
Webserver concurrent connections

Where can I get statistics of concurrent connections that can be handled by Apache and IIS? Which one will serve more requests in peak times? Thank you, Sri ...

Web publishing system with code highlighting

I'd like to publish some of the many programs I've written on the web. Is there a syntax highlighting Linux web publishing application (CMS/Blog/RoR app) that displays syntax for C++, Python, Bash scripts, SQL, VBA, awk, Erlang, java, makefiles, Ruby, Pascal and other languages? The more syntax settings configuration files, the bette...

PHP and Apache block while i'm sending a email using smtp

Hi. i'm using php 5.3 apache 2.2 and phpmailer library to send mails using smtp and the process is ok. the problem is that send a email using smtp require some time to occurs and while this happen, the apache doesn't process any other request. how can i fix it? ...

Hide *.inc.php from website visitors

I have a script myscript.inc.php which handles all urls that look like /script-blah I accomplish this by using following .htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^script-(.*)$ myscript.inc.php?s=$1 [QSA,L] However users could also access it this way by typing /myscript.inc.php?s=blah I would like to prevent that. I tried <Files ~ "\.i...

Simple mod_rewrite rule.....?

Hello. I have a edit page that looks at record_id's in the url.. I don't want the user to see any record id, that way they can't replace it with another and edit another record.... Anyways, my url is like: http://www.mywebsite.com/folder/folder_detail_edit.php?recordID=3980 I would like it to just display: http://www.mywebsite.com/f...

WAS Server - Apache critical problem

hi, I am facing critical problem for integration of WAS Server-Apache Server.I am using the WAS server for the connection pooling for the database calling...and my webpage is hosted in the apache server and the webpage serarch box is calling the WAS Server and i am using struts frame work for autocomplete action... but it is working in...

htaccess password protection and mod-rewrite?

hey guys, i wonder how i can solve the following problem. on the root directory of my server lies a file calles upload.php i want to be able to add a "/upload" (without .php) to my URL and the browser should ask for a password (and maybe username if possible). I i enter the password (and username) correctly upload.php should be opened. ...

ZF Site in ZF Site? How do I redirect form subdirectory to another subdirecotry?

The deal is that I have a ZF site for which root directory is /public. How should I go about redirecting to a subdirectory if I want to do next? I want to have another subdirectory under /public/ that would not be linked to a main website in any way except it using save ZF. Lets say I have this: /public/newsite/ which will include a com...

Magento Installation error..redirects to localhost ?!

I am unable to login into magento admin. In magento, (in newest release..) it needs proper domain to login ...but how it is possible in a local machine... I found some solution ...in magento forum here... http://www.magentocommerce.com/boards/viewthread/4337/P15/ They asked to change localhost to h t t p :// but when tri...

Mod Rewrite all traffic not from my domain and subdomains

At this time every site on my server is on the domain "mydomain.com" or "subdomain.mydomain.com", I do various re-writes depending on the subdomain used to access the site. What I want to do now, is send any request NOT from my domain or subdomains to a script for handling...... sounds simple, but I can't get it working.. This is what ...

Cannot force https on certain pages using mod rewrite

force https RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =off [NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/?(bingo/account|bank)(.*)$ RewriteRule ^.*$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/%1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =on [NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/?(bingo/account|bank).*$ RewriteRule ^.*$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] it's a nightmare, when i go to /bank i...

php script dies when it calls a bash script, maybe a problem of server configuration

Hi!!! I have some problems with a PHP script that calls a Bash script.... in the PHP script is uploaded a XML file, then the PHP script calls a Bash script that cut the file in portions (for example, is uploaded a XML file of 30,000 lines, so the Bash script cut the file in portions of 10,000 lines, so it will be 3 files of 10,000 each ...

How can I use Apache to reverse proxy a dynamic url

I want a user to be able to load a url in their browser, but not get redirected: http://example.com/abc/{var1}/{var2}/def I want the example.com apache 2.2 server to take that request, and "invisibly" and without redirect reverse proxy it to: http://other.example.com/abc/{var1}/{var2}/def I have spent hours trying different combina...

Automatic backup

I need to backup automatically daily my database in mysql and all image files on the server. Is there a way to backup these things and send it on my email address ? ...

Rewrite url for missing resource

For each web request (file or directory) that doesn't start with /en-US/, I want to serve up the original resource if it exists, otherwise serve up the /en-US/ version. How would I do this using rewrite rules in a .htaccess file? ...

problem with php_curl.dll load

related Questions didn't help ! i have a problem loading php_curl.dll under following circumstances: XAMPP for windows 1.7.2 Apache 2.2.12 PHP 5.3.0 mod_ssl enabled in http.conf php_curl.dll enabled in php/ext copied ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll in system32 checked the extension by php: if (extension_loaded('curl'))-> FALSE ! and all ...

Redirect based on Accept-Language

I need to honor the web browser's list of language preferences. Supported languages are English and French. For example: http_accept_language="jp-JP;fr;en-US;en" redirects to a directory called /French/. How can I do this with rewrite rules in my .htaccess file? ...

Getting error that the database is locked when refreshing the page

I am running apache with mod mono and my asp.net app is using mono sqlite as its db. When i refresh the page twice i get the DB is locked error. The folder it is in is chmod 777. The webapp is creating sqlite.db and sqlite.db-journal but it doesnt seem to be able to delete the journal. Also it has problems when i load the page once. It d...

Is this the right way to write a ProtocolDecoder in MINA?

public class CustomProtocolDecoder extends CumulativeProtocolDecoder{ byte currentCmd = -1; int currentSize = -1; boolean isFirst = false; @Override protected boolean doDecode(IoSession is, ByteBuffer bb, ProtocolDecoderOutput pdo) throws Exception { if(currentCmd == -1) { currentCmd = bb.get(); cu...

Use symfony 1.4 without changing apache configuration

Is it possible to set the /web directory as webroot without changing apache configuration file? I tried using the following .htaccess code, but if i go to localhost/module/, it displays 404 error. But if i go to localhost/web/module/ then everything works. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteRule sf/(.*) lib/vendo...