
How do I add paths to the Apache PATH variable?

I've set in my custom.conf file in apache2 this: SetEnv PATH $PATH:/opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin:/this-is-a-test However it's not working. When I call: $hey = shell_exec('env'." 2>&1"); var_dump($hey); I get: ... PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/git/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/opt/local...

How to diganose an unlogged Error 500 on Apache?

We are running a very simple Symfony script, that randomly returns an Error 500. The system administrator says he can't find any trace of an Error 500 on the error logs, however using Curl or Firebug, it is obvious that an Error 500 is being returned. The script simply parses a POST request submitted to an URL on our server. We already...

rewrite URL for PUT request

Hi, I changed the way my URL are working on my server. It is now www.myserver.com/service instead of www.myserver.com/test/service I have added a RedirectMatch 301 to my Apache conf file to redirect any access to www.myserver.com/test to www.myserver.com/. I am receiving file to this server via an HTTP PUT at this URL for example : ww...

What is correct HTTP status code when redirecting to a login page?

When a user is not logged in and tries to access an page that requires login, what is the correct HTTP status code for a redirect to the login page? I don't feel that any of the 3xx fit that description. 10.3.1 300 Multiple Choices The requested resource corresponds to any one of a set of representations, each with its own ...

Convert Apache Htaccess rules to Lighttpd

Hi... I want to convert the following .htaccess rules to lighttpd. Can anyone please help me ? DirectoryIndex index.php RewriteEngine On #RewriteBase /your-sub-directory RewriteRule ^index.php/rewrite-test index.php/rewrite-pass [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)//(.*)$ RewriteRule . %1/%2 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-...

software to auto-backup MYSQL + images etc on Server to Network HD in my house?

While i'm sure i can write a CRON to do this and some how open the ports on a network hd in my house, to be honest i'd rather spend a bit of money on some good software with a nice visual interface! are there any such all-in-one server backup systems? nightly backups of the MYSQL db weekly backups of entire site (images etc) my serv...

Lamp with mod_fastcgi

Hi! I am building a cgi application, and now I would like it to be like an application that stands and parses each connection, with this, I can have all session variables saved in memory instead of saving them to file(or anyother place) and loading them again on a new connection I am using lamp within a linux vmware but I can't seem to...

AWK: compare apache dates without using regular expression

I'm writing a loganalysis application and wanted to grab apache log records between two certain dates. Assume that a date is formated as such: 22/Dec/2009:00:19 (day/month/year:hour:minute) Currently, I'm using a regular expression to replace the month name with its numeric value, remove the separators, so the above date is converted to...

How can I tell Phusion Passenger which python to use?

I'm using Phusion Passenger with a ruby app and I'd also like to set it up to work with an django appengine app I'm working on. Googling for "passenger_wsgi.py" I was able to get the following very simple non-django app working on passenger: passenger_wsgi.py: def application(environ, start_response): response_headers = [('Content-...

Is there a major downside to using .htaccess files in your svn/git repository?

If our .htaccess files are purely for mod rewrites, is there a security / development downside to committing .htaccess files alongside other files in your repository? For various reasons (our SEO optimisers like to add pretty urls as new promotions occur, etc) we need a fair few rewrite rules inside these files. Would I be better off pu...

PHP/Apache: Permission settings for uploaded JPEG image files not correct.

I just setup a LAMP development server and am still trouble-shooting some things. The server is installed on one computer and I use a Windows laptop to write my code and test the site via the web browser. My file uploading script works in that JPEG image files are successfully uploaded to the server, but when I try to view the images in...

Flash object wont load inside the application but loads in separated file.

I have a Flash object that loads fine in a static sample HTML but doesnt inside the application. I saw something interesting in firebug. When the page loads the object is loaded two times. In the first one I get a Partial Response status but the content-type of the package is right. In the second time the whole package is transfered but ...

mod_rewrite module in Apache

hi i read mod_rewrite module installed in my Apache server! to implement clean url. My apache server is 2.0. I can't see this module in my php info. How i install this module. Does any one tell me ? ...

Access Rails under /app/, not /app/public/

I'm trying to deploy Rails 2.1.2 with Apache 2.2.10 and FastCGI (yeah, bad, ancient, ugly, I know). And I know it's no programming question, but please bear with me. My application can be accessed via example.com/app/public/, but I want to access it via example.com/app/. In my .htaccess-File (in the app/-directory!) I have: RewriteEng...

how to install\turn on Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming Origin Module on an Apache HTTP Server?

how to install\turn on Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming Origin Module on an Apache HTTP Server? ...

Apache installation in folder with chinese characters in name

I would like to install an Apache server into a folder like c:\anything\思怞怟\anything2\ under windows. When I try to start the service it sais that: httpd: Syntax error on line xx of C:/anything/\xe6\x80\x98\xe6\x80\x99\e6\80\9a/anything2/apache/conf/httpd.conf: ServerRoot must be a valid directory Does anyone have a solution? ...

redirect external subdomain traffic

Hi, I have apache installed on one of my server on two different ports, all http requests are handled by the apache on the default (80). Now I have a subdomain for a domain and I want the request for the sub domain to be handled by the apache on the other port (10024). I've tried using RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^sub...

Fatal error: Call to undefined function msg_get_queue()

I am trying to run a script on my local machine, I am on MAC OSX leopard. I have PHP 5.2.x installed and Apache2. I am trying to test this script but I keep getting this error. I googled around a little and saw something where it said it might only be available on linux/unix machines but I find that hard to believe. ...

Run Apache on port 81 with SeLinux Off

I have done "semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 81" and modified httpd.conf to listen on port 81. After restart httpd service it is not working. but it is working with default port 80. I have checked my SeLinux and it is in fact disabled. Can some one get me out of it? ...

TV Guide script - getting current date programmes to show

This is part of my TV guide script: //Connect to the database mysql_connect("localhost","root","PASSWORD"); //Select DB mysql_select_db("mytvguide"); //Select only results for today and future $result = mysql_query("SELECT programme, channel, episode, airdate, expiration, setreminder FROM mediumonair where airdate...