
How increase number of allowed connections to a file in apache server 2.2 ?

I've installed apache server 2.2 on a VPS server, when i want to download a file via HTTP from my VPS using IDM, it only opens 8 of 16 possible connections (for many servers it opens all 16 connections). Is there any configuration to increase number of concurrent connections to a file in apache (or in my VPS) or this is a network or fire...

Django AND .htaccess rewrites/redirects, is this possible?

Is it possible to have Apache htaccess rewrites take effect before it hits django? I want to be able to specify RewriteRules in an htaccess file that take precedence over django, and if nothing matches then it gets dispatched to mod_wsgi/django. We're using apache2 with mod_wsgi and the apache vhost looks like this: <VirtualHost *:80>...

to get columns from Excel files using Apache POI??

Hi, In order to do some statistical analysis I need to extract values in a column of an Excel sheet. I have been using the Apache POI package to read from Excel files, and it works fine when one needs to iterate over rows. However I couldn't find anything about getting columns neither in the API (link text) nor through google searching...

Directory listing instead of Rails site after Passenger/REE upgrade

Having updated Passenger and Ruby Enterprise Edition to the latest versions today, I am now seeing a directory listing instead of my Rails app. Here's the Passenger part of my Apache config: #LoadModule passenger_module /opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.6-20090201/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-2.1.3/ext/apache2/mod_passenger.so #PassengerRoot...

Convert to lowercase in a mod_rewrite rule.

I would like URLs like server.com/foo to be case-insensitive. But server.com/foo actually gets mod_rewrite'd to server.com/somedir/foo (Assume that all the files in "somedir" are lower case.) So the question is, how to accomplish a mod_rewrite like the following: RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/?$ somedir/convert_to_lowercase($1) PS: Here's ...

Configuring Apache, Tomcat, & SVN on Snow Leopard Server

I have a Mac mini with Snow Leopard Server installed on it. I need to have Tomcat, Apache, and SVN running on this system, with Apache configured to pass JSP through to Tomcat, and SVN accessible through Apache. I've tried all sorts of things, and googled extensively, but can't find the right combination that works. I've been able to ...

Redirect failing - "...will never complete"

I am trying to redirect a blog page to a newly updated page. The old entry is gone, but it is indexed in Google, and other people have links to it. I get this error: "The page isn't redirecting properly" "Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete." The (deleted) ...

Redirect all requests to a subdirectory

Possible Duplicate: How to redirect request coming from a domain to a subdirectory invisibly? I have a drupal site install at example.com/drupal but now that the site is built I want to forward all requests to that directory, without it ever showing "drupal" in url. I think this can be done with .htaccess, but I didn't know i...

Using sub-repo with hgwebdir difficulties in mercurial

Allright I got myself in a deadlock with Mercurial and sub-repos... Here's what happenend: I had a large mercurial repo that I server via apache and hgweb.cgi. Due to the size of the repo I decided to move to sub-repositories and share these with hgwebdir.cgi. Using the convert tool with the filemap option I created several sub-reposito...

Wanted red color for text in the error message in the log file

I have a question but not sure it is possible or not. I am using apache logger for my logging which creates a log file which works fine with no issues. My question is when I open the log file I get the different messages like messages with INFO,DEBGU,ERROR etc. But I want to see the error message in red color in text in my logger file....

How to do a htaccess rewrite with a question mark ? in the original url

I've got to redirect a URL that has a question mark in it, and I just can't figure out the proper .htaccess code to make it happen. Example: redirect 301 /home.php?cat=16 http://www.example.com/furniture.html I believe I need to do a rewrite condition, but I'm no htaccess expert. ...

Installing PHP DOM functions on Apache

I have just moved my code over to a new server (running on Apache 2.2.3), and PHP's DOM functions are now returning "Fatal error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found". I did some research and it appears that the installation I am now on does not have PHP's DOM functions enabled. I need to enable these functions, so what is the quickest way t...

Apache site root for development directories on localhost

I think I'm missing something and don't think I really understand how rewriteBase works. The problem I have is that I have a production site where the site is in the root directory yet I have my development site in a localhost subdirectory. Eg http://www.sitename.com/ vs http://localhost/sitename/ If I have for example an images folder...

match 'article' in url RewriteRule

hello there. building a site which has content for each section. urls range from; /work/ /work/print/ /work/print/folders etc. however, at any point a user can click on an article so; /work/article/1066 /work/print/article/1066 /work/print/folders/article/1066 using .htaccess i need to detect when there is 'article' in the url and ...

How to config Apache to use NTLM auth for local users and Basic Auth for external?

We have an internal web site. And we have 2 goups of employees. 1. Central office they will be using NTLM auth 2. External users who don't have active directory accounts, they will use Basic Auth Can you help me find out how to config apache. ...

change document root

I have apache2 and need to change the document root folder from: /var/www/ to /var/www/SV/ Now, I have checked the httpd.conf file, but it is empty, so I read someplace that all info is nowdays placed into apache.conf. However, I cant find any "DocumentRoot" line in that file. Should I add that line? Thanks ...

Zend Server CE Apache mod_rewrite REQUEST_FILENAME SCRIPT_FILENAME Problem

Hi,there! I use this .htaccess file in a project: RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L] It works well in Apache 2.2 Recently I started to use Zend Server CE , the ReWrite Rule didn't work ! And this works: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_F...

Old mod_rewrite (htaccess) rule still applies

I had a rule in the .htaccess file in my root directory that said: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php I've completely rewritten the file since then, and the rule is still being applied. I tried restarting the Apache server and the physical server with no luck. I've also scoured the directory and there are no other .htaccess files in there or ...

What's wrong with Lotus Notes / Lotus Domino

I have a client who is using Lotus Domino for their web application/server platform. The client has two "web developers" who are more comfortable with Lotus Domino than more mainstream tools and technologies and are not enthusiastic about making a switch. I have been asked to provide an assessment of why it may be prudent to migrate to a...

Samba share on htdocs, getting permissions error on write

I've installed SAMBA on my ubuntu 10 server along with XAMPP. I'm trying to create a share to be able to easily manage files from my windows box. Unfortunately, I'm running into a write error. I can browse the share/folder just fine. I can read all the files... but I can't create any new files (or save changes to existing ones). smbd.co...