html page (if it exists), or to a specific index.php (so long as the requested file doesn't exist). To illustrate the logic: if HTTP_HOST is '(www\.)?mydomain.com' if file exists: "/default/static/{REQUEST_URI}.html", then ...

How do I create a simple, custom WebDav application?

Hi all, To provide some context, I'm interested in the creation of an app which allows editing of HTML interfaces, simplifying things down a bit though I want to investigate WebDav as an option for controlling the collaborative data aspect of this app. I want several collab features to be a part of what I'm building. I'm running WAMPP ...

htaccess: Custom redirect from any folder to home.

I have site with these files and foldes: /index.php ( that include php files contained in folder1 and folder2 ) /config.php /folder1/ /folder2/ I want this: when a user point to any folder ( folder1, folder2 or any other folder ) then he is redirected to index.php How could I do that ? ...

Manually filling opcode cache for entire app using apc_compile_file, then switching to new release.

Does anyone have a great system, or any ideas, for doing as the title says? I want to switch production version of web app-- written in PHP and served by Apache-- from release 1234 to release 1235, but before that happens, have all files already in the opcode cache (APC). Then after the switch, remove the old cache entries for files fro...

Mod Rewrite - Redirecting based on having GET parameters or not

I want to redirect these URLs: http://example.com/search to http://example.com/?page=search http://example.com/search?q=keyword to http://example.com/?page=search&amp;q=keyword I am trying to use this in .htaccess but doesn't work: RewriteRule ^search$ ?page=search [nc] RewriteRule ^search\?(.*)$ ?page=search&$1 [nc] What am I doi...

Eclipse - Webserver autorun

I'd like to set some autorun task to Eclipse, or simply set the command with path, how to run my Apache while starting Eclipse. My point is, that I don't want webserver (Apache) to be running after OS start, because it's useless load for my laptop. I usually want webserver use when I start Eclipse, so I think there could be an option, w...

how to force apache to crash?

I want to test something when apache crashes. The thing I want to test involves Windows asking me if it wants to send an error report. Any way to make Apache crash and ask me to send an error report on it? Thanks ...

the '.htaccess' file won't work on my apache server

Hi, I have an Apache server installed on my windows machine using XAMPP. Now I'm trying to use a premade .htaccess file for one of my projects, but it doesn't seem to be seeing it. The project just totally ignores it, even though I've enabled mod_rewrite. Any idea how I can troubleshoot this? I can't fix it if it just doesn't work and ...