
Persistent memcached connection with Apache and CodeIgniter

I have a CodeIgniter project. I want to use Memcache, but I don't want to create a new connection every time index.php is loaded (which is on every page load). How can I set up Apache / CodeIgniter so that I always have access to a memcache connection, without having to re-establish it all the time? ...

wamp appache - polling server continuously

I've heard polling the server is not the best of ideas. Let's say I make a client-server application. A simple game for example. Where each client polls the server every half a minute. How many clients is it possible to have before it overlaods a wamp server? Basically how robust is Apache for this kind of stuff? Getting a request, aggr...

How to enable and use HTTP PUT and DELETE with Apache2 and PHP?

Hi, It should be so simple. I've followed every tutorial and forum I could find, yet I can't get it to work. I simply want to build a RESTful API in PHP on Apache2. In my VirtualHost directive I say: <Directory /> AllowOverride All <Limit GET HEAD POST PUT DELETE OPTIONS> Order Allow,Deny Allow from all </L...

Apache crashes, probably because of this piece of php code. Can you have a look?

I am working on the development of a web based application on codeigniter. I wrote this function to get the timezone data for any city or address. function gettimezone($address) { $_url = 'http://api.local.yahoo.com/MapsService/V1/geocode'; $_url .= sprintf('?appid=%s&location=%s',"phpclasses",rawurlencode($address))...

HTTP requests and Apache modules: Creative attack vectors

Slightly unorthodox question here: I'm currently trying to break an Apache with a handful of custom modules. What spawned the testing is that Apache internally forwards requests that it considers too large (e.g. 1 MB trash) to modules hooked in appropriately, forcing them to deal with the garbage data - and lack of handling in the cust...

How to create a web framework in C# without ASPX?

I've managed to get a C# asp page running under ubuntu/apache/mono, but I don't want to write my framework in these ASP pages, I want to use straight C# and then I'll use a templating language for my views. But I don't know where to begin? C# is a compiled language, so... how would I do this? Would I compile everything and then have apa...

Rewrite URL to index.php but avoid index.php in the URL

I'm trying to internally redirect all requests to index.php and externally redirect all requests that contain index.php using a .htaccess file. So URLs like http://host/test should be processed by index.php and URLs like http://host/index.php/test should be redirected to http://host/test and then processed by index.php (without redirect...

2 different php request at same time per user

I have a website which has 2 pages , (home_page.php and action_page.php)Action page takes aprx. 2 minutes to completely load (server side takes 2 minutes) . But if user clicks to home page link while action page is loading , browser does not go to home page , until action page is completely loaded . First of all what is the reason of thi...

Apache .htaccess

Hi! I have a htaccess problem. My directory structure look like this: / HEADER.html README.html /stackoverflow/ /stackoverflow/.htaccess .htaccess ServerSignature Off Options +Indexes HeaderName /HEADER.html IndexIgnore HEADER.html ReadmeName /README.html IndexIgnore /README.html IndexOptions +FancyIndexing AddCharset UTF-8 .txt In...

phusion passenger on ubuntu 10.04: why apache2-prefork-dev when we want apache2-mpm-worker?

i want to install phusion passenger together with ruby enterprise edition on x86_64 SMP ubuntu 10.04. the recommended option seems to be apache2-mpm-worker but when i run passenger-install-apache2-module the installation routine of phusion passenger complains To install Apache 2 development headers: Please run apt-get instal...

Apache 2.2 / Win7 - slow or not responsive

My configuration - Windows 7 x64, Php 5.3, Apache 2.2.15, latest Mysql. When loading pages from localhost, the response time shown by firebug is more 530ms for the main 'index.php' file, sometimes the connection is reset. It's painfully slow. I googled the problem and found a workaround - switch off and on again a win service called BF...

Help mod_rewrite to Zeus

I just found out my host is on ZEUS.. Please can somebody help me with my rewrites: domain.com/001234 redirects to domain.com/001234-some-keywords.html Apache: RewriteRule ^([0-9]{6}+)/?$ includes/redirect.php?ref=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^([0-9]{6})-.*?\.html$ templates/default/index.php?ref=$1 [L] tried this in Zeus: match URL into...

How to send file from C# to apache with mod_wsgi (django) and python?

How to send file from C# to apache with mod_wsgi (django) and python? It will be nice to see code example in both c# (client) and python (server). ...

how can I make an URL alias for my web page ?

hi, I have installed my website in a subfolder www.server.com/folder/index.php Is there any way to hide "folder/" in my url ? The only solution I can think is to change Directory Root on the apache config file, but unluckily I don't have access to it thanks Update: all the solutions provided so far are not changing the url ...

.htaccess redirect non-www to www except for a particular subdirectory

I need to redirect all example.com to www.example.com except for example.com/subdirectory which should remain as is without any redirection. ...

Php application url

Hi guys, I've a doubt. How can I configure my application to use www.mysite.com/myfolder instead of www.mysite.com/myfile.php? I need to a create a profile page for every user registered to my PHP application but it's not so clear how can I do that. I've seen it's possibile with page frame, but, if possible, I prefrer don't use it. Th...

deploying WAMP -> live site - any random tips?

In the next few weeks I'll be taking my site from the localhost (WAMP) and puting it on a new server. This will be the first site, on my first server, so basically...i'm a noob! This must be an important moment for any independent web developer / small business so i'd love to hear about some experiences, mistakes and system default sec...

Why am I getting a permission denied error on my public folder?

Hi all, This one has got me stumped. I'm deploying a Rails 3 app to Slicehost running Apache 2 and Passenger. My server is running Ruby 1.9.1 using RVM. I am receiving a permission denied error on the "public" folder in my app. My Virtual Host is setup as follows: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName sharerplane.com ServerAlias www....

Apache modules: C module vs mod_wsgi python module - Performance

Hi A client of ours is asking us to implement a module in C in Apache webserver for performance reasons. This module should handle RESTful uri's, access a database and return results in json format. Many people here have recommended python mod_wsgi instead - but for simplicity of programming reasons. Can anyone tell me if there is a ...

Connect android to database

I am doing a school project where we need to create an android application which needs to connect to a database. the application needs to gain and store information for people's profiles on the database. But unfortunatly we are a little bit stuck at this point because there are numerous ways to link the application such as http request t...