
iPhone Apache server and PHP

hi, i tried to install apache and php on my iphone(i actually did it), i've installed apr,apr-util and Apache BossPrefs Switch from Rock than i tried to acces the server( from safari) but i get en error(server couldn't be found). When i'm trying to switch on Apache in BossPrefs it looks like is on but still doesn't work and when...

apache mod_rewrite redirection problem

ok i am having a problem with redirection on apache, i have a domain configured on my hosting account but the domain needs to be redirected to a folder. eg: / is root of server where the mysite.com answers /mysite is where the files are so i got this htaccess code to do the job: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTT...

How do I resolve a HTTP 414 "Request URI too long" error?

I have developed a PHP web app. I am giving an option to the user to update multiple issues on one go. In doing so, sometimes the user is encountering this error. Is there any way to increase the lenght of URL in apache? ...

Themes outside application.

Hi all I read http://forum.kohanaframework.org/comments.php?DiscussionID=5744&page=1#Item_0 and I want to use similar solution, but with db. In my site controller after(): $theme = $page->get_theme_name(); //Orange Kohana::set_module_path('themes', Kohana::get_module_path('themes').'/'.$theme); $this->template = View::factory('lay...

@font-face fonts only work on their own domain

I am trying to create a type of font repository for use on my websites, so that I can call to any font in the repository in my css without any other set-up. To do this I created a subdomain on which I placed folders for each font in the repository that contained the various file types for each font. I also placed a css file called font-f...

How to get a list of programs that have connected to the Apache socket?

I have a LAMP server running. External services connect to this server (services running on iPhone). I want, from a php script, to get a list of all the services that have connected to the Apache server... How do I do it? Should I use fsockopen? Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

Does migrating a site that is 99% several megs of static HTML from Apache to Google App Enging make sense?

I have a large site of mostly static content, and I have entertained migrating to Google App Engine. I am wondering, not so much if it is possible as whether that is cutting a steak with a screwdriver. I see a way to do it in Django that has a bad design smell. Does migrating a literature site that is largely static HTML from Apache to...

safely hosting a django project over apache using centos

Error can be seen at: http://djaffry.selfip.com:8080/ I had a project working great, but I had all the files under /var/www/ and with my limited understanding it's bad, according to django's site: "If your background is in PHP, you’re probably used to putting code under the Web server’s document root (in a place such as /var/www). Wit...

How to restrict the size of file being uploaded apache + django

Hi How to restrict the size of file being uploaded. I am using django 1.1 with apache. Can I use apache for this and show some html error page if say size is bigger then 100MB. Thanks. ...

How can I run a joomla project?

Hi guys, I get a joomla template, but I can't run it. I copy it to htdocs folder in Apache(XAMPP) and when I want to run it, return this : "Restricted access" defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); // no direct access require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; please kindly advise me, Cheers, ...

Internal Server Error with mod_wsgi [django] on windows xp

when i run development server it works very well, even an empty project runing in mod_wsgi i have no problem but when i want to put my own project i get an Internal Server Error (500) in my apache conf i put WSGIScriptAlias /codevents C:/django/apache/CODEvents.wsgi <Directory "C:/django/apache"> Order allow,deny Allow from all </Dir...

Is Apache blocking I/O?

I am not familiar with internals of Apache so I am just wondering if Apache is blocking I/O or non-blocking IO? ...

Prepend 'www' to an HTTPS url using .htaccess & mod_rewrite

I have a dilemma with this one. With the following code I am able to force SSL on any non SSL url, however when the user (and results from Google) take the user to http://mysite.co.za then we hit an issue as the url is then rewritten to https://mysite.co.za Due to the fact that my certificate is bound to www.mysite.co.za it immediately ...

Sharing a session between vBulletin forum and status.net microblogging platform

Hello, I need to integrate vBulletin 4.0.3 Publishing Suite with status.net microblogging platform. The first thing I need to do is make these 2 to share 1 session so a user logged in vBulletin forums will also be logged in to status.net and vice versa. I have installed different vBulletin components under different subdomains: forum...

Problems with mod_rewrite and 301 redirects from one dynamic url to another

Hey all, I'm having all kinds of problems with a bunch of apache redirects just now and could really use some help! I'm wating to put in a 301 redirect for a load of urls from a client's old site to their new site in the following format; Old - page.php?pageNum_rs_all=0&totalRows_rs_all=112 New - page/sub?foo=bar The values in the que...

mod_xsendfile serving download.php and not the filename

Hello, The apache mod_xsendfile is a good solution for what I want but its not working properly. In firefox it serves the file but as download.php (name of the file with the code in). In safari and chrome it serves an empty file. Here is my code: header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: ...

Best way to simulate a domain?

I am going to build a website on a test server that will behave differently depending on which domain is used to access it (The real website will have multiple domains pointing to it). But how will I be able to simulate the different domains on the test server? ...

apache server is confusing with HTTPService responses

Hi, This is a very weird problem. I have an apache server on solaris with php. I wrote two php scripts that return values. Sometimes, when I run the php scripts urls on the same time, the apache server returns the result of one php script to the other php page. I tried to minimize the problem by write two php script: 1. hello.php - prin...

Remote DocumentRoot in Apache gives a 404

I have the following specified in my httpd.conf, but I get a 404 when attempting to connect to the server from another machine. If I set the docroot to the default htdocs directory, everything works fine. (note.. I've also tried replacing the "//storage/data1" part of the path with the network drive letter "U:") ServerRoot "C:/Program...

Running Zend site under Alias?

I want to run Zend site under an alias on WAMP. I am able to setup alias, but when I copy a working Zend site there and modify .htaccess to include "RewriteBase /alias", it still does not work. Error messages tell me that controller not found. Mainly this is what happen: I have: server.com/alias With Zend file structure inside (applicat...